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Batfolk are humanoids with bat-like features. Since the start of their existence they have been at the center of several boogeyman stories, which is usually unjustified as they are typically quite peaceful people who tend to mind their own business. Batfolk are generally seen as a rarity, with many people never having encountered them before, especially not in more remote areas. In reality, their numbers are rather average. Their nocturnal tendencies are what keep most humanoids from encountering batfolk. When they are seen, their appearance stands out. They have large bat-like ears, eyes, and noses. They are also covered in a thin layer of fur that’s usually some shade of white, gray, black, or brown. They have sharper than average nails and teeth, and have a wing-like membrane between their arms and the side of their body, though most batfolk are unable to fly.

They are known for their exceptional hearing, though their vision sometimes abandons them. They are beloved minstrels and musicians, as well as highly skilled crafters of instruments, using their hearing to determine what makes a good note. On the other end of the spectrum, they cannot stand loud and irritating noises, and will try to avoid them if possible. It’s also said that batfolk can be charmed by using the right frequency, but perhaps that is just hearsay.

Many batfolk are also excellent hunters, and most are very environmentally conscious, culturally possessing a nuanced understanding of how insect life and pollinating plants contribute to their unique ecosystems.


Most batfolk spend their early life growing up in darker spaces such as tunnel systems, caves, or abandoned buildings. While some batfolk live in larger multiracial cities, many prefer the cultural comfort of dwelling in a city composed almost entirely of other batfolk. Regardless of size, most batfolk communities are tight- knit and in close contact with surrounding groups, eagerly welcoming any visitors from sister colonies. At the heart of any batfolk colony lies community care and the idea that it takes a village to raise a child. Batfolk rarely have just one parent and instead regard all adults that took part in raising them as their collective group of parental figures. Any wealth is shared and no one is left uncared for. Most, but not all, batfolk colonies have a matriarch. Batfolk typically stay with or close to their community for their entire life, though it’s not unusual for young adults to venture out and explore the world.

Batfolk feel most comfortable in the dark and are relatively nocturnal, but are so by choice. They can go out during the day if they wish without severe issues.

Batfolk Traits

Height: 4’0" - 5’5"

Weight: 60 - 150 lbs

Size: Medium

Speed: 20 ft

Appearance: Batfolk are humanoids with large bat-like ears, eyes, and noses. They are covered in a thin layer of fur that’s usually some shade of white, gray, black, or brown. They have sharper than average nails and teeth, and have a wing-like membrane between their arms and the side of their body, though most batfolk are unable to fly.

Lifespan: Batfolk reach maturity around the age of 16 and typically live until the age of 70, with some exceptions.

Batfolk Features

Batfolk Starting Features

At level 1, you have the following features as a batfolk.

Feature Description
Nocturnal Vision You can see up to 300 ft in dim light or darkness as if it were bright light. While in dim light or darkness, you also gain a +2 bonus to Perceiving checks relying on vision. However, you get a -2 penalty to Perceiving checks relying on vision while in bright light, and you cannot see more than 300 ft in bright light.
Enhanced Hearing You have exceptional hearing. When you make Perceiving checks relying on your hearing, you gain a +4 bonus.
Unique Feature To further define your batfolk, choose one option from the All Batfolk Features list at level 1.

All Batfolk Features

In addition to the unique feature you selected at level 1, you gain one more feature at 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 29th levels. Choose from the following features.

Feature PreReqs Description
Batfolk Flight: Glide You no longer take falling damage while using your wings. When falling, you can now move 15 ft horizontally for every 10 ft that you fall.
Batfolk Flight: Hover Batfolk Flight: Glide You flutter your wings so you can hover up to 5 ft over the ground and can remain 5 ft off the ground when you move for no additional AP.
Batfolk Flight: Soar Batfolk Flight: Hover, Character Level 15 Gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.
Boogeyman You embrace the tall tales that are sometimes told about your kind. Gain +4 Sneaking and +4 Intimidating.
Cave Climber Gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed.
Claws Gain a Claws attack.

Claws: (2 AP) Reach 5 ft Natural Weapon. +STR or DEX vs AR. Hit: 1d4+STR or DEX sharp damage.

Echolocation By spending 5 AP, you may emit a high- pitched screech on a frequency that only you and other creatures with echolocation can hear. You can use this ability to gather information about your surroundings within 60 ft of you. When you use this feature, choose one of the following to gain information about: the exact layout of a space, the location of an object, or the number of creatures in a space. This ability travels around corners and obstructions within range.
Echolocation II Echolocation, Character Level 10 Your Echolocation range extends to 120 ft and only costs 3 AP.
Enhanced Hearing: Eavesdrop Enhanced Hearing Gain +4 to Perceiving checks that rely on hearing. You can use your keen hearing to eavesdrop. Gain a bonus to Eavesdropping equal to your bonus to Perceiving that relies on hearing.
Guide in the Dark You have an excellent sense of direction when in the dark. While in darkness, you gain a +3 bonus to Navigating, and may make Navigating checks regardless of whether you have any navigation tools.
Guide in the Dark II Guide in the Dark, Character Level 10 While in darkness, you cannot become lost, even by magical means.
Warning Call When you finish Taking a Rest, you may choose one creature and form a mental connection with them, which lasts until you Take a Rest again. Gain the Warn ability.

Warn (1/Recoup). Spend 1 AP to emit a high pitched sound in a frequency only perceptible by this creature, provided that they are within 120 ft of you.

Warning Call II Warning Call When you finish Taking a Rest, you may now choose a number of creatures equal to 1⁄2 your CHA (min 2) and form a mental connection with each creature. When you use your Warn ability, each of these creatures within 120 ft of you can hear your warning.