Charlie Cobbler

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At level 1, Charlie has the following gear: 2 daggers, brass knuckles, crossbow and 20 bolts, brigandine armor, clothes (simple), 50ft rope, manacles, rations (2), hooded lantern, oil (flask), tinderbox, and torches (2).

Charlie has 202 sc.

Charlie has Locksmith’s Tools: collection of picks, tension wrenches, rakes, pinning tweezers, and plug spinners for manipulating locks, opening them without keys, and even repairing or modifying locking mechanisms.

Charlie has two trinkets: A locket containing a professional sketch of Charlie’s wife and son, and an ear stud that matches his wife’s.

Level Lineage BOP Attribute Points HP Talent AP SP
1 Human

- Tenacious - Determined 1


Thug Evading +4, Intuiting +3, Law +3, Menacing +3, Politics (of Falth) +2, Sneaking +3, Sprinting +3

STR 2, DEX 1, END 2, AWR 1, INT -1, CHA 0, LUCK 0, COR 1 13 Tumbler 3 -
2 +1 COR (2). 16 Pugilist Entry

Unarmed attacks use STR

4 -
3 +1 END (3). 22 Take a Punch 4 -
4 +1 STR (3). 26 Greater Counterpunch 4 -
5 Determined 2 +1 COR (3). 30 Ignore Pain 4 -
6 Thug (Rank 2)

Menacing +3, Eavesdropping +1, Intuiting +1, Evading +1

+1 COR (4). 34 Boxer's Maneuvers

Dodger, Jab

5 -
7 +1 STR (4). 38 Greater Corner 5 -
8 +1 STR (5). 42 Mighty Punch

Athletics +4

5 -
9 +1 END (4). 46 Take a Punch II 5 -
10 Offensive Rush +1 END (5). 50 Surge of Strength 5 -
11 +1 END (6). 65 Red Right Hand

The Ol' One-Two

5 -
12 Thug (Rank 3)

Menacing +3, Eavesdropping +1, Intuiting +1, Evading +1

+1 STR (6). 70 Ignore Pain II 5 -
13 +1 END (7). 75 Surge of Strength II 5 -
14 +1 END (8). 80 Enrage 5 -
15 Determined 3 +1 END (9). 100 Ignore Pain III 5 -
16 +1 STR (7). 106 Battle Focus 5 -
17 +1 STR (8). 112 On the Ropes 5 -
18 Thug (Rank 2)

Menacing +3, Eavesdropping +1, Intuiting +1, Evading +1

+1 STR (9). 118 Surge of Strength III 5 -
19 +1 END (10). 124 Death Defier 5 -
20 Fast Friends

Empathy +2, Intimidating +4

+1 END (11). 130 Constitute 5 -
21 +1 END (12). 157 Enrage II 5 -
22 +1 STR (10). 164 Red Right Hand II

Trade Blows

5 -
23 +1 STR (11). 171 Mastery of Form

Gut Punch, Uppercut

5 -
24 Thug (Rank 2)

Menacing +3, Eavesdropping +1, Intuiting +1, Evading +1

+1 STR (12). 178 Battle Focus II 5 -
25 Pillar of the Community

Honorable (Rank 1) Intuiting +3, Empathy +1, Eavesdropping +1, Politics (of Falth) +1

+1 COR (5). 185 Unkillable Champion 5 -
26 +1 COR (6). 192 Hulking 6 -
27 +1 DEX (2). 199 Boxer's Maneuvers II

Mind Games, Roll

6 -
28 +1 AWR (2). 206 Superior Corner 6 -
29 Many Interests

Athletics +2, Empathy +2, Menacing +2, Tumbling +2

+1 DEX (3). 213 Superior Counterpunch 6 -
30 +1 STR (13), -1 DEX (2), +1 STR (14). 220 Tough III 6 -