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Arcane magic originates from the Fundamental Wellspring, and accessing this magic directly is very dangerous. Without careful study and training, this would prove impossible for all but the most powerful or lucky would-be casters. In order to use arcane magic, one must achieve a state of metaphysical awareness called Attunation. While the actual use of arcane magic generally requires diligent study, intelligence, and careful process, the ability to use it at all requires one to be open to the Fundamental Wellspring through this Attunation.

Achieving Attunation requires an enlightenment that comes primarily from the act of learning and mastering a craft. Attunation and the use of magic can vary greatly. Mages achieve Attunation most commonly through study (this is also commonly done under a master), although some may undertake other endeavors that both calm and open the mind. Troubadours may achieve Attunation through creative endeavors, such as singing, dancing, or even playwriting. Tinkerers might achieve Attunation through crafting.

If you use arcane magic, consider how you achieved Attunation, and be sure that you regularly practice maintaining your Attunation. If you do not, your MC may impose detriments to your capability as an arcane caster.


An arcane caster generally has a physical object on their person that acts as a mental focus for their Attunation. If this object is destroyed, you can recreate it given a week of downtime. This might be a spellbook, gem, crystal, instrument, tool, or some other meaningful or sentimental item.


Arcane magic operates through the intent of the caster directly and not through a proxy. The act of using arcane magic is an attempt to change reality to the benefit of the caster. For example, one caster may prefer their spellbook well-worn, with pages dog-eared and bits highlighted, while another prefers a pristine, almost unused quality. The second caster, upon casting the Mend cantrip on the spellbook, may undo all the wear and tear, and the first caster may cast the same cantrip on it again, restoring all of the “love.”

If you are unsure of the effects of a spell or cantrip, consider the caster’s intent. Arcane casters who attempt to use simple tricks to cause great effect or harm; fabricate actual intent disingenuously (such as the mental trick of convincing oneself they consider a book “fixed” when it is clean, for the purpose of passing off a used book as new); or practice pedantry will likely be blocked from Attunation and the ability to do so, or at the MC’s discretion, may catch the eye of a planar being who thrives on such trickery.


Arcane magic drawn directly from the Fundamental Wellspring is inherently volatile. When you roll a 1 to hit when casting a spell or cantrip, the magic automatically fails and you take damage equal to its SPC (min 1). This damage immediately ends your turn, and you do not carry over any AP and as such cannot act reactively until the end of your next turn.

If you take backlash damage that exceeds your current level, you may roll 1d20; on a roll of 10 or higher, you only take damage equal to your level.

If you do not have your Focus when you cast arcane magic, you trigger backlash on a roll of 1 or 2 and take three times the damage (after accounting for your character level, if relevant).

Arcane Critical Casts

If you crit on a spell, then you reduce the SPC by 10. If the spell costs fewer than 10 SP, then you expend no SP.

Arcane Specific Magic Types

In addition to spells, arcane magic gives you access to cantrips.

Cantrip. Cantrips cost no SP and you can use them as many times as you wish.

Arcane Tags

These tags are referenced in various arcane spells and cantrips.

Arcane Power: Arcane Power is the total number of talent points you have spent on arcane talents as a result of leveling up, as well as the number of talent points you have spent in certain classes and class tracks. Each class or track will inform you if it contributes to Arcane Power.

Arcane Ritual: If you know a spell with the arcane ritual tag, you may scribe that spell into a book by spending at least one hour doing so. Spells recorded in this way can be cast without expending SP if the SPC does not exceed your maximum SP. This requires the spell’s full casting time + 10 minutes.

You can cast one arcane ritual per day in this way, regardless of how many arcane rituals you know.

Fundamental: Spells with the fundamental tag can only be dispelled using the Unravel Magic spell from the Arcane Source.