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Ingrid Divrgubben, collector

"Yeah, never go throwin' crap away when it might serve a purpose. Hoarding is good for the soul, you see. You know what they say about one person's trash. 'Give it to the tinkerer,' they say. Now, hand it over and I'll make you a can opener. Or a flamerthrower, mayhap." - Ingrid Divrgubben, collector

You have never been able to keep from fidgeting, always reaching for clockwork, screws, wires, and the like as you seek to create new inventions or improve upon existing ones. You always had a penchant for tinkering and exhibit relentless ingenuity. You quickly gained notoriety as someone who could always find a way to enhance anything with mechanical parts. Unquenchably curious, you always seek to understand how something works and how it might be improved upon.

What is your medium of choice? Tinkerers often favor metal and wood due to their versatility, but other substances can make for interesting inventions as well. When you invent something, what motivates you? Are you most concerned with improving your quality of life by making existing technology more effective, or are you looking to break the confines of science as your contemporaries understand it? Do you have some grand idea for a new invention that will revolutionize the world?

Tinkerer Tracks

Alchemist. By developing potions and alchemical reagents, you bolster your allies or damage your foes.

Augmentor. You specialize in creating powerful armor that implements weapons, gadgets, and enhanced defenses, turning you into a tremendous front-line fighter.

Inventor. A skilled and creative inventor, you make all manner of gadgetry and manage a tremendous inventory of useful items.

Magitechnician. Through unstable experiments you have accessed the arcane source of magic and can fuel spells with your inventions.

Plague Doctor. Harker's Guide for Vampire Hunting. These grim physicians wield both potion and pathogen the way an artisan might wield a chisel or paintbrush.

Core Subclass Tracks

Tinkerer Entry Talent

After gaining the Tinkerer Entry talent, you can take talents from any of the Tinkerer tracks.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Tinkerer Entry Character Level 2 When you take this entry talent, you gain the following abilities.
  • Tools of the Trade. You gain a set of Tinker’s Tools.
  • Masterwork. You specify a weapon or set of armor as your focus. You can change your focus by spending at least a day tinkering with your new focus. Your currently focused item gains +1 to hit and damage if a weapon, and +1 to AR if armor. These bonuses are in addition to any enhancements, enchantments, or other bonuses to that weapon or armor’s statistics. If you change your Masterwork focus, your old focus loses the improvements from this talent.
  • Rig. (1/Rest) You can very quickly cobble together an improvised set of tools, a simple item (like a crowbar or pulley), which lasts for a single use. Alternatively, you can patch a simple broken item (such as a rowboat with a hole, or a busted door drawbar), which lasts for 1 hour.
Class Entry, Tinkerer

Alchemist Track

Alchemist Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Alchemy Tinkerer Entry Each time you Take a Rest, you make two Alchemy Creations. Your first option for Alchemy Creations is Alchemy Flasks.
  • Alchemy Flask. Create an Alchemy Flask. Choose a spell from the Formula list, and that spell is synthesized. When a creature drinks the potion, that creature gains the effects of the spell for the duration, considering the spell’s range to be “Self.”

These creations become impotent after 24 hours.

Tinkerer, Alchemist
Create Potion Alchemy Add Healing Vials to your possible creations. When creating Healing Vials in this way, you do not need to spend the material components, but they expire after 24 hours. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Create Bomb Alchemy Add Alchemy Bombs to your possible creations.
  • Alchemy Bomb. Spend 2 AP to throw an alchemy bomb, which has a thrown range of 20 ft. Make a DEX vs REF attack roll, dealing, 2d6 fire damage to all creatures within a 5 ft radius of the bomb’s point of contact, and ½ damage on a miss.
Tinkerer, Alchemist
Quaff Alchemy Once on each of your turns, you may drink a potion without spending AP. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Fire in the Hole! Alchemy, Create Bomb When you throw a bomb, you can now specify a number of targets equal to or less than your INT. Those creatures take no damage from your bombs. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Alchemy II Alchemist 4 You can now make four Alchemy Creations when you Take a Rest. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Potion Upgrade Alchemy II, Create Potion Your Healing Vials become Healing Potions. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Alchemy Flask Upgrade Alchemy II Your flask is designed for quick combat consumption. Using an Alchemist Flask no longer triggers the Exploit maneuver or other reactive actions. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Bomb Upgrade Alchemy II, Create Bomb Your bombs deal additional damage equal to your INT Tinkerer, Alchemist
Injector Alchemy II You can administer Potions or Flasks for 1 AP. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Elemental Bombs Alchemy II, Create Bomb You can create bombs that deal cold or corrosive damage instead of fire, choosing the type of damage when you create the bomb. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Up my Sleeve Alchemy II, Create Bomb If none of your creations for the day are bombs, you gain one Alchemy Bomb. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Vitality Solution Alchemy II You can create Vitality Solutions, which grant 3d4+INT Shield HP upon consumption. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Alchemy III Alchemist 9 You can now create six Alchemy Creations when you Take a Rest. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Explosion Upgrade Alchemy III, Create Bomb Your bombs now target creatures in a 10 ft radius from the bomb’s point of contact. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Flask Efficiency Alchemy III When one of your flasks is used, the creature that uses it rolls a 1d6. On a 6, the flask is not consumed. Once this feature is used successfully, you lose this ability until after you Take a Rest. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Tolerance Alchemy III You gain Resist Corrosive 3 and Resist Fire 3. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Injector Upgrade Alchemy III, Injector You can now administer Potions or Flasks at a range of 20 ft by spending 3 AP. Tinkerer, Alchemist
Master Alchemist Alchemist 14 Brewers, poisoners, and potion-makers all respect you as a master of the craft. Many would gladly pay you handsomely to teach them the secrets of your skills.

You can make a number of Alchemy Creations equal to your INT, and your creations remain potent for 48 hours.

You no longer lose your Flask Efficiency ability after it is successful.

  • Level 30: Your Flask Efficiency ability is successful on a roll of 4-6.
Tinkerer, Alchemist, Capstone

Alchemist Formula Table

Each time you use your Alchemist Formula, select a magical ability from this list.

Source Magic Spell
Arcane Air bubble, Arcane Shield, Death Ward, Fire Shield, Mage Armor, Sense Magic, Shield
Divine Heroism
Occult Cloven Step, Hex of the Unseen, Silhouette, Warp Step
Primal Catclaw, Fleetfoot (Tier 2), Intuition (1 min duration), Bullish Strength (1 min duration), Piscism
Psionic Conceal, Create Weapon (1 min duration), Giant, Hasten (30 sec duration), Invisibility, Iron Body (20 sec duration), Jump, Levitate, Mirror Images, Sense Danger

Augmentor Track

Augmentor Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Augmentor Tinkerer Entry

Incompatible: Breakthrough

You gain the Armor Augmentation ability. This replaces your Masterwork ability.
  • Armor Augmentation. Choose a set of armor that will become your Augmented Armor. It encases your entire body and grants you +1 to all defenses in addition to its base stats. You are treated as one Size category larger than you would normally be for the purposes of lifting, carrying, dragging, and grappling. You can change your Augmented Armor after Taking a Rest and spending 2 additional hours disassembling your old Augmented Armor.
Tinkerer, Augmentor
Install Weapon Augmentor You may install a weapon into your armor, losing the ability to be disarmed of that weapon. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Install Shield Augmentor You may install a shield onto one of your arms. You can spend 1 AP to activate the shield and 1 AP to lower the shield. When it is lowered, you can wield a weapon with that hand. When it is activated, you can manipulate and carry objects, but cannot make attacks with that arm. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Quick Compartment Augmentor You gain a compartment on one of your Augmented Armor’s forearms or thighs that fits 1 ft3 of materials. You can spend 1 AP to stow items in it. Someone breaking into the compartment must make a DC 20 AWR check to find the compartment and a DC 20 STR/Applied Force or INT/ Lockpicking check to open it. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Launcher Augmentor You can gain double the range of your thrown items. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Grappler Augmentor If you have Line of Effect, you can spend 3 AP to fire a free hand at a creature within 15 ft of you, attacking their REF with your STR or DEX. If it hits and the target is your Size or lower, you can pull the target to you as part of the same attack. If it is larger, you can pull yourself to it as part of the same attack. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Arcane Booster Augmentor You can spend 1 AP to gain +10 ft to your speed until the end of your turn. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Elemental Absorption Augmentor You can spend 1 Reactive AP to reduce elemental damage by 1d6. You can unleash this on your next attack, dealing additional damage equal to the amount of damage this feature absorbed. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Adaptive Armor Augmentor If you suffer a crit, you take damage as usual, then you gain Resist X against the type of damage you took until the start of your next turn, where X = your INT. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Sentry Armor Augmentor Gain the Engage ability.
  • Engage. By spending 2 AP, you can impose the Engaged condition on a creature within 5 ft of you. This lasts until the start of your next turn
Tinkerer, Augmentor
Augmentor II Augmentor 5 Your Augmented Armor gains +1 to all defenses and your choice of Resist 2 against blunt, cold, fire, lightning, or sharp. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Audio Dampeners Augmentor II You may spend 2 AP to become immune to sonic damage and effects that require you to hear until the beginning of your next turn. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Grappler II Augmentor II, Grappler Your Grappler attack gains +10 ft range, and if you hit, the target is immediately Grappled. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Sentry Armor II Augmentor II, Sentry Armor You can now enhance your Engage ability, engaging one additional target within 5 ft of you for each additional 1 AP you spend on the ability. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Enhanced Quick Compartment Augmentor II, Quick Compartment Your quick compartment may now store liquid, and can be climate controlled between 50 and 120 °F (Named for Doctor Franklin Fahrenheit, who discovered the Coldstone and Fireflecks used in this invention). Tinkerer, Augmentor
Install Mini Turret Augmentor II By spending 1 hour working on your armor, you can install an automated crossbow turret on your shoulder. This crossbow has a 60 ft range and deals 1d4 sharp damage on a hit. When you specify, it fires at a target you can see with Line of Effect at the end of each of your turns while you have ammunition. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Install Weapon II Augmentor II, Install Weapon You can install a second weapon into your armor. Gain the ability to freely switch between weapons. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Power Slam Augmentor II Gain the Power Slam ability.
  • Power Slam. You may spend 4 AP to slam a weapon into the ground, attacking all creatures within 5 ft of you. Make a weapon attack vs the FORT of each creature in range. On a hit, creatures take damage from the weapon as usual and are also pushed 5 ft directly away from you.
Tinkerer, Augmentor
HoverJet Augmentor II (3/Rest) Spend 1 AP or 1 Reactive AP to gain the ability to Hover for 1 minute. You can choose to slowly descend during the duration. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Augmentor III Augmentor II, Augmentor 10 Your Augmented Armor gains +1 to all defenses and your choice of Resist 2 against blunt, cold, fire, lightning, or sharp. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Energy Transfer Augmentor III You may spend 3 AP to transfer all conditions from a creature you are grappling to yourself, except for Grappled and Restrained. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Arcane Booster II Augmentor III, Arcane Booster (3/Rest) You gain a fly Speed equal to your speed for 1 minute. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Heroic Landing Augmentor III You no longer take falling damage when falling less than 30 ft. If you fall at least 20 ft, you can attack all creatures within a 10 ft radius of where you land with your STR or DEX vs their REF. If you hit, they take 1d8 blunt damage and are knocked Prone. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Cradle Augmentor III You may cover an ally in your Augmented Armor once per round. Choose an ally within 5 ft of you who is being attacked by an attacker you can see. You can take the damage in their place by spending 1 Reactive AP. Regain the ability to do this at the beginning of your next turn. The triggering attack automatically hits you. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Cradle II Augmentor III, Cradle, Grappler You may now use your Grappler to pull an ally to you. When an ally within reach of your Grappler ability would take damage, you may spend 1 Reactive AP to pull them to an unoccupied space within 5 ft of you and take the damage for them. Tinkerer, Augmentor
Augmentor Extraordinaire Augmentor 14 Your augmented armor has become an extension of your person. You have perfected it and know every nook and cranny, every quirk and crack.

Gain +1 to all of your defenses.

Crits no longer automatically hit you, and if they do hit, they only deal normal damage.

  • Level 30: Gain the Intuitive Defenses ability.
    • Intuitive Defenses. (3/Recoup) When a creature attacks you, you may spend 2 Reactive AP to lower one of your defenses by X, increasing another one of your defenses by X. Your defenses remain altered in this way until the start of your next turn.
Tinkerer, Augmentor, Capstone

Inventor Track

Inventor Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Inventor Tinkerer Entry You can make a variety of unique nonmagical items assuming you have the time and materials. You learn how to make five items from the Tinkering Item table, and can carry up to five items of this nature at a time. Special Arrows & Bolts do not count toward this total. Only you may use items that you create from the Tinkering Item table.

For every 2 hours you spend tinkering, make an INT check using a Crafting skill with your Tinker’s Tools, and note the results. Tinkering checks are cumulative. For example, if you roll a 11 on day 1, and a 19 on day two, that is considered 30.

If you have access to a workshop, the Tinkering Check total required is halved. Your first 2 hours of tinkering a day can be a part of Taking a Rest. See the Tinkering Item table for a list of items, and note that your MC may allow additional items!

Tinkerer, Inventor
Salvage Inventor You can break down nonmagical items for materials and use them for other items or their currency cost whenever you spend time tinkering. Most items can be broken down as a part of the time you spend tinkering on other inventions. A particularly complex or large item may have a tinkering cost, determined by your MC.

If you are breaking down items for currency, you can find someone to purchase the materials for 80% of the item’s value, regardless of the item’s state of repair, anywhere there is trade of raw materials. Salvaged items are unrecognizable, which means you can sell them even if the item itself may have baggage that would make it undesirable, such as being believed to be haunted or stolen. If you salvage items to use for Tinkering parts, take the sc value of the item you are salvaging, and reduce your Tinkering check requirement for whatever you’re crafting by that amount.

Tinkerer, Inventor
Crafter Inventor Every time you take a level in the Inventor track, gain +2 in a Crafting skill of your choice. This works retroactively, granting you +2 for all Inventor track talents you have already taken. Tinkerer, Inventor
Repairs Inventor Exhaustible items with more than 1 use take half the Tinkering to create after you’ve created them once. Tinkerer, Inventor
Quick Craft Inventor Whenever you craft a single-use item, you can create a second item of the same type by adding +10 to the Tinkering requirement of the first item. Tinkerer, Inventor
Additional Blueprints Inventor You learn two new blueprints from the Tinkering Item table. Tinkerer, Inventor
Space Efficiency Inventor You can carry five additional Tinkering items. Tinkerer, Inventor
Safety Precautions Inventor You can now add +20 to the Tinkering required in order to craft Tinkering items that others can use. Tinkerer, Inventor
Breakthrough Inventor 5

Incompatible: Augmentor

Choose a magical item, weapon, or piece of armor that you possess and that requires 25 or fewer Essence Points and Salvage it. You learn how to add that item’s abilities, or “Enchantments” for the purpose of the abilities in the Tinkering track, to your Masterwork. You can add or change enchantments to your Masterwork by spending 2 hours Tinkering with it. A single magical item, weapon, or armor piece counts as one Enchantment, even if it has multiple abilities.

You can know a number of Enchantments equal to your INT, and can have 2 Enchantments active on your Masterwork at one time. You must also observe the typical rules for Essence Points (Magic Items). However, your Masterwork uses only half the Essence Points you have imbued onto it through Masterwork Enchantments. For example, if you have three Enchantments with 80 total Essence Points, your Masterwork uses 40 of your Essence Points. Weapons can be improved with Item or Weapon Enchantments. Armor can be improved with Item or Armor enchantments or improvements. Items can be improved only with Item enchantments or improvements. If you change your Masterwork, it loses this improvement until you add it to your Masterwork again.

Tinkerer, Inventor
Inventor II Breakthrough You can now make a Tinker’s Tools check every hour, instead of every 2 hours. Tinkerer, Inventor
Munitions Focus Breakthrough Whenever you use your Tinkering to create ammunition, if you have fewer than 20 special arrows or bolts, you can now create your first 20 arrows or bolts in the time it would take you to make one. Special Arrows or Bolts beyond 20 take the normal Tinkering.

Additionally, you can make up to 40 mundane arrows or bolts without any chance of failure and minimal components (including broken bolts or arrows) by spending at least 1 hour tinkering.

Tinkerer, Inventor
Armor Focus Breakthrough If your Masterwork is armor, it gains an additional +1 to all physical defenses. Tinkerer, Inventor
Armor Alchemist Breakthrough Your armor sprays cost half the Tinkering (minimum 10). Tinkerer, Inventor
Weapon Focus Breakthrough If your Masterwork is a weapon, it gains an additional +1 to hit and +1 to damage. Tinkerer, Inventor
Soul of the Masterwork Breakthrough The Essence point cap for Masterwork Enchantment increases to 33. Tinkerer, Inventor
Soul of the Masterwork II Soul of the Masterwork The Essence point cap for Masterwork Enchantment increases to 50. Tinkerer, Inventor
Breakthrough II Breakthrough, Inventor 10 You can now learn three Enchantments from salvaging magical items. If you would learn beyond your limit, you can choose which one to forget, but your Masterwork would lose that enchantment.

Your Masterwork can now have a number of enchantments active at one time equal to ½ your INT. Changing enchantments on your Masterwork only takes 1 hour of Tinkering. These enchantments cannot stack if they are exactly the same. For example if you salvage two items that give +1 to hit, you can only enchant your Masterwork with +1 to hit once. But if you then salvage an item that gives +1 to hit and +1d6 fire damage, you can enchant your Masterwork with +2 to hit and 1d6 extra fire damage.

Tinkerer, Inventor
Enchantment Blueprints Breakthrough II You can learn an additional Masterwork Enchantment. Tinkerer, Inventor
Quick Config Breakthrough II You can change your Masterwork Enchantment configuration as a part of a Recoup. Tinkerer, Inventor
Armor Focus II Breakthrough II If your Masterwork is armor, it gains an additional +1 to all physical and mental defenses. Tinkerer, Inventor
Consumable Mastery Breakthrough II Choose an exhaustible Tinkering item with more than one use. You now recharge that item on Taking a Rest without a required Tinkering check. Tinkerer, Inventor
Weapon Focus II Breakthrough II If your Masterwork is a weapon, mods installed on your Masterwork no longer count towards your limit of carried Tinkering items. Tinkerer, Inventor
Master Inventor Inventor 14 You are a renowned inventor and tinkerer whose creations are the subject of song and gossip. Many young minds seek to enter apprenticeship with you and the leading minds in engineering and education hold you in utmost regard.

Your Masterwork is now a creation of some renown. It can now hold three Masterwork Enchantments. If it is a weapon, it gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to ½ your INT.

  • Level 30: The final cap on your INT increases from 12 to 14.
Tinkerer, Inventor, Capstone

Tinkering Item Tables

General Modifications Table
Item Tinkering Cost Uses Description
Anti-Burglary Trigger 100 - Apply this mod to a weapon. Anyone that attempts to wield that weapon and is unaware of the trigger must make a DC 20 AWR check. On a fail, they take 3d6 corrosive damage as acid and paint spray over them.
Anti-Magic Cuffs 120 1 If you successfully restrain a creature with these cuffs, they cannot use magic. It requires a DC 20 INT/Lockpicking or STR/Applied Force check to break these cuffs. You also make a key that can unlock these cuffs.
Caltrops 10 1 Gain Caltrops, which can be thrown 10 ft by spending 1 AP. They cover a 10 ft by 10 ft area, which becomes Hazardous Terrain (1d2 sharp).
Crossbow Mod: Repeating 120 - Reduce the AP needed to fire the crossbow that this is affixed to by 1 (min 2).
Crossbow Mod: Thrower 100 - You may load tinkering items with the thrown tag into your crossbow, giving them double their thrown range. Using any item in this way costs 3 AP
Dimensional Case 250 - This case contains an extradimensional storage space that appears to be a normal briefcase, but is 10 ft3 on the inside.
Dimensional Case (Greater) 500 - This case contains an extradimensional storage space that appears to be a normal briefcase, but is 40 ft3 on the inside.
Enhanced Goggles 80 3 By spending 1 AP, a creature wearing these goggles gains 60 ft of Darkvision for 1 minute.
Flame-Retardant Spray 80 2 By spending 3 AP, you may apply this spray to a set of armor, giving it Resist Fire 5 for 1 minute.
Fog Machine 150 - By spending 4 AP, you may activate the machine. At the start of each of your turns, the machine produces fog. It begins as a 10 ft radius cloud of fog and extends by 10 ft on each of your turns until it is a 30 ft radius. Fog causes the Concealed condition.
Gas Mask 40 3 By spending 2 AP to activate the gas mask, a creature becomes immune from any dangerous effects of breathing for 1 minute.
Grappling Hook Launcher 50 1 Using DEX, you may attack the AR of an inanimate object within 50 ft. On a hit, if the object can be pierced by an iron bolt, then you do so and affix a rope to the surface.
Grappling Hook: Magnetic 80 1 Using DEX, you may attack the AR of an inanimate object within 50 ft. On a hit, if the object can be pierced by an iron bolt or is metallic, then you securely affix a rope to that surface.
Insulating Spray 80 2 By spending 3 AP, you may apply this spray to a set of armor, giving it Resist Cold 5 for 1 minute.
Mechanical Lockpick 40 3 Gain +5 to Lockpicking, which can exceed the normal cap of +20 in a given skill. You do not need additional lockpicking tools if you have this
Mini-Turret 160 3 You may spend 3 AP to deploy an automated crossbow turret with a 60 ft range, which deals 1d4 sharp damage on a hit. At the end of each of your turns, it fires at a target you specify and has an attack bonus equal to ½ your INT. It has 10 HP and all of its defenses are 10. It acts for 3 rounds before shutting down.
Oxygen Balloon 20 3 A creature can activate this by spending 3 AP, gaining the ability to breathe underwater for 1 minute.
Parachute 30 1 By spending 1 AP or Reactive AP, you take no falling damage and descend at a rate of 100 ft per round until you land.
Pop-Up Tent 30 - By spending 2 AP to activate this tent, it automatically sets itself up over the course of 1 minute. It sleeps two people comfortably and fits in a 6 ft by 6 ft by 3 ft space.
Portable Battering Ram 60 3 Gain +10 on STR checks made to open or break doors.
Potion Injector 50 3 You can consume and administer potions for 1 AP. This does not provoke reactive attacks, such as from Exploit.
Quickstep Boots 120 5 The wearer may spend 1 AP to increase their speed by 10 ft whenever they use AP to move until the end of their next turn.
Ranged Mod: Telescopic Sight 70 - The ranged weapon with this modification gains +30 ft range.
Rope Bridge Kit 100 1 Create a sturdy rope bridge 30 ft in length.
Reinforced Shield 80 - Choose one shield to enhance. It adds +2 to AR for the next 10 times that its wielder is attacked.
Self-Inflating Raft 120 1 When you spend 1 AP to activate this raft, it inflates into a fully functioning raft over 20 seconds. It can support up to 1,000 lbs in weight and is 6 ft by 10 ft in length.
Signal Flare 10 1 You can throw the signal flare up to 40 ft. It creates bright light for 10 ft and dim light for another 10 ft beyond that, and the bright light is visible up to 40 miles away if Line of Sight permits. The signal flare ignores phenomena that would cause the Concealed condition, but is blocked by Cover.
Siren Whistle 15 - Spending 1 AP blowing into this whistle creates a loud noise that can be heard up to a mile away.
Spring-Heeled Boots 100 - The wearer’s jumping height increases by 10 ft.
Trap: Alarm 20 1 It takes 5 minutes to set this trap. Once set, this trap can be spotted with a DC 15 AWR check and stretches across up to a 30 ft line. Once a creature moves through that line, an audible alarm sounds.
Trap: Net 30 1 It takes 10 minutes to set this trap. Once set, this trap can be spotted with a DC 18 AWR check and it covers a 10 ft by 10 ft area. When a creature steps on the area, make a +5 attack vs REF. On a hit, all targets within its area are Restrained. It has 10 AR and 20 HP. It has DR 40/Sharp.
Trap: Razor Wire 35 1 It takes 5 minutes to set this trap. Once set, this trap can be spotted with a DC 14 AWR check and stretches across up to a 15 ft line. Once a creature moves through that line, it takes 2d4 sharp damage.
Trap: Tripwire 15 1 It takes 5 minutes to set this trap. Once set, this trap can be spotted with a DC 15 AWR check and stretches across up to a 15 ft line. Once a creature moves through that line, that creature falls Prone.
Weapon Mod: Chain 40 3 When you would be disarmed, lose 1 charge of this item instead.
Whetstone 15 3 During a Recoup, you can use this on a weapon of your choice. That weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour after you end your Recoup.
Special Ammo Table : You can make any of these modifications to arrows or crossbow bolts
Item Tinkering Cost Uses Description
Barbed 20 - Attack vs FORT. Hit: 1d4 sharp, and Bleeding (1d4) for 1 minute or until treated (whichever is sooner).
Corrosive 40 1 Attack vs FORT. Hit: 1d6 corrosive, and the creature suffers -1 AR until the creature Takes a Rest.
Dazzling 30 1 Attack vs FORT. Hit: The target is Blinded until the end of its next turn.
Explosive 30 1 Attack vs the REF of each creature in a 10 ft radius. Hit: 1d6 fire.
Light 10 1 Does not deal damage, but sheds bright light in a 20 ft radius and dim light for 20 ft beyond that where it lands.
Tracking 20 1 Attack vs AR. Hit: All creatures gain TA against the target, and it cannot become Invisible for 1 minute.
Alchemic Items Table
Item Tinkering Cost Uses Description
Acid Flask 30 1 2 AP to throw 20 ft +INT vs REF. Hit: 1d6 corrosive.
Alchemist’s Fire 20 1 2 AP to throw 20 ft +INT vs REF. Hit: Target takes 1d4 fire and gains Burning (1d4) for 1 minute or until extinguished (whichever is sooner).
Oil Flask 10 1 2 AP to throw 20 ft, creating a slippery and flammable surface in a 5 ft radius. A creature that attempts to move across the area, if not ignited, must make a DC 14 DEX/Balancing check, falling Prone if they fail. If ignited, a creature that starts its turn in the area automatically gains Burning (1d4) for 1 minute or until extinguished (whichever is sooner).
Thrown Items Table: All thrown items target REF with your DEX and 2 AP to throw
Item Tinkering Cost Uses Description
Arcane Disruptor 150 1 Thrown 30 ft. In a 15 ft radius, magical effects are suppressed for 1 minute.
Bolas 20 - Thrown 20 ft. Hit: Creature falls Prone and its speed becomes 0. It takes 1 AP for a creature to free itself.
Fireworks 20 1 Thrown 50 ft, creating a spectacular light show. Target creatures within a 10 ft radius. Hit: 1d6 sonic damage.
Flashbang 25 1 Thrown 20 ft, targeting all creatures in a 10 ft radius. Hit: Creature is Blinded until the end of its next turn.
Smoke Bomb 20 1 Thrown 20 ft, making a 10 ft radius smoke cloud that causes the Concealed condition.
Sonic Bomb 25 1 Thrown 30 ft, targeting all creatures in a 15 ft radius. Hit: Creature is Deafened until the start of your next turn
Sticky Bomb 25 1 Thrown 20 ft, targeting all creatures in a 10 ft radius. Hit: Creature is Slowed until the end of its next turn.
Thunderstone 60 1 Thrown 20 ft, targeting all creatures in a 5 ft radius. Hit: Creature is Deafened and Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Magitechnician Track

Magitechnician Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Arcane Artificer Tinkerer Entry You gain the Student of the Arcane talent if you do not already have it. Each time you level up and spend your talent point on a talent in the Magitechnician stack, you gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power.

Magitechnicians cast spells as if they were devices, and the caster can choose how they describe the spells being cast. Perhaps a Fireball is launched from a firearm-like device, Fly might be a jetpack, Raise Skeleton could be a mechanical backpack puppeteering bones, and Living Letter might be a tiny drone. This has no mechanical effect other than when you trigger backlash as a Magitechnician. In this case, you do not take damage or end your turn, but you lose access to the spell that triggered backlash until you Take a Rest, as the contraption needs to be repaired. INT is your magic attribute.

Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Golemancer Arcane Artificer You gain the Create Lesser Golem spell if you do not already know it. If you do not have a Lesser Golem active, casting this spell is free for you and the created golem is permanent. It can be made of Metal or Stone as its Primary Material, and it gains +2 STR. It is created by the Arcane Source. It gains the Mend and Minor Conjuration cantrips. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Spell Storing Golemancer You create an object - such as a bracelet, locket, or ring, that stores spells for you. When creating a mote via Delay Spell, you can put the spell into the Spell Storing object and its duration becomes 24 hours. Your motes cannot be released prematurely without the condition being triggered, and after the duration they dissipate harmlessly. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Empowered Mend Spell Storing You are particularly skilled with the Mend cantrip. You now need only 80% of the pieces or components present for Mend to work, and you can increase the casting time to gain the equivalent of more Arcane Power. When casting Mend, act as though you have 1 additional Arcane Power for every additional 30 minutes you spend casting. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Magitechnician Empowered Mend When you finish Taking a Rest, you can prepare three spells as if they were devices. Roll 1d20 per spell to determine your spell’s bonus, and then spend the required SP to cast the spell to prepare the Spell Devices.
d20 Effect
1-2 The device fails. You do not lose the spell, but cannot replace that device today.
3-9 No effect.
10-16 The spell costs 5 fewer SP (min 1).
17-19 The spell costs 10 fewer SP (min 1).
20 The spell costs 15 fewer SP (min 1).

The first time you cast a spell prepared in this way, it costs 0 SP, as you’ve already spent it preparing the device. After the first time, when you cast a spell using this feature, roll 1d20 and gain the same effects from the table (potentially reducing the spell’s SPC). You always spend AP and follow conjuring rules as normal.

These prepared Spell Devices do not trigger backlash the first time you would trigger backlash. If they trigger backlash a second time, you lose access to the spell.

Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Cantrip Cannon Magitechnician You create a permanent spell device that fires cantrips. Choose Beam of Fire, Frostbite, or Grave Whisper. This device cannot trigger backlash. You may now use your total Character Level for this cantrip’s power instead of your Arcane Power. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Golemancer II Cantrip Cannon Your Golem gains a compartment that functions as a Dimensional Case (see the Tinkering Item table). This and items inside are shielded from Divining magic. It takes a creature a DC 20 AWR check to find the compartment and a DC 20 STR/Applied Force or INT/Lockpicking check to enter against the Golem’s will. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Spell Storing II Golemancer II You can create a second Spell Storing object. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Magical Tinkering Spell Storing II When you use your Magitechnician talent after Taking a Rest, the first time you roll a 1 or 2 on your d20 rolls, you may reroll that d20 and use the second result. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Safer Devices Magical Tinkering Your Spell Devices created by the Magitechnician talent can no longer trigger backlash. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Magitechnician II Safer Devices Your Spell Devices created by the Magitechnician talent are no longer considered magical. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Cantrip Cannon II Magitechnician II When you deal damage with your Cantrip Cannon, add your INT to the damage. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Flash of Genius Cantrip Cannon II When one of your mental defenses is attacked, you can spend 5 SP to add ½ your INT to all of your mental defenses until the beginning of your next turn. Tinkerer, Magitechnician
Master Magitechnician Flash of Genius You master the art of arcane tinkering, bending the rules of where magic ends and machinery begins.

You gain a special permanent Spell Device with a spell that costs 10 SP or fewer. That spell permanently has SPC 0 for you.

  • Level 30: Gain another special permanent Spell Device with a spell that costs 16 SP or fewer. That spell permanently has SPC 0 for you.
Tinkerer, Magitechnician, Capstone

Additional Subclass Tracks

Plague Doctor Track

Source: Harker's Guide for Vampire Hunting

Universally recognized by thick, hooded robes and crow- shaped masks, plague doctors are a feared necessity in most societies. Unhampered by pesky ethical obligations, plague doctors wallow in disease and offer experimental medical procedures or a painless death as the situation warrants. These grim physicians wield both potion and pathogen the way an artisan might wield a chisel or paintbrush.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Grim Tools, Grim Purpose Tinkerer Entry Choose one talent: Alchemy Set, Medical Set, Plague Mask, Scalpel, Syringe, or Thurible.

Gain that talent. You may choose to make the associated item your Masterwork. If you do, your previous Masterwork loses its bonuses.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Alchemy Set Grim Tools, Grim Purpose Gain alchemist tools. As long as you have alchemist tools, you may use one of the following abilities each time you Take a Rest.
  • Preserve. Touch one potion. That potion gains +24 hours potency.
  • Enhance. Touch one medical kit. Each dose of basic medicine in that kit restores 1 HP when consumed. These doses are stored in individual vials. Each of these basic medicine doses count as potions and lose their potency after 24 hours, becoming mundane basic medicine again.

Masterwork: If this is your Masterwork, you may use both features when you Take a Rest, and you can produce the 10 doses of basic medicine each day with your alchemist tools (no longer requiring a medical kit).

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Medical Set Grim Tools, Grim Purpose Gain a medical kit. You are especially effective with medical kits. When you use at least 1 bandage and 1 dose of basic medicine when you make an INT/Medicine check, you may reroll the d20 if the unmodified number is lower than your INT, but you must take the second result.

Masterwork: If this is your Masterwork, you may reroll the d20 if the unmodified number is lower than double your INT (still taking the second result).

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Plague Mask Grim Tools, Grim Purpose You have a mask that resembles a crow with an uncannily long beak. This beak, stuffed with herbs and incense, protects you from the worst effects of disease.

The creature wearing the plague mask gains Resist Common Diseases +6 and Resist Uncommon Diseases +2.

Masterwork: If this is your Masterwork, whenever a Plague Doctor talent gives you Resist Disease, increase that resistance by +4.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Scalpel Grim Tools, Grim Purpose You possess a surgical scalpel. It has the stats of both a dagger and a knife, allowing you to use DEX and INT interchangeably.

Gain the Plague Surgeon ability.

  • Plague Surgeon. When making an INT/Medicine check to treat Bleeding or disease, you may use your surgical scalpel to aid in your procedure. Roll 1d4+INT. You may increase your Medicine check by that total, but the subject creature takes damage equal to your roll.

Masterwork:If this is your Masterwork, you have a +1 to attacks, damage, and INT/Medicine checks made with the scalpel.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Syringe Grim Tools, Grim Purpose Gain a medical syringe.

Each time you Take a Rest, you may create a Herbal Potion.

Whenever you create a potion, you may store it in a vial. Potions stored in vials may be loaded into your syringe and applied to other creatures for 1 AP, instead of 2.

Masterwork: If this is your Masterwork, whenever a Plague Doctor talent allows you to make a potion (including this talent), increase the number of potions that the talent allows you to make by +1.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Thurible Grim Tools, Grim Purpose You have acquired a thurible that you can fill with burning incense and herbal concoctions.

When you finish Taking a Rest, you may produce a number of aromas equal to 1⁄2 your INT. Filling the thurible with an aroma and lighting it costs 3 AP; the thurible then burns for 2 minutes, providing the benefit for the duration.

You have one kind of aroma: Disinfectant.

  • Disinfectant: Creatures within 5 ft of the Thurible gain Resist Shaken +2 and Resist Sickened +2.

Masterwork: If this is your Masterwork, gain +2 to all Resist features granted by your thurible.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Antigen Alchemy Set Gain two Alchemical Antigen abilities from the following list. Each time you Take a Rest and have access to your alchemist tools, you may create a number of Alchemical Antigens equal to your INT. Each Antigen is contained in a vial that can be consumed for 1 AP or fed to another creature for 2 AP. These medications are considered potions that lose their potency 24 hours after you create them. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Antigen List
Medication Effect
Antibiotics Ignore the symptoms of a disease (besides death) for 2d4 hours.
Antihistamine Ignore the Shaken and Chilled conditions for 1 hour.
Antipyretics Ignore the Sickened condition for 1 hour.
Cocaine Gain +1 AP at the start of each of your turns for the next hour, then gain Fatigue.
Cathartics The next time a creature consumes poisoned food or drink within 24 hours of taking this medication, they ignore the normal symptoms and are instead Sickened for 1d4 x 5 minutes.
Chloroform A creature that consumes this medication falls Unconscious for 2d4 x 10 minutes. INT/Medicine checks made to treat this creature gain a bonus equal to the sum of the 2d4 rolled.
Lavender Gain Resist Charmed +2 and Resist Frightened +2 for 1 hour.
Morphine Ignore any checks made against the effects of extreme cold, heat, or forced marching for 2d4 hours, then gain Fatigue.
Opium For 1d4 x 5 minutes, gain Resist Fear +2, Immune Charmed and Immune Frightened, then gain Fatigue.
Penicillin If Bloodied or Sickened, regain 1 HP at the start of each of your turns for 1d4 rounds.
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Alchemical Treatment Antigen Gain +2 Alchemy. If you have any Skill Points in Medicine, you may lose them to gain that many additional points in Alchemy.

You may use your Alchemy skill whenever you would make an INT/Medicine check.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Experimental Antigen Alchemical Treatment When you create Alchemical Antigens each day, you may choose one of them to be Experimental. Roll 1d10 to randomly determine which Antigen you create. This may be an Antigen that you already know, or one that you do not know. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Additional Antigen Experimental Antigen Gain +2 Alchemy.

Learn one new Alchemical Antigen.

Masterwork. If your alchemist tools are your Masterwork, this is a Repeatable talent. Furthermore, you may make +2 Antigens per day.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Synthesize Potion Syringe Each time you create a Herbal Potion, you may attempt to make a Healing Vial or Healing Potion instead. Make the appropriate Alchemy check, ignoring the material costs associated with these potions. If you succeed on the check, you make the potion, but it expires after 24 hours when made with this ability.

You may now learn the Pathogen and Antigen talents, ignoring their prerequisites.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Purifying Concoction Synthesize Potion; Antigen or Pathogen You may sprinkle purifying chemicals over one ration’s worth of food or one drink. To do so, expend one Herbal Potion or one dose of Basic Medicine. Any nonmagical disease or poison in the food or drink is automatically neutralized. Any magical disease or poison is not removed, but glows visibly, alerting you to its presence. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Rapid Treatment Purifying Concoction It costs you 0 AP to inject yourself with potions.

Gain the Rapid Treatment ability.

  • Rapid Treatment (INT/Rest). You may inject an ally with a potion for 0 AP.

Masterwork: If your medical syringe is your Masterwork, Rapid Treatment has a 40 ft range when injecting allies.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Versatile Surgeon Scalpel Gain +2 Medicine.

Your surgical scalpel does +1 damage.

You may use your Plague Surgeon ability on creatures that are suffering from a poison or Burning.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Balm Versatile Surgeon Gain the Balm ability.
  • Balm. When you willingly damage an allied creature, that creature immediately gains Shield HP equal to the amount of damage you dealt.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Precise Surgeon Balm When you use your Plague Surgeon ability, you may increase your Medicine check by a number less than or equal to double 1d4+INT. Your subject takes damage equal to 1⁄2 the amount by which you increased your Medicine check.

Masterwork: If your surgical scalpel is your Masterwork, when performing a Medicine check that takes minutes, halve the amount of time it takes. When performing a Medicine check that takes AP, reduce the APC by 1 (min 1).

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Antigenic Balm Precise Surgeon Gain the Antigenic Balm ability.
  • Antigenic Balm (INT/Rest). When you willingly damage an allied creature with your scalpel, that creature immediately gains Shield HP equal to the amount of damage you dealt + your INT. If it still has any of this Shield HP the next time it would Recoup, it loses the Shield HP and regains HP equal to the amount of Shield HP it had.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Pathogen Medical Set Gain two Pathogens from the following list. Each time you Take a Rest and have access to your medical kit, you may create 2 Pathogens. Each Pathogen is contained in a vial that can be emptied onto food or into a drink for 3 AP. These Pathogens are considered potions that lose their potency 24 hours after you create them.

Gain the Pathogen attack.

  • Pathogen: Throw a Pathogen. (3 AP) Thrown 40 ft One-Handed Weapon. +INT vs FORT. Hit: The creature suffers the Pathogen’s effects. Miss: The Pathogen is wasted.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Pathogen Effect
Allergen Creature is Shaken for 1d4 hours.
Bacterial Infection Creature is Demoralized for 2d4 hours.
Emesis For the next 1d4 hours, when the creature starts its turn, it has a 10% chance of being Stunned. If it is Stunned in this way 3 times before the end of the duration, the effect ends.
Fever Creature is Chilled for 1d4 x 5 minutes.
Sedative Creature is Slowed for 1d6 x 10 minutes.
Viral Infection Creature is Sickened for 1d4 x 5 minutes.
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Experimental Pathogen Pathogen When you create Pathogens each day, you may choose for one of them to be Experimental. Roll 1d6 to randomly determine which Pathogen you create. This may be a Pathogen that you already know, or one that you do not know. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Deadly Pathogen Experimental Pathogen When you use your Alchemical Pathogen ability, you may make a DC 30 INT/Alchemy check. On a success, in place of one of your Pathogens, you make one potent Pathogen. Choose a common disease. When a creature is affected by your Pathogen, they become infected with that disease. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Additional Pathogen Deadly Pathogen You may make +1 Pathogen each day.

Learn one new Pathogen of your choice.

Masterwork: If your medical kit is your Masterwork, you may make +2 Pathogens each day instead.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Clarity Thurible Your thurible affects creatures within 10 ft. In addition, you gain an additional aroma: Clarity.
  • Clarity: Creatures within 5 ft of the thurible gain Resist Charmed +2 and Resist Enthralled +2.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Valor Clarity Gain +2 to all Resists granted by your thurible. Additionally, you gain an additional aroma: Valor.
  • Valor: Creatures within 5 ft of the thurible gain Resist Frightened +2, Resist Broken +2, and Resist Fear +2.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Motivation Valor You may choose to exclude any creature in your thurible’s radius from its effects.

Additionally, you gain another aroma: Motivation.

Motivation: When a creature starts its turn within the thurible’s effect, that creature’s first attack gains +1 TA.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Vitality Motivation You gain one additional aroma: Vitality.
  • Vitality: Creatures that begin their turn within the thurible’s radius regain 1 HP if they are Bloodied and have more than 0 HP.

Masterwork: If your thurible is your Masterwork, you may now produce a number of aromas equal to your INT.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Triage Plague Mask When you restore HP to a Bloodied creature, that creature regains additional HP equal to your INT. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Analyze Triage You may spend 1 AP to study a hostile creature and determine how healthy they are. Make an INT/Medicine check,with a DC of 10 + 1⁄2 that creature’s level. On a success, you learn their current HP.

If you beat the DC by 5 or more, you also learn whether the creature has Regen or DR, and if so, how much.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Plague Mask II Analyze You have Immune Common Diseases. Your Resist Uncommon Diseases becomes +6, and you gain Resist Rare Diseases +2. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Triage II Plague Mask II When you restore HP to a creature with 0 HP, that creature regains additional HP equal to double your INT.

Masterwork: If your plague mask is your Masterwork, you restore HP to a Bloodied creature, that creature regains additional HP equal to their current Death Points.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Treatment Arsenal Plague Doctor 10 You gain an additional Masterwork, choosing from one of the following talents you possess: Alchemy Set, Medical Set, Plague Mask, Scalpel, Syringe, or Thurible. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Treatment Arsenal II Treatment Arsenal
  • (1/Week) You may reselect your two Masterworks from the following talents you possess: Alchemy Set, Medical Set, Plague Mask, Scalpel, Syringe, or Thurible.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Experimental Treatment Treatment Arsenal, Additional Antigen, Rapid Treatment Choose Leeching, Cauterize, Blood Transfusion, or Amputate and gain that talent. Gain the Experimental Treatment ability.
  • Experimental Treatment (1/Rest). When a creature is in dire straits, you may attempt a risky experimental treatment to give them a new lease on life.

Make an INT/Medicine check. The base DC is 15 and is modified by the following circumstances.

Creature is in a:

  • Treatment facility: +0
  • Permanent Shelter: +2
  • Makeshift shelter: +5

Creature is suffering the ___ condition:

  • None: +0
  • Bleeding: +10
  • Bloodied: +8
  • Burning: +12
  • Sickened: +8
  • Shaken: +5

Creature has Death Points:

  • +2 per Death Point

Creature has a ___ Disease:

  • Common: +2
  • Uncommon: +5
  • Rare: +8
  • Very Rare: +12

Creature has a ___ Lethality Disease:

  • Low: +2
  • Medium: +5
  • High: +8
  • Extreme: +12

Creature has a ___ Transmissibility Disease:

  • Low: +0
  • Medium: +2
  • High: +5
  • Extreme: +8
If a creature has a disease, up to three modifications may apply to the DC from the same disease based on its rarity, lethality, and transmissibility. Experimental treatment is risky!

If you fail, the creature becomes Fatigued and gains +4 Death Points.

If you succeed, remove all the creature’s Death Points, Bleeding and Burning conditions, and cure the creature’s disease. The creature also regains 1 HP if it has none.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Leeching Experimental Treatment By implementing leeches to suck out the impure blood, you can improve your likelihood of success when performing experimental treatments.

When performing Experimental Treatment on a creature with a disease, you may apply leeches. If you do, ignore the creature’s disease for the purposes of determining the adjusted INT/Medicine DC.

On a success, you cure the creature’s disease, but the creature gains none of the other standard benefits from the Experimental Treatment.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Cauterize Experimental Treatment By cauterizing an open wound, you ensure that your patient will not bleed out during an Experimental Treatment.

Provided that you have the means to heat up a metal surface that you can apply to the patient’s body, you end the patient’s Bleeding condition before making your Experimental Treatment check. The patient suffers 1d4 fire damage. Gain a bonus to your INT/Medicine check equal to the fire damage that they suffered.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Blood Transfusion Experimental Treatment You or a willing creature may siphon some of your own blood into the wounded creature while you perform your Experimental Treatment.

The creature contributing the blood suffers 1d8 necrotic damage and is Shaken for 1d4 x 5 minutes. (If the creature has Immune Necrotic, it cannot contribute blood.)

Ignore the Bleeding and Bloodied conditions when calculating your Experimental Treatment DC.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Amputate Experimental Treatment Sometimes, experimental treatments fail, and the best solution is to simply cut the disease off.

When you fail an Experimental Treatment check on a creature that has a disease, you may choose to succeed instead. If you do so, the target creature loses the limb that is most infected, losing that limb at the elbow or knee. If the area of infection was not previously specified, roll 1d4:

  1. Right arm
  2. Left arm
  3. Right leg
  4. Left leg
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Miracle of Science Experimental Treatment, Plague Doctor 14
  • (1/Campaign) If you fail an Experimental Treatment, you may choose to succeed instead.
  • (1/Campaign) If you use Amputate successfully, you may devise a fully functioning prosthetic limb for the affected creature after a number of days equal to 90 - INT/Alchemy.
  • Level 30: If you did not use either Miracle of Science ability, then both abilities become 1/Rest.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor, Capstone
Tome of Disease Treatment Arsenal, Antigenic Balm, Additional Pathogen You gain a medical tome that helps you research and diagnose illness. When you take this talent, choose a disease lethality and a disease transmissibility (both Low, Medium, High, or Extreme).

You can automatically identify when a creature is suffering from a disease that fits your selection. When attempting to treat such a creature, you double your INT attribute bonus.

Your surgical scalpel and medical kit now count as a single Masterwork, allowing you to take another Masterwork when applicable.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Autopsy Tome of Disease Gain the Autopsy ability.
  • Autopsy (1/Month). You may spend 1 day studying the corpse of a creature that died from a disease. You then learn that disease’s lethality and transmissibility.

You gain the bonus from your Tome of Disease whenever treating a creature that suffers from any combination of lethality and transmissibility that you have researched.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Confident Diagnosis Autopsy Gain the Confident Diagnosis ability.
  • Confident Diagnosis (1/Week). When making an INT/Medicine check to treat a creature with a disease covered by your Tome of Disease, you may double your Medicine skill bonus instead of doubling your INT.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Retraining Confident Diagnosis Once per week when in a well-resourced library, medical center, or alchemical laboratory, you may reselect the lethality and transmissibility choices that you made when you took the Tome of Disease talent. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Lasting Remedy Retraining When you cure a creature of a disease, it becomes Immune to that disease for triple the normal amount of time (as denoted in the description of the disease).
  • Level 30: When you cure a creature of a disease, it becomes Immune to that disease for the rest of its life.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor, Capstone
Cleanse Virulence Treatment Arsenal, Vitality, Triage II
  • (1/Rest). When you expend a use of your thurible, you may extend the benefits of the Plague Mask talent to all creatures within the thurible’s effective area.

Your thurible and plague mask now count as a single Masterwork, allowing you to take another Masterwork when applicable.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Plague Mask III Cleanse Virulence Plague Mask II becomes: Resist Uncommon Diseases +10, Resist Rare Diseases +6, and Resist Very Rare Diseases +2.

Whenever you take necrotic or poison damage, you reduce that damage by 1⁄2 your INT.

Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Cleanse Virulence II Plague Mask III When you use your Cleanse Virulence ability, you may also use the benefits of Plague Mask III. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Comprehensive Treatment Plan Cleanse Virulence II All Plague Doctor items count as Masterworks for you. Tinkerer, Plague Doctor
Plague Master Comprehensive Treatment Plan Plague Mask III becomes: Immune Uncommon Diseases, Resist Rare Diseases +10, and Resist Very Rare Diseases +6.

Whenever you take necrotic or poison damage, reduce that damage by your INT.

  • (1/Month). You may respec your Plague Doctor talents within Plague Doctor.
  • Level 30: You are Immune to all diseases, magical and nonmagical. When you Take a Rest, you may extend this benefit to 1⁄2 INT allies that you touch until the next time you Take a Rest.
Tinkerer, Plague Doctor, Capstone