Errata and Changelog

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Core Rule Book

7.7.24- The Wiki is updated to CRB v1.1. Errata Below is to v1.1

Date Lineage Change
7.19.24 Dragonfolk Fire Breath: Hellfire given Fire Breath Pre-Req
7.19.24 Undead Dire Bat specified to have stats of Screech Owl
11.10.24 Golem Major Photosynthesis fixed to be Shield HP
11.11.24 Undead Captivating Gaze given an AP cost
1.17.24 Undead Touch of the Grave Balance Patch
Date Track Talent Change
7.20.24 Berzerker - Exile Steady Fist Now has Drunken Fist Pre-Req
7.20.24 Berzerker - Fearless Stoic IV Pre-Req corrected to Ferocious V
7.20.24 Berzerker - Rage Death Drop III Pre-Req corrected to Death Defier IV
7.20.24 Cleric - Exorcist Distant Ward III Pre-Req corrected to Distant Ward II
7.21.24 Specialization Hardy Added Meat Pile Incompatibility
7.21.24 Mage - Archmage High Mage Pre-Req clarified to be Arcane Power 14
7.22.24 Pugilist - Martial Arts Know Your Enemy II Given Know Your Enemy Pre-Req
7.22.24 Pugilist - Martial Arts Predict a Punch III Given Predict a Punch II Pre-Req
7.22.24 Pugilist - Martial Arts Reactive Stance III Given Reactive Stance II Pre-Req
7.22.24 Pugilist - Martial Arts Pressure Point II Given Pressure Point Pre-Req
8.5.24 Tinkerer - Alchemist Potion Upgrade Given Create Potion Pre-Req
8.9.24 Tinkerer - Alchemist Injector Upgrade Given Injector Pre-Req
8.10.24 Tinkerer Alchemic Items Table Alchemic Items now apply INT to attack roll
8.26.24 Cleric Cleric Entry Corrected Devotee text
9.13.24 Troubadour - Legend Keeper Book of Legends Updated text for clarification
11.10.24 Zealot Zealot Entry Zealot Aura's now only last 1 minute per activation at base
11.10.24 Zealot - Aura Aura of Vitality, Aura of Vitality II,. Aura of Reduction, Aura of Reduction II, Aura of Reduction II Balance Patch
11.10.24 Zealot - Cavalier Holy Mount Gave mount a scalable HP
11.11.24 Specialization Giant Slayer Adjusted text
11.19.24 Rogue - Con Impersonate Bonus is no longer cumulative for inspecting rolls
12.17.24 Rogue - Subtlety Blink of an Eye Changed to two moves
Date Category Location Change
8.10.24 General Guiding Principles "now" added as a common word used for transformative text
8.12.24 Combat Rules Potions Changed to be 2 AP to give a potion to a "willing and concious" creature
8.29.24 Arcane Contest Spell Occult and Psionic Bonus updated to +4. Added text to clarify what happens on a tie.
9.13.24 Gear Weapons Chapter Added Natural Weapon to tag list
9.24.24 Occult Gaze of a Thousand Miles Duration changed to 1 hour
9.25.24 Divine Merriment Changed to "within the range" for liquid amount
9.25.24 Psionic Mirror Images Specified d20 roll
9.25.24 Psionic Empathize with Crowd Add what happened when you rolled equal to the DC
9.25.24 Occult Blood Bond Specified sharp damage
9.25.24 Occult Shadow Armor Rewritten to activate on a trigger, similar to Hands of Fire.
9.25.24 Occult Child of Darkness Attr added to damage
10.10.24 Combat Rules Bleeding + Burning Conditions Changed to end of turn for damage instead of beginning.
10.23.24 Gear Torch and Lantern Lighting clarified
12.19.24 Psionic Duplicate psionic invocations Updated to clarify what the duplicate can do and that it wears clothes.
12.19.24 Dieties Surrender avatar deity Entropy icon replaced with Austerity
12.28.24 Combat Rules Mounted Combat Adjusted falling damage to 1d4

Creature Compendium

Date Creature Change
11.30.23 N/A Text Correction. ML x 2 = Party Level or Party Level/2 = ML
12.22.23 Bone Hag Bone Hag "Steal Spell" adjusted to "Contest Spell"
1.4.24 N/A Dex modifiers corrected for Colossal and Titan sized creatures
1.9.24 Chosen Chosen shaken ability clarified
1.16.24 Shambling Grim Shambling Grim listed as Medium Size
1.16.24 Weeping Hollow Shambling Grim listed as Medium Size
2.8.24 Multiple All creatures Gargantuan or larger have the Giant tag.
4.3.24 N/A Hag (Bone) corrected to Hag (Bog) in Primal Type Chart
4.6.24 Bogwallower Bogwallower resist updated
4.6.24 Chamrosh Range of Chamrosh Bite specified
4.6.24 Chosen Boatswain Range of Chosen Boatswain Claw
4.6.24 Chosen Captain Range of Chosen Captain Claw and Cutlass
4.6.24 Chosen Crewmate Range of Chosen Crewmate Claw specified
4.6.24 Chosen Boatswain Chosen Boatswain's Share Secrets specified to be until the targets next turn ends.
Chosen Crewmate Chosen Crewmate's Share Secrets specified to be until the targets next turn ends.
4.6.24 N/A Chosen Deckhand corrected to Chosen Crewmate in Monster by Type and Monster by Environment charts
4.6.24 Clikkiri Soldier Range of Clikkiri Soldier's Pincer specified
4.7.24 Crepit Range of Crepit Scratch and Strangle specified
4.7.24 Death Knight Range of Death Knight Greatsword specified
4.12.24 Bonewraith Bonewraith Growing Horde adjusted from immediate to after a Take a Rest
4.12.24 Bonewraith Bonewraith Tether abilities specified until end of next turn
4.12.24 Bonewraith Bonewraith Tether reaction adjusted so Bonewraith takes damage as well
4.12.24 Amanojaku Range of Amanojaku Possess specified
4.14.24 Grash Range of Grash Beak and Claw specified
4.14.24 Gretchling Range of Gretchling Claw specified
4.14.24 Kriflock Kriflock LOG corrected
4.16.24 Bone Hag Pursue removed from actions
4.16.24 Bog Hag Pursue removed from actions
4.18.24 Narai Narai ANT fixed
4.18.24 Nue Nue skill changed from Climbing to Athletics
4.18.24 N/A Beasian Boils adjusted to Very Rare
4.18.24 Revenant Range of Revenant Claymore specified
4.18.24 N/A Added Shapechanger table to types
4.18.24 Death Soldier Range of Death Soldier Longsword and Claymore specified
4.18.24 Skeleton Range of Skeleton Longsword specified
4.19.24 Night Hag Shapechanger tag added to Night Hag. Added to Shapechanger table
4.19.24 Bog Hag Shapechanger tag added to Bog Hag. Added to Shapechanger table
4.19.24 Naga Shapechanger tag added to Naga. Added to Shapechanger table
4.19.24 Shaitan Shaitan Longsword changed to Katana and text adjusted
4.21.24 Mycosian Mycosian added to Fightfae fear table
4.22.24 Tooth Tyrant Tooth Tyrant has no Vulnerabilities
4.24.24 Tzel Range of Tzel Longsword specified
4.24.24 Vampire Vampiric Curse changed to 3x in 24 hours
4.24.24 Vampire Ancient Vampiric Curse changed to 3x in 24 hours
4.24.24 Vampire Gained the Shapechanger tag and had their ability renamed to reflect this. Also added to the Shapechanger table
4.24.24 Vampire Ancient Gained the Shapechanger tag and had their ability renamed to reflect this. Also added to the Shapechanger table
4.27.24 Vetala Range of Vetala Vampiric Touch specified
4.27.24 Vodyanoy Range of Vodyanoy Claw specified
4.27.24 Coastal Warden Coastal Warden Log and Will corrected
4.28.24 Coastal Warden Exploit changed to 1/Round
4.28.24 Clay Golem Exploit changed to 1/Round
4.28.24 Stone Golem Exploit changed to 1/Round
4.29.24 Ghul Shapechanger tag added to Ghul. Ghul also added to Shapechanger table
4.29.24 Wicker Man Range of Wicker Man Burning Embrace specified
4.29.24 Wyvern Wyrmling Range of Wyvern Wyrmling Bite and Claws specified
5.3.24 Tundra Warden Tundra Warden HP and AR corrected
5.3.24 Thug Thug AR corrected
5.3.24 Dire Frog Dire Frog ANT and LOG corrected
5.3.24 Brown Bear Range of Claw/Bite specified
5.3.24 Dire Bear Range of Claw/Bite specified
5.4.24 Knight Errant Knight Errant Exploit text corrected
5.4.24 Physician Range of Physician Scalpel specified
5.4.24 Forest Witch Forest Witch casting attribute corrected and Forest Magic renamed/corrected
5.4.24 Dragonfolk Range of Dragonfolk attack specified
5.4.24 Demonologist Range of Demonologist attack specified
5.4.24 Swarm of Crustaceans Swarm of Crustaceans given swim speed
5.4.24 Greater Mage Greater Mage given Contest Spell reaction
9.18.24 Bloodoak Host Adjusted Language on Shamblin Dead
9.18.24 Scarecrow Adjusted Language on Shamblin Dead
9.18.24 Bogwallower Gave value to Vulnerable Cold for the Bogwallower
11.8.24 Fire Elemental Specified Magic Attribute for Fire Elemental
11.18.24 Vampire Vampire updated to follow Vampire Template from VotEN
11.25.24 Iron Slime Iron Slime Resist Slash changed to Resist Sharp
11.25.24 Morbunegm Morbunegm' s Spew attack DC check corrected
12.1.24 Wolf Wolf Growl given a specific distance and limited to 1/Round
12.1.24 Primal Spark Primal Spark Enrage Beast distance limited
12.1.24 Parsor Parsor Primal Sight updated to include all Unseen creatures
12.1.24 N/A Redefined the Invisible trait
12.1.24 Martor Martor Primal Senses updated to include all Unseen creatures
12.1.24 Martor Martor Growl no longer needs to be prepared.
12.16.24 Narai Ancient Narai Ancient has 350 HP and has the Narai Penetrating and Electric Body features.
12.25.24 Bloodoak Scarecrow Removed Shambling Dead
1.4.25 Ghul Giant Hyena corrected to Dire Hyena
1.4.25 Primal Spark HP corrected
1.4.25 Amanojaku Given Invisible Trait, updated Invisibility Feature and Negative Influence Action.
1.4.25 Jungle Warden Poison Secretion corrected to toxic damage
1.4.25 Wyrd Sage Unravel Spell corrected to Unravel Magic

MythCrafter's Guide

Date Content Change
4.15.24 MCG Range of Uvior Draining Touch specified
4.18.24 MCG Mogg AR corrected to 13
5.14.24 MCG Cestus of Knocking given min. 1 APC
8.6.24 MCG Added Resist to Portable Ballista
8.6.24 MCG Primeval Horror Insanity table updated
8.13.24 MCG Giant Rats adjusted to Dire Rats in Uvior adventure
11.13.24 MCG Added Falling Damage rules to Exploration
1.4.25 MCG Khamen corrected to Khalen, and Set'than corrected to Set'then in Ahten entry


Date Content Change
1.4.24 Legends of MythCraft Knack HP corrected
1.4.25 Harker's - Vampiric Rejuvination Damage specified to be sharp
2.6.25 Harker's - Bull's Head Combat stack corrected to Defense stack.