Specialization Talents

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Each time you level up, you may gain a talent. If you choose not to gain a talent from one of the class stacks, you can gain one of these talents, provided you meet its prerequisites. Talents are listed sequentially, or alphabetically when there is no sequence.

Combat Stack

These talents will help you in a variety of combat situations

Talent Description Tags
Bull Rush If you move 10 ft or more on your turn in a straight line and then hit a creature with a melee attack, you may make a secondary attack: STR vs FORT. Hit: Knock the creature Prone if it is no more than two Sizes larger than you. Combat
Exploitative You gain the ability to Exploit.
  • Exploit. (X AP) When a creature within your melee weapon’s reach does one of the following actions, you may spend AP to make an attack against that creature immediately. The amount of AP that you must spend equals the normal AP you would spend to make an attack with that weapon on your turn.

You can Exploit when a creature:

  • Moves out of your melee weapon's reach
  • Administers a potion (themselves or feeding it to another)
  • Makes a ranged attack while within your melee weapon's reach
Giant Slayer Gain +1 TA against creatures that are a Large or greater Size. Combat
Opportunist You gain +2 to hit on Exploit attacks. Combat

Archery Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Careful Shot You can deduct any penalties to your ranged weapon attack roll, such as those from Cover or TD, from your damage roll instead of your attack roll. Combat, Archery
Cool Under Pressure When you make a ranged weapon attack and are within 5 ft of a hostile creature, you do not gain any TD. Combat, Archery
Guarded Shot When you make a ranged weapon attack and are within 5 ft of a hostile creature, you do not provoke reactive attacks. Combat, Archery
Point Blank Shot Guarded Shot When you make a ranged weapon attack and are within 5 ft of your target, your crit range increases by 1 (e.g., if you crit on a 20, now crit on a 19-20). Combat, Archery
Power Shot Guarded Shot You can elect to take a -5 on your attack roll for a +8 damage bonus. You must declare this before you roll your attack. Combat, Archery

Critical Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Astounding Critical When you crit and roll max damage on a damage die, set that die aside and roll another die of the same type. Repeat this process until there are no new maximum dice. Your range for critical failure doubles (from a 1 to a 2, or a 2 to a 4) and critically failing an attack immediately ends your turn regardless of how much AP you have remaining. Combat, Crit
Go For The Knees When you crit against a creature with a weapon attack, it is Slowed until the end of its next turn. Combat, Crit
Gore Bull Rush If you crit with the attack made as a part of your Bull Rush, your target is automatically knocked Prone and you may immediately make another attack against that creature without expending AP. Combat, Crit
Impale If you crit with a two-handed melee weapon that deals sharp damage, make a secondary attack: DEX vs FORT. Hit: the target is Grappled. Combat, Crit
Opportunistic Crit If you crit using Reactive AP, you retain up to 3 of those Reactive AP, and may attack again if you have enough AP to do so and conditions that triggered your reactive attack are still met. Combat, Crit
Slow And Steady You gain +1 damage on all damage rolls, but can no longer crit. This increases by an additional +1 at levels 10, 20, and 30 to a maximum of +4, but does not work retroactively. Combat, Crit
Training Meets Opportunity Weapon Expertise

2 Luck

While you have 0 Luck Points, your crit range is increased by 1 with weapons if you have Weapon Expertise with those weapons. Combat, Crit

Dual Wielding Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Basic Dual Wield You can effectively use two light weapons at once. When you make a melee attack with a light weapon and you are holding a light weapon in your other hand, you can make a melee attack with the second weapon, using 1 fewer AP than you normally would (min 1). You can only reduce the APC of your attack in this manner once per turn. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Advanced Dual Wield Basic Dual Wield When you make a melee attack with a weapon and you are holding a weapon in your other hand, and both weapons have the light and one-handed tags, you can make a melee attack with the second weapon, using 1 fewer AP than you normally would (min 1). You can reduce the APC of your second attack any number of times per turn provided that you alternate weapon attacks each time. (Each time you make an attack for the normal amount of AP, you can make one attack for 1 fewer AP). Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Blade Blocker Basic Dual Wield While you are using two weapons, you gain Resist Physical 2 against melee attacks. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Blade Blocker II Blade Blocker, Dual Wield IV Blade Blocker becomes Resist Physical 4. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Dual Wield Basic Dual Wield You can reduce the APC of attacks using your Dual Wield even if only one of your weapons has the light tag. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Dual Wield II Dual Wield You can reduce the APC of attacks using your Dual Wield even if neither of your weapons have the light tag (they must both still have the one-handed tag). Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Dual Wield III Dual Wield II, STR 2 You can reduce the APC of attacks using your Dual Wield even if one of your weapons has the hand-and-a-half tag. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting
Dual Wield IV Dual Wield III, STR 4 You can reduce the APC of attacks using your Dual Wield even if both of your weapons have the hand-and-a- half tag. Combat, Two-Weapon Fighting

One-Handed Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Duelist When you are using a one-handed weapon and not holding any other weapons, add +1 to the attack and damage rolls you make with that weapon. Combat, One-Handed Fighting
Lunge When you are using a one-handed weapon and not holding any other weapons, when you spend AP to make an attack with that weapon, you may first move 5 ft as part of the same action. Combat, One-Handed Fighting

Two-Handed Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Rend STR 2 Gain the Rend ability.
  • Rend. (END/Rest) When you make an attack with a two-handed melee weapon using STR, add double your STR to the damage roll, instead of only adding your STR.
Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Rend II Rend Rend becomes END/Recoup. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Rend III Rend II, STR 6 Rend becomes END/Catch Breath. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Great Rend Rend, STR 4 (2/Recoup) When you kill an enemy with a two-handed melee weapon using STR, you immediately gain 1 AP. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Great Rend II Great Rend I, STR 8 Great Rend becomes 2/Catch Breath. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Great Rend III Great Rend II, STR 10 You may use your Great Rend ability indefinitely. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting
Hacking Blow Rend You may use Rend with a weapon that has the hand-and-a-half tag, but you must be wielding it with two hands in order to use Rend. Combat, Two-Handed Fighting

Weapon Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Weapon Expertise Choose a weapon type: one-handed, two-handed, or hand-and-a-half. Choose a range: melee, ranged, or reach. Gain +1 to hit and +1 to damage with weapons that have both of those qualities. Combat, Weapon
Weapon Mastery Weapon Expertise Choose a specific weapon with a type for which you have Weapon Expertise (e.g., if you have two-handed, ranged Weapon Expertise, you may choose a longbow). Gain +1 to hit and +1 to damage with that type of weapon. Combat, Weapon
Improved Weapon Mastery Weapon Mastery Choose a weapon for which you have Weapon Mastery. Increase its crit range by 1. Combat, Weapon

Command Stack

These talents will make you better at commanding a room or battlefield with your undeniable presence

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Charmer (2/Recoup) You may make a special attack: +CHA vs WILL of a creature within 30 ft of you that is not hostile towards you. Hit: They are Charmed by you for 10 minutes. Command, Social
Charmer II Charmer Charmer becomes 2/Catch Breath. Command, Social
On Your Feet You may spend 1 AP to pull an adjacent ally up from being Prone. Command, Combat

Defense Stack

Through armor or tactics, these talents will improve your capacity to avoid or mitigate damage.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Ain't No Grave When you would gain a Death Point at the end of your turn, you can instead expend an available Luck Point to remove a Death Point. If this would cause you to reach 0 Death Points, you regain 1 HP. Defense
Hardy Incompatible: Meat Pile You gain additional HP equal to your Level. You may recalculate your HP entirely when taking this talent if you so desire, following the modified formula 10+(Level) d(X)+(Level x2). Additionally, each time you level up, gain +1 additional HP. Defense
Hardy II Hardy, Level 10 You gain additional HP equal to your Level. You may recalculate your HP entirely when taking this talent if you so desire, following the modified formula 10+(Level) d(X)+(Level x3). Additionally, each time you level up, gain +1 additional HP. Defense
Hardy III Hardy II, Level 15 You gain additional HP equal to your Level. You may recalculate your HP entirely when taking this talent if you so desire, following the modified formula 10+(Level) d(X)+(Level x4). You suffer no negative effects from Fatigue for the first day you are Fatigued (allowing you to remove Death Points normally). This ability resets when your fatigue is removed. Additionally, each time you level up, gain +1 additional HP. Defense
Meat Pile Incompatible: Hardy You gain -2 REF, and gain HP equal to your Level. Your HP die size becomes 1d20 and you can recalculate your HP following this modified formula: 10+(Level)d20+(Level x2). However, your AR and physical defenses can never exceed 11. You must roll for your HP when you have this talent. Defense

Armor Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Evasive Incompatible: Lucky Placement, Impulse, Tough, Intuition* If you are not wearing armor, you may use your REF in place of your AR, but your AR cannot exceed 14 when you do. Defense, Armor
Evasive II Evasive Your AR cannot exceed 18 when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Evasive III Evasive II Your AR has no limit when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Can't Kill What You Can't Catch Evasive When an attack that targets your REF misses you, you may move 5 ft. Defense, Armor
Perfect Dodge Evasive II If you would take half damage from an attack that targets your REF, you instead take no damage. Defense, Armor
Heavy Armor Trainee Your movement is no longer restricted by wearing heavy armor. Defense, Armor
Impulse Incompatible: Evasive, Tough, Intuition* If you are not wearing armor, you may use your ANT in place of your AR, but your AR cannot exceed 14 when you do. Defense, Armor
Impulse II Impulse Your AR cannot exceed 18 when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Impulse III Impulse II Your AR has no limit when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Light Armor Trainee You gain +1 AR, REF, and FORT while wearing light armor. Defense, Armor
Lucky Placement Incompatible: Evasive You can use your LUCK (max +4), instead of your DEX, when calculating your REF. Defense, Armor
Lucky Placement II Lucky Placement You can use your LUCK (max +8), instead of your DEX, when calculating your REF.

You may use Luck Points to force an attacker to reroll their attack if they are targeting your REF and not targeting other creatures.

Defense, Armor
Lucky Placement III Lucky Placement II You can use your LUCK, instead of your DEX, when calculating your REF. Defense, Armor
Second Skin: Light Armor Repeatable. Choose one type of light armor (such as leather or gambeson). Gain the armor’s Resist bonus when wearing that type of armor.

When you level up, you can lose this talent to gain another Second Skin talent.

Defense, Armor, Repeatable
Second Skin: Medium Armor Repeatable. Choose one type of medium armor (such as brigandine or lamellar). Gain the armor’s Resist bonus when wearing that type of armor.

When you level up, you can lose this talent to gain another Second Skin talent.

Defense, Armor, Repeatable
Second Skin: Heavy Armor Repeatable. Choose one type of heavy armor (chainmail or plate). Gain the armor’s Resist bonus when wearing that type of armor.

When you level up, you can lose this talent to gain another Second Skin talent.

Defense, Armor, Repeatable
Second Skin: Shields Repeatable. Choose one type of shield (such as buckler or kite shield). Gain the shield’s Resist bonus when you have that type of shield equipped.

When you level up, you can lose this talent to gain another Second Skin talent.

Defense, Armor, Repeatable
Tough Incompatible: Evasive, Impulse, Intuition* If you are not wearing armor, you may use your FORT in place of your AR, but your AR cannot exceed 14 when you do. Defense, Armor
Tough II Tough Your AR cannot exceed 18 when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Tough III Tough II Your AR has no limit when you use this feature. Defense, Armor
Unarmored Awareness Unarmored Defense (1/Catch Breath) You become unnaturally attuned to a battlefield. While you are not wearing armor, you may increase your AWR by +5 reactively when you are making an AWR roll or your ANT is being attacked. This bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Defense, Armor
Unarmored Awareness II Unarmored Awareness You can use this ability once for 0 Reactive AP, and indefinitely by spending 2 Reactive AP. Your free use of this ability recharges when you Catch your Breath. Defense, Armor
Unarmored Awareness III Unarmored Awareness II You have three free uses of Unarmored Awareness, which you regain when you Catch your Breath. Subsequent uses of Unarmored Awareness cost only 1 AP. Defense, Armor
Unarmored Awareness IV Unarmored Awareness III, Level 15 Your unarmored Awareness increases to +10 AWR, and you can no longer roll below a 10 on skill checks to discern tactical information in the heat of battle. Defense, Armor

Defensive Maneuvers Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Barrel Roll Gain the Barrel Roll ability.
  • Barrel Roll. You gain +2 AR against ranged attacks, and when a ranged attack misses you, you can immediately move 10 ft, ignoring creatures between you and your target space. You can only move in this way once on each round (regaining the ability at the start of each of your turns).
Defense, Defensive Maneuvers
Barrel Roll II Barrel Roll You may use Barrel Roll multiple times per round, but every barrel roll after the first takes 1 Reactive AP. Defense, Defensive Maneuvers
Brawler When two or more hostile creatures are within 5 ft of you and you have no allies adjacent to you, all of your defenses increase by +1. Defense, Defensive Maneuvers
Human Shield You gain +2 to your physical defenses while you have an enemy Grappled. Defense, Defensive Maneuvers
Lurker When you are Concealed, your AR and your physical defenses increase by +2. Defense, Defensive Maneuvers

Shield Track

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Shield Training You can wield any melee weapon with the one-handed tag while wielding a shield, instead of only a light weapon.

Gain the Raise ability.

  • Raise. Spend 1 AP to raise your shield, gaining +3 to physical defenses until the beginning of your next turn. This automatically ends your turn.
Defense, Shield
Buckler Specialization Shield Training While you have a buckler equipped, you may add 1 AP to a melee attack you are making, if that attack hits, the creature gains TD while attacking you until the beginning of your next turn. Defense, Shield
Buckler Strap Shield Training You may equip a buckler by strapping it to your forearm, allowing both of your hands to be free. Defense, Shield
Buckler Warrior Shield Fighting, Buckler Strap You can use a two-handed weapon with a buckler, and can use the two-handed benefits of a hand-and-a-half weapon. Defense, Shield
Shield Fighting Shield Training You can wield one-handed or hand-and-a-half weapons while wielding a shield, but cannot use a hand-and-a-half weapon using two hands. Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Training Shield Training You gain the Resist abilities of kite shields and heater shields. Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Training II Medium Shield Training You gain an additional +1 to your AR while wielding a kite or heater shield.

(1/Catch Breath) The first time you use your Raise ability after rolling Initiative, it does not cost AP.

Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Training III Medium Shield Training II While you have a kite or heater shield equipped, you gain +2 to your physical defenses against reactive attacks triggered by your movement. Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Training IV Medium Shield Training III If an attack against your REF misses you while you have Raise active and are wielding a kite or heater shield, you take no damage, if you would otherwise take half damage.

You can use your Raise ability for 0 AP 2/Catch Breath.

Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Training V Medium Shield Training IV Your Raise ability instead grants +4 to your physical defenses until the beginning of your next turn.

You can use your Raise ability for 0 AP 3/Catch Breath.

Defense, Shield
Medium Shield Mastery Medium Shield Training V You may now extend the bonus of your Raise ability to one target that remains within 5 ft of you until the start of your next turn. If the creature leaves a space that is within 5 ft of you, it loses this benefit even if it returns. Defense, Shield
Shield Siblings Shield Training While you are within 5 ft of another creature with the Shield Training talent, you both gain +1 AR. If they also have the Shield Siblings talent, this increases to +2 AR, and you cannot be flanked while within 5 ft of each other. Defense, Shield, Synergy
Shield Wall Shield Siblings While you are within 5 ft of another creature with this Talent and you are both wielding Tower Shields, you gain the following benefits.
  • Whenever both shields are Raised and one of you moves 5 ft, the other may move 5 ft as well without expending AP.
  • If you are moving into a space that another creature occupies, you may make a special attack: STR vs FORT, adding your Shield Siblings AR bonus to your attack roll. Hit: That creature is pushed back 5 ft.

Neither you nor your Shield Sibling can be moved against your will while both shields are Raised.

Defenses, Shield, Synergy
Shield Bash Shield Training If you have a kite or heater shield equipped and the additional AR you receive from having that shield equipped causes a melee weapon attack to miss you, you make a Shield Bash reactive attack for 1 Reactive AP, automatically hitting for 1d4 + STR damage. Defense, Shield
Tower Shield Specialization Shield Training You no longer suffer -5 ft speed while wielding a tower shield. Defense, Shield
Tower Shield Specialization II Tower Shield Specialization You may spend 1 AP to move 5 ft once on your turn when your tower shield is Raised. Defense, Shield
Tower Shield Specialization III Tower Shield Specialization II The Cover granted to creatures directly behind you increases to Cover 2, and when you move 5 ft, that creature can move with you without expending AP. Defense, Shield
Tower Shield Specialization IV Tower Shield Specialization III The Cover granted to creatures directly behind you increases to Cover 3 and they are considered Concealed, creatures in squares directly or diagonally behind you and within 10 ft of you gain Cover 1. Defense, Shield
Tower Shield Mastery Tower Shield Specialization IV The Cover granted to creatures in squares directly or diagonally behind you and within 10 ft gain Cover 2. You may now wield a tower shield with only one arm, however when you make a melee attack, you only gain Cover 3 instead of Total Cover until the beginning of your next turn. Defense, Shield

Misc Stack

These talents offer a variety of miscellaneous bonuses.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Animal Companion You gain a small, mundane animal companion, such as a songbird or hamster. This creature does not have statistics or participate in combat, but you can communicate very surface level thoughts with it, such as “Danger” or “Happy.” Misc Specialization
Family Heirloom Must be Character Level 1 (cannot take at higher levels) You have a special item: either a set of armor, or a weapon that to anyone else would seem mundane, but to you holds great value. Deduct half of its cost from your starting gold.

If it is armor, you gain +1 AR and WILL at levels 1, 10, 20, and 30. If it is a weapon, you gain a +1 to hit with this weapon at levels 1, 10, 20, and 30.

Misc Specialization

Primal Aspect Talents

To gain access to Primal Aspects, you must take one or more talents in the Berzerker, Oracle, and/or Ranger classes or find another way to access to them, such as a magical boon from an Archfae.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Primal Aspect Access to Primal Aspects Repeatable. Learn a Primal Aspect from the Primal Aspect Table. If you know more than one, you can only gain the benefits of one at a time. You can choose which Primal Aspect is active each time you complete a Rest. Primal Aspect, Repeatable
Primal Aspect Focus At least 2 Primal Aspects Choose 2 Primal Aspects that you know. You may switch between those Aspects freely when not in Initiative, and by spending 1 AP when you are in Initiative.

If you know more than 2 Aspects, you can choose which 2 are available to switch between upon Taking a Rest.

If you have transferred an Aspect to an ally, it is unavailable to you.

Primal Aspect
Primal Aspect Focus II Primal Aspect Focus You can switch between any of your Primal Aspects, even if you know more than 2, using your Aspect Focus. Primal Aspect
Primal Aspect Focus III Primal Aspect Focus II, Character Level 10 You can have 2 Aspects active at once and can switch between which aspects you have active freely when not in combat, or by spending 1 AP per Aspect switch on your turn during Initiative. Primal Aspect
Primal Aspect Focus IV Primal Aspect Focus III, Character Level 15 You can have 3 Aspects active at once and can switch between which aspects you have active freely when not in combat, or by spending 1 AP per Aspect switch on your turn during Initiative. Primal Aspect
Primal Aspect Transference Primal Aspect Focus (1/Rest) Choose a willing ally and spend 1 hour meditating, training, sparring, etc. At the end of this ritual, that ally can benefit from an Aspect that you know but is not currently active for you. The Aspect activates when you choose (0 AP on your turn or your ally’s turn) and lasts for 10 minutes. Primal Aspect
Primal Aspect Transference II Primal Aspect Transference Primal Aspect Transference becomes 3/Rest. Primal Aspect

Primal Aspect Table

Aspect Talent Ability
Aspect: A’rl’ng (1/Catch Breath) You may spend 1 AP to magically double all movement you take for this turn.
Aspect: Al’An You cannot be Surprised and creatures cannot gain TA against you from being Unseen.
Aspect: Heq You gain a +2 bonus on rolls when attempting one of these Maneuvers: Shove, Grapple, or Trip.
Aspect: Leshy You can always find food and shelter in the wild for yourself and 6 other individuals if given at least 4 hours to prepare. If you do not have 4 hours to prepare, you instead gain +2 on all Survival and Observation checks made to find food and shelter.
Aspect: Porov Gain +6 to Smithing and Masonry checks.
Aspect: Sekh 1 AP: You can leap 10 ft in a line towards an enemy you can see, attacking their REF with a weapon you are holding. On a hit, they fall Prone.
Aspect: Stoll (1/Catch Breath) Commune with the body of a deceased, briefly gaining a connection with its soul. You gain surface level insights into its state of emotions and wellbeing from the 4 hours leading up to its death, but not exact thoughts or words.
Aspect: Tamat (1/Recoup) For 10 minutes, gain awareness of nearby magic: If a creature or object is within 30 ft of you and you can see it, you know if it is magical or under the effects of magic. You learn the Source and Function of that magical effect.
Aspect: Vele (1/Catch Breath) 1 AP: Creatures within 5 ft of you gain Shield HP equal to your Character Level. While they have this Shield HP, attacks against them have TD.
Aspect: Woden Gain +6 to Vehicle* [water] and Navigation checks.

Skill Stack

These talents offer you a small bonus in addition to giving you more Skill Points.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Acrobat Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Alchemy Expert Gain +3 in the Alchemy skill.

Each time you Take a Rest, you can craft a tonic or a vial of caustic flame. Either option loses its potency after 24 hours.

  • Tonic: When a creature drinks this tonic, it regains 1d4 HP.
  • Flame Vial: A creature can throw this vial as an improvised thrown weapon. If it hits, the target creature gains the Burning (1d4) condition.
Skill Specialization
A Little Bit Of Soul You gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the INT tag.

Additionally, when making a check with a skill that has the crafting or knowledge tag, and that is a skill you have Skill Points for, you may use your CHA instead of your INT for your Skill Check.

Skill Specialization
Animal Whisperer Gain +3 in the Animal Handling skill.

(1/Rest) You gain the ability to calm agitated animals. By spending 3 AP, you may choose one Beast within 20 ft of you. Make an Animal Handling check against the creature’s WILL. If you succeed, then you Charm the creature and it will not harm you, though it will not go out of its way to help you.

Skill Specialization
Animal Trainer Animal Whisperer If you use your Animal Whisperer ability on the same beast once per day for a month, the creature becomes a loyal pet. It trusts you and will risk its life to protect you. Skill Specialization
Arcanist Understudy Gain +3 in the Arcana skill.

You learn one arcane cantrip of your choice. INT is your magic attribute for this cantrip. If you already know arcane magic through a different talent, use that magic attribute instead.

Skill Specialization
Artist Aspirant Incompatible: Entertainer (Artist) background Gain +3 in the Art skill.

Given one week of downtime, you can create one piece of art. If you sell it, it earns you 1d10+10 sc.

Skill Specialization
Artistic Apprentice Artist Aspirant Gain the entry level of the Entertainer Profession. You must choose the Artist track instead of the Performer track.

This replaces your Artist Aspirant Talent.

Skill Specialization
Astrologer Gain +3 in the Astrology skill.

(1/Rest) When you Take a Rest, roll 1d20 and write down the result. At any point before the next time you Take a Rest, when you roll a d20, you may choose to replace it with the number that you wrote down.

Skill Specialization
Astronomer Gain +3 in the Astronomy skill.

If you can see the stars, you can use your Astronomy skill when navigating or mapping (as if it were the Cartography or Navigating skills).

Skill Specialization
Athlete Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the athleticism tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Aware Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the AWR tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Balanced Gain +3 in the Balancing skill.

When a creature attempts to knock you Prone, instead of using your defense against that particular effect, you may choose to roll a DEX (Balancing) skill check instead. If you meet or exceed their attack roll, you do not fall Prone (but still suffer damage or other effects, provided that they hit your appropriate defense).

Skill Specialization
Biologist Gain +3 in the Biology skill.

You can immediately identify if a creature has the beast tag or monstrosity tag, or if it has neither. This costs 0 AP.

Skill Specialization
Brewer Gain +3 in the Brewing skill.

Your drinks are particularly delicious. When you Take a Rest, you can create one serving of a beverage of your choice. A creature that consumes it gains 1d6 Shield HP.

Skill Specialization
Brewing Expert Brewer Gain +3 in the Brewing skill.

You can now produce three servings of your beverage when you use your Brewer feature.

Skill Specialization
By Feel, Not Measure You gain +6 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the INT tag.

Additionally, when making a skill check with the crafting or knowledge tags, you may use your AWR instead of your INT for your skill check.

Skill Specialization
Calligrapher Gain +3 in the Calligraphy skill.

When you spend an hour of uninterrupted concentration and the requisite supplies, you can perfectly mimic any creature’s handwriting and/or make an exact copy of one page of text. You cannot Recoup while doing this, given the amount of concentration such endeavors require.

Skill Specialization
Careful Appraiser Gain +3 in the Appraising skill.

When you Take a Rest, you may choose one weapon, set of armor, or item and carefully clean it to increase its value. You can sell such an item for 110% its original cost. You cannot use this ability multiple times on the same object.

Skill Specialization
Carpenter Gain +3 in the Carpentry skill.

If you spend an hour reinforcing a door, gate, or section of wall with wooden planks, you may increase its DT by 5. You cannot do this to an area larger than 20 ft2.

Skill Specialization
Cartographer Gain +3 in the Cartography skill.

After charting an area (which takes a minimum of 1 week of exploration), you may sell a map of that area. You may sell one map per day per area that you have charted, and each map sold earns you 5 sc.

Skill Specialization
Charismatic Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the CHA tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Chef Gain +3 in the Cooking skill.

Your artistic sense of how to mingle flavors allows you to improve any food and drink. When a creature consumes food or drink that you have had at least ten minutes to modify, you Charm that creature for 1 hour. At the end of this time, the creature is not aware that they were Charmed.

Skill Specialization
Chemist Gain +3 in the Chemistry skill.

Your profound understanding of how to mix chemicals enables you to manipulate the qualities of food and drink. When a creature consumes food or drink that you have had at least one minute to modify, you may roll a Chemistry skill check against that creature’s FORT. If you hit, they become Sickened for 1 hour.

Any magic that reveals poison reveals this tampering.

Skill Specialization
Climber Gain +3 in the Athletics skill.

(1/Rest) You may give yourself a climb speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute.

Skill Specialization
Cobbler Gain +3 in the Cobbling skill.

Each time you Take a Rest, you may patch a pair of shoes. For the next 24 hours, whoever wears those shoes gains a +3 bonus to the Forced March skill.

Skill Specialization
Cobbling Master Cobbler Each time you Take a Rest, you may patch three pairs of shoes. For the next 24 hours, whoever wears those shoes gains a +3 bonus to the Forced March skill. Skill Specialization
Contortionist Gain +3 in the Contorting skill.

Moving through spaces that would require you to Squeeze costs no additional movement.

Skill Specialization
Crafter Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the Crafting tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Dancer Gain +3 in the Dancing skill.

Your REF increases by +1.

Skill Specialization
Deckhand Gain +3 in the Vehicles* (Water) skill.

You can book passage on a boat or ship for free, provided that you contribute to maintaining the vessel. A ship that is already overstaffed might still turn you down.

Skill Specialization
Dextrous Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the DEX tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Disguise Artist Gain +3 in the Disguising skill.

You no longer need a disguise kit to make a Disguising check, provided that you are able to change your clothing, hairstyle, props, etc.

Skill Specialization
Distance Runner Gain +3 in the Distance Running skill.

You can run a number of miles equal to your END x 2 (min. 2 miles) at a steady pace before needing to make Distance Running checks.

Skill Specialization
Double Time Gain +3 in the Forced March skill.

When marching at a normal pace, you can travel 150% the previous distance before needing to make Fatigue rolls.

Skill Specialization
Driver Gain +3 in the Vehicles* (Land) skill.

You have a way of coaxing vehicles beyond their normal capacity. Vehicles that you drive can traverse more uneven terrain than they normally could without penalty, and they ignore Difficult Terrain imposed from rocks, debris and the like. Difficult Terrain imposed by mud or sludge still slows your vehicle.

Skill Specialization
Dungeoneer Gain +3 in the Dungeoneering skill.

Your ANT increases by +1.

Skill Specialization
Eavesdropper Gain +3 in the Eavesdropping skill.

(1/Rest) When you make an Eavesdropping check, you may roll 2d20 and use the higher.

Skill Specialization
Economist Gain +3 in the Economics skill.

By spending 1 month in a town or urban area, you can gain +1 Goodwill among the Aristocracy or Mercantile spheres (your choice each time). You may sell your services as an economist for 10 sc weekly while in a settled area.

Skill Specialization
Empathetic Gain +3 in the Empathy skill.

Once when you Take a Rest, you may commiserate with a companion of your choice. Make an Empathy check against a DC set by your MC. If you succeed, your companion removes a permanent Charmed, Enthralled, Frightened, or Phobic condition.

Skill Specialization
Enduring Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the END tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Engineer Gain +3 in the Engineering skill.

You can consult on building repairs to earn 10 sc per week while in an urban area.

Skill Specialization
Entertainer Aspirant Gain +3 in the Entertaining skill.

When in an inn or tavern, you can perform in exchange for free room and board.

Skill Specialization
Entertainer Entertainer Aspirant or Musician Gain the entry level of the Entertainer Profession. You must choose the Performer track instead of the Artist track. This replaces your Entertainer Aspirant Talent. Skill Specialization
Evader Gain +3 in the Evading skill.

(2/Rest) When a creature makes an AWR check to notice you, if you are not in combat, you may move up to 20 ft before the check is resolved, potentially mitigating the check altogether.

Skill Specialization
Forager Gain +3 in the Foraging skill.

When you Take a Rest, you can always find a minimum of 1 day’s worth of rations, even if you do not make a Foraging check. If you are in an extremely bleak environment, such as the void of space, your MC might rule that this ability does not work.

Skill Specialization
Forceful Gain +3 in the Applied Force skill.

When you have a mechanism to leverage your strength to greater effect, such as a crowbar and a fulcrum, then when you make an Applied Force check, treat any d20 roll of 1-9 as if it were a 10.

Skill Specialization
Forgery Gain +3 in the Forging skill.

(1/Rest) If you assemble nice inks and fine papers before you forge a document, you can make it more convincing. For every 10 sc you spend, add +1 to your Forging check.

Skill Specialization
Fortuitous Gain +3 in the Fortuity skill.

When making a Fortuity skill check, your crit range increases by 3 (e.g., from 20 to 17-20). The maximum crit range is still 16-20.

Skill Specialization
Geographer Gain +3 in the Geography skill.

When your visibility is not restricted, if there is at least one notable landmark within sight, you can estimate your distance from the nearest settled area. This estimation is within 1 mile of being perfectly accurate.

Skill Specialization
Glassblower Gain +3 in the Glass Blowing skill.

(1/Week) You may make a Glassblowing check to make a plate or goblet, doing so successfully on a roll of 15 or higher. You may make a flute on a roll of 20 or higher. You can use these items or sell them for 125% their normal market rate.

Skill Specialization
Gossiper Gain +3 in the Gossiping skill.

You can gossip to sully someone’s reputation, provided that they are not there. Make a Gossiping check against a DC equal to 15 + that creature’s CHA. If you hit, they lose 1 Goodwill. You can only do this 1/Rest, and can only target the same creature 1/Week.

Skill Specialization
Historian Gain +3 in the History skill.

After reading something from a book, you can recall it with perfect accuracy for 1 year, unless your memory is magically modified.

Skill Specialization
Influencer Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the influence tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Intelligent Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the INT tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Intimidator Gain +3 in the Intimidating skill.

(1/Rest) Before attempting to intimidate someone, you can study them to determine how to effectively frighten them. After spending 1 minute studying them, make an AWR/Intuiting check against a creature’s WILL. If you succeed, then you know exactly how to get under their skin. Roll 2d20 and use the higher when you make your Intimidating roll.

Skill Specialization
Intuitive Gain +3 in the Intuiting skill.

(1/Rest) Your intuition extends beyond living people to intellectual fields as well. When you would make an INT roll, you can add your Intuiting bonus.

Skill Specialization
Investigator Gain +3 in the Investigating skill.

(1/Rest) When making an Investigating check, you can add your Fortuity on top of your Investigating.

Skill Specialization
Jack Of All Trades Gain +3 in the Savoir Faire skill.

(1/Rest) You can present yourself to another character as though you have 1 professional rank in any occupation of your choice. This deception is nonmagical and lasts for 1 hour.

Skill Specialization
Jeweler Gain +3 in the Jeweling skill.

(1/Rest) You can produce a work of semiprecious jewelry, provided that you have some form of mineral. Make a Jeweling roll. You can sell your jewelry for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Jewelry Expert Jeweler, at least 3 Professional Ranks Gain +3 in the Jeweling skill.

(1/Month) You can produce a work of very precious jewelry provided that you have some form of precious mineral. Make a Jeweling roll. You can sell your jewelry for that many dc.

Skill Specialization
Knowledgeable Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Lawyer Gain +3 in the Law skill.

While staying in a friendly settlement you may sell your services as a lawyer or mediator to settle local disputes. Doing so earns you a number of sc each week equal to your Law skill, and increases your community Goodwill by +1 at the end of each month.

Skill Specialization
Leader Gain +3 in the Leadership skill.

When you take your first turn after rolling Initiative, gain +5 ft speed when you spend AP to move.

Skill Specialization
Lean-To Gain +3 in the Sheltering skill.

When you fail a Sheltering check, you may spend 30 minutes to create a lean-to, provided that rocks, brambles, and the like are in your area. This provides minimal protection from wind and extreme temperatures, granting you and other creatures that use it a +2 bonus on END checks made to resist extreme weather.

Skill Specialization
Leatherworker Gain +3 in the Leatherworking skill.

(1/Week) You can produce a nice leather good provided that you have some form of animal hide. Make a Leatherworking roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Lockpicker Gain +3 in the Lockpicking skill.

(1/Rest) When you are in a settled area, you can scrounge for supplies for 1d6+1 rounds to find tools that you can use to pick a lock, even if they would not normally be viable lockpick tools.

Skill Specialization
Lucky Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the LUCK tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Mason Gain +3 in the Masonry skill.

(1/Week) You can produce a nice stone good provided that you have some form of stone to work with. Make a Masonry roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Medic Gain +3 in the Medicine skill.

(1/Rest) When you have medical supplies and apply them to a Bloodied creature, it regains 1d6 HP.

Skill Specialization
Menace Gain +3 in the Menacing skill.

(1/Rest) When you menace someone, you may first display your strength to show that you mean business. Make a STR/Applied Force check vs the creature’s WILL. If you hit, then you can roll 2d20 for your Menacing check, keeping the higher.

Skill Specialization
Musician Gain +3 in the Instrument [your choice] skill.

When in an inn or tavern, you can perform in exchange for free room and board.

Skill Specialization
Naturalist Gain +3 in the Nature skill.

(1/Week) If you gather plant matter that would normally be inedible, you can make one day’s worth of rations out of it.

Skill Specialization
Navigator Gain +3 in the Navigating skill.

So long as you can see a natural landmark, you cannot become lost, except by magical means.

Skill Specialization
Observant Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Officer Gain +3 in the Military skill.

You know how to speak with military officials. You can request an audience with any military officer who has professional ranks in the militant occupation and they will meet with you within 24 hours of your request.

Skill Specialization
Painter Gain +3 in the Painting skill.

(1/Week) You can produce a nice painting provided that you have some form of canvas and pigments. Make a Painting roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Perceptive Gain +3 in the Perceiving skill.

(1/Rest) When you make a check with another skill that has the observation tag, you can add 1⁄2 your Perceiving as an additional bonus.

Skill Specialization
Performer Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Persuasive Gain +3 in the Persuading skill.

(1/Rest) You can cast the Charm Creature primal chant using your Persuading bonus for the attack roll, which does not count as magical when cast in this way.

Skill Specialization
Pickpocket Gain +3 in the Sleight of Hand skill.

When you have an item with the light tag on your person, you can give it the concealed tag as well. Only two such items can gain this benefit at a time.

Skill Specialization
Politician Gain +3 in the Politics [choose region] skill.

(1/Week) You may leverage favors to secure a meeting with a noble or politician who outranks you. Choose an NPC with professional ranks equal to or less than your professional ranks + 1. They will meet with you within 24 hours after you make the request.

Skill Specialization
Potter Gain +3 in the Pottery skill.

(1/Week) You can produce some pottery provided that you have some form of clay to work with. Make a Pottery roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Powerlifter Gain +3 in the Athletics skill.

You can carry two additional Unwieldy items without being encumbered.

Skill Specialization
Practice Makes Perfect You gain +6 Skill Points you can spend on any skills with the INT tag.

Additionally, when making a skill check with the crafting or knowledge tags, you may use your DEX instead of your INT for your skill check.

Skill Specialization
Religious Gain +3 in the Religion skill, choosing which religion.

Most religious centers will provide food and shelter to you for free, even if you do not share their faith (extremists and secretive cults will not extend this courtesy to you).

Skill Specialization
Scavenger Gain +3 in the Scavenging skill.

(1/Rest) When you fail a Scavenging check, you may instead treat it as the lowest tier of success.

Skill Specialization
Smith Gain +3 in the Smithing skill.

(1/Week) You can repair damaged and broken weapons and armor that are made of metal. If all of the pieces of the weapon or armor are still available, you can completely restore a weapon or armor set.

Skill Specialization
Sneak Gain +3 in the Sneaking skill.

(1/Rest) If you are hidden or Concealed, you may move up to 20 ft without being spotted, so long as you also end your movement remaining hidden or Concealed.

Skill Specialization
Sprinter Gain +3 in the Sprinting skill.

(1/Rest) When you roll Initiative, you can give yourself +5 ft speed when you spend AP to move. This lasts for the duration of the fight.

Skill Specialization
Stamina Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the stamina tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Strong Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills that use the STR tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Subverter Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Survivalist Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the survival tag. Skill Specialization, Repeatable
Swimmer Gain +3 in the Athletics skill.

(1/Rest) You may give yourself a swim speed equal to your walking speed for 1 minute.

Skill Specialization
Tracker Gain +3 in the Tracking skill.

(1/Rest) When you fail a Tracking skill check, you may count it as the lowest tier of successful.

Skill Specialization
Tumbler Gain +3 in the Tumbling skill.

You can stand from being Prone for 0 AP on your turn, provided that your movement is not restricted.

Skill Specialization
Weaver Gain +3 in the Weaving skill.

(1/Week) You can produce woven goods provided that you have some form of yarn or string to work with. Make a Weaving roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization
Whittler Gain +3 in the Woodcarving skill.

(1/Week) You can produce whittled trinkets provided that you have some form of wood to work with. Make a Woodcarving roll. You can sell your goods for that many sc.

Skill Specialization