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Grim, monster slayer

"The wilderness gives me solace as I continue my grim purpose: to slay that which would threaten the natural order." - Grim, monster slayer

You grew up on the fringes of your settlement, spending more time in the wilderness beyond than in the safety of your own homestead. In your youth you came to love the serenity of rugged nature over the clamor of frivolous settled life. You are more at home with the wolves and the elk than with nobles and debutants. In your early adulthood you made the decision to leave civilization completely in exchange for a life in the wilds. Now, you defend your heartland from supernatural monstrosities that threaten to upset the balance of nature, and from the cruelties of careless hunters or loggers who regard the natural cycle of life with disrespectful indifference.

As you are more at home in the wilderness than in civilization, you must determine how you intend to survive on your own merits. Do you hone your physical prowess until you can go toe to toe with the strongest warrior? Do you sharpen your senses and your survival skills, stalking prey through rugged wilds with more finesse than any cat or bird? Maybe you tap into the Primal Source, using magic to enhance your physical capabilities and to speak with the animals whose home you share.

Ranger Tracks

Bravery. You tap into your instinct to fight, flee, or freeze in the face of danger, channelling this into fighting prowess.

Hunter. You are an unparalleled hunter of creatures both natural and otherworldly, mastering both blade and bow.

Instinct. Your fighting instinct is sharper than the finest steel and keener than an eagle’s eye.

Survivor. You know the natural world like the back of your hand. Wherever you end up, you know how to survive.

Wilderness Warden. You learn primal magic and enhance some of your primal spells as you gain skill as a magical ranger.

Ranger Entry Talent

After gaining the Ranger Entry Talent, you can take talents from any of the Ranger tracks. After gaining the Ranger Entry Talent, you can also gain Primal Aspect Talents.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Ranger Entry Character Level 2 When you take this entry talent, you gain the following abilities.
  • Primal Rapport. Gain the Primal Aspect talent.
  • Skilled. Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation or survival tag.
  • Fighting Instinct. (AWR/Recoup) You may grant yourself TA until the end of your current turn. While you have fighting instinct, when you spend AP to move, gain +5 ft movement.
Ranger, Class Entry

Primal Aspects Table

Aspect Ability
A’rl’ng (1/Catch Breath) You may spend 1 AP to magically double all movement you take for this turn.
Al’An You cannot be Surprised and creatures cannot gain TA against you from being Unseen.
Heq You gain a +2 bonus on rolls when attempting one of these Maneuvers: Shove, Grapple, or Trip.
Leshy You can always find food and shelter in the wild for yourself and 6 other individuals if given at least 4 hours to prepare. If you do not have 4 hours to prepare, you instead gain +2 on all Survival and Observation checks made to find food and shelter.
Porov Gain +6 to Smithing and Masonry checks.
Sekh For 1 AP, you can leap 10ft in a line towards an enemy you can see, attacking their REF with a weapon you are holding. On a hit, they fall prone.
Stoll (1/Catch Breath) Commune with the body of a deceased, briefly gaining a connection with its soul. You gain surface level insights into its state of emotions and wellbeing from the 4 hours leading up to its death, but not exact thoughts or words.
Tamat Gain awareness of nearby magic: If a creature or object is within 30ft of you and you can see it, you know if it’s magical or under the effects of magic. You also learn the Source and Function of that magical effect.
Vele (1/Catch Breath) For 1 AP, creatures within 5ft of you gain Shield HP equal to your Character Level. While they have this Shield HP, attacks against them have TD.
Woden Gain +6 to Water Vehicle and Navigation checks.

Bravery Track

Bravery Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Bravery Ranger Entry Gain the Bravery ability.
  • Bravery. Gain Resist Frightened 2.
Ranger, Bravery
Courage Bravery Gain the Courage ability.
  • Courage. (AWR/Rest) When you are Broken, Demoralized, Frightened, or Shaken by an enemy, gain TA against that enemy while your effect persists.
Ranger, Bravery
Bravery II Courage Your Resist ability from Bravery increases by 1 and applies to Demoralized. Ranger, Bravery
Courage II Bravery II When you use Courage, and you are Bloodied, regain HP equal to your AWR. Ranger, Bravery
Fight Courage II

Incompatible: Flight, Freeze

Gain the Fight ability.
  • Fight. When you use Courage, deal +1d6 damage against the source of the condition for its duration.
Ranger, Bravery
Flight Courage II

Incompatible: Fight, Freeze

Gain the Flight ability.
  • Flight. When you use Courage, gain +5 ft speed when you use AP to move. This lasts for the condition’s duration.
Ranger, Bravery
Freeze Courage II

Incompatible: Flight, Flight

Gain the Freeze ability.
  • Freeze. When you use Courage, you gain TD on attacks, suffer the Chilled condition, and all of your defenses increase by +3. This lasts for the condition’s duration.
Ranger, Bravery
Bravery III Bravery 5 Your Resist ability from Bravery increases by 1, and applies to Broken. Ranger, Bravery
Drive to Survive Bravery III Gain the Drive to Survive ability.
  • Drive to Survive. (1⁄2 AWR/Rest) When you start your turn and can see a creature that has any planar, modifying, or magical creature tags, you may become Shaken. This counts as you becoming Shaken by that creature. You remain Shaken for 1 minute or until the creature dies (whichever is first).
Ranger, Bravery
Bravery IV Drive to Survive Gain +2 Skill Points in one skill with the observation tag.

Your Resist ability from Bravery increases by 1.

Ranger, Bravery
Courage III Bravery IV Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the stamina tag.

When you use Courage, regain HP equal to your AWR (regardless of whether you are Bloodied).

Ranger, Bravery
Fight II Courage III, Fight Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the athleticism tag.

Your damage from the Fight ability becomes 1d8.

Ranger, Bravery
Flight II Courage III, Flight Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics tag.

You ignore Difficult Terrain when you use the Flight ability.

Ranger, Bravery
Freeze II Courage III, Freeze Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the stamina tag.

You no longer suffer the Chilled condition with this ability.

Ranger, Bravery
Drive to Survive II Bravery 10 Drive to Survive becomes AWR/Rest. Ranger, Bravery
Courage IV Drive to Survive II Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the stamina tag.

Courage recharges AWR/Recoup.

Ranger, Bravery
Fight III Courage IV, Fight II The additional damage from the Fight ability becomes 1d12. Ranger, Bravery
Flight III Courage IV, Flight II Your speed from the Flight ability becomes +10 ft. Ranger, Bravery
Freeze III Courage IV, Freeze II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the stamina tag.

The Freeze ability increases your defenses by +5.

Ranger, Bravery
Undaunted Bravery 13 The Shaken condition only reduces your d20 rolls by 1. Ranger, Bravery
Fear Itself Undaunted It is said that in the face of fear you rise above or you crumble. However, those who know you have seen you strike fear in the hearts of those who would typically terrify others.

Gain the Fear Itself ability.

  • Fear Itself. (1/Recoup) When a creature causes you to become Broken, Demoralized, Frightened, or Shaken, if that creature can see you, it immediately takes 2d10 psychic damage and you gain TA against it until the end of your next turn. Additionally, the creature suffers the same conditions that it inflicted on you for the duration that you do.
    • Level 30: Whenever a creature imposes Broken, Demoralized, Frightened, or Shaken against you, you are both Focused and Protected against it.
Ranger, Bravery, Capstone

Hunter Track

Hunter Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Hunter Ranger Entry When you have been tracking a creature for at least 1 hour using AWR/Tracking, when you start Initiative in combat against it, you deal +2 damage against it for the first minute. Ranger, Hunter
Corner Quarry Hunter

Incompatible: Outnumbered

When you are Flanking a creature, gain an additional TA against it. Ranger, Hunter
Corner Quarry II Corner Quarry

Incompatible: Outnumbered II

Gain the Corner Quarry ability.
  • Corner Quarry. (2/Recoup) If you are Flanking a creature, you may spend 2 AP to Engage it for 1 minute or until you are no longer within 5 ft of it.
Ranger, Hunter
Outnumbered Hunter

Incompatible: Corner Quarry

When you are Flanked, you gain TA. Ranger, Hunter
Outnumbered II Outnumbered

Incompatible: Corner Quarry II

Outnumbered becomes: Whenever two or more enemies are adjacent to you, gain TA. Ranger, Hunter
Deadeye Hunter

Incompatible: Volley

Gain the Deadeye ability.
  • Deadeye. When you make a ranged attack against a creature with no Cover and none of its allies adjacent, gain TA.
Ranger, Hunter
Deadeye II Deadeye

Incompatible: Rain of Arrows

Gain the Takedown Shot ability.
  • Takedown Shot. (2/Recoup) When you use Deadeye, deal 1d8 additional damage.
Ranger, Hunter
Volley Hunter

Incompatible: Deadeye

Gain the Volley ability.
  • Volley. (2/Recoup) When you hit a creature that has one of its adjacent to it, make the same attack against that creature for 0 AP.
Ranger, Hunter
Rain of Arrows Volley

Incompatible: Deadeye II

Gain the Rain of Arrows ability.
  • Rain of Arrows. (2/Rest) Spend 4 AP and pick a point within range. Make your ranged attack roll and compare vs the AR of every creature in a 20 ft radius. Roll double the damage dice that you normally would. Creatures take full damage on a hit and 1⁄2 on a miss.
Ranger, Hunter
Hunter's Quarry Hunter 3 Learn the Hunter’s Quarry spell if you do not already know it.

(2/Rest) You may cast this spell without expending SP, you cannot upcharge it.

Ranger, Hunter
Hunter II Hunter’s Quarry Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics or survival tag.

Pick a creature with one of the following creature tags: arcane, avadri, celestial, divine, eldritch, elemental, fae, fiend, giant, monstrosity, occult, primal, psionic, or undead.

Gain the Target Prey ability.

  • Target Prey. Gain an additional +4 on History, Perceiving, Sneaking, and Tracking rolls made in relation to creatures of the type that you chose from Hunter II.
Ranger, Hunter
Hew Hunter II, Corner Quarry II Gain the Hew ability.
  • Hew. (2/Recoup) When you hit a creature that has none of its allies adjacent to it, deal +1d10 damage.
Ranger, Hunter
Hew II Hew Your crit range increases by 1 against creatures that have none of their allies adjacent. Ranger, Hunter
Hordesbane Hunter II, Outnumbered II Gain the Hordesbane ability.
  • Hordesbane. Once per turn, when you hit a creature and another creature is adjacent to you, you can attack that second creature with the same weapon for 1 fewer AP (min 1 AP).
Ranger, Hunter
Hordesbane II Hordesbane Gain the Whirling Blades ability.
  • Whirling Blades. (2/Rest) When you use Hordesbane, your second attack can target each creature of your choice that is adjacent to you. Roll attack and damage once, comparing against each target’s REF. Roll twice as many damage dice as you normally would. Creatures take 1⁄2 damage on a miss.
Ranger, Hunter
Eagle Eye Hunter II, Deadeye II When making a ranged attack, you do not suffer any penalty for targeting a Concealed enemy. Ranger, Hunter
Eagle Eye II Eagle Eye When making a ranged attack, you do not suffer any penalty for targeting an enemy in Darkness, provided that you know the enemy’s location. Ranger, Hunter
Volley II Hunter II, Rain of Arrows Volley becomes DEX/Recoup and works on hostile creatures within 15 ft of each other. Ranger, Hunter
Rain of Arrows II Volley II Rain of Arrows does three times your normal damage dice and can be used 1⁄2 AWR/Rest. Ranger, Hunter
Hunter III Hunter 7 Choose two additional creature tags to gain Target Prey. Ranger, Hunter
Hunter IV Hunter III Gain the Mark ability.
  • Mark. (1/Rest) When you roll Initiative, you may Mark a Target Prey creature that you can see. It becomes Vulnerable 1 to your weapon attacks for 1 minute.
Ranger, Hunter
One with the Land Hunter IV Pick 1 of the 11 Environments (Aquatic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Jungle, Mountain, Subterranean, Swamp, Tundra, or Volcanic). While you are in that environment, you and up to AWR allies can move stealthily at a normal pace and remain alert to danger as though traveling cautiously. Ranger, Hunter
Primeval Speed Hunter 10 Gain +5 ft speed when you can see your Target Prey. Ranger, Hunter
Fletcher Hunter IV You can fletch your own arrows, making 1d8 + INT/Woodcarving arrows each time you Take a Rest. Ranger, Hunter
Shroud Hunter 10 When you are Concealed, creatures that attack you gain 1 additional TD. Ranger, Hunter
Quickdraw Hunter IV You can draw/stow weapons without spending AP once on your turn. Ranger, Hunter
Calculating Hunter 10 Gain the Calculating ability.
  • Calculating. (3/Rest) When you roll Initiative and are facing a Target Prey, you may choose for all of your attacks that would target their AR to instead target either REF, FORT, or ANT (your choice at the start of combat). This effect lasts until combat concludes.
Ranger, Hunter
Ruthless Hunter Hunter 11 Gain two of the following Hunter track talents: Cornered Quarry, Outnumbered, Deadeye, or Volley. Ignore any Incompatibility restrictions for these selections. Ranger, Hunter
Cornered Quarry III Ruthless Hunter, Hew II Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with th athleticism or stamina tag.

Cornered Quarry becomes END/Recoup.

Ranger, Hunter
Hew III Cornered Quarry III When you use Hew against a target and it does not die, gain 3 AP. Ranger, Hunter
Hordesbane III Ruthless Hunter, Hordesbane II Whirling Blades becomes END/Rest. Ranger, Hunter
Horde Breaker Hordesbane III Gain the Horde Breaker ability.
  • Horde Breaker. (1/Recoup) Gain +1 TA and +1 to damage rolls for every enemy adjacent to you. This lasts until the end of your next turn.
Ranger, Hunter
Deadeye III Ruthless Hunter, Eagle Eye II When using Deadeye, increase your crit range by 1.

Takedown Shot becomes AWR/Recoup.

Ranger, Hunter
Rapid Takedown Deadeye III When you use Takedown Shot against a target and it does not die, gain 3 AP. Ranger, Hunter
Volley III Ruthless Hunter, Rain of Arrows II Volley works on creatures within 30 ft of each other.

When you use Volley on a creature that was adjacent to your first target, it does not expend a use of Volley.

Ranger, Hunter
Arrow Storm Volley III Gain the Arrow Storm ability.
  • Arrow Storm. (1/Rest) When you use Rain of Arrows, deal four times your normal damage dice and the radius is 30 ft.
Ranger, Hunter
Peerless Hunter Hunter 14 Those in the know recognize that you are a peerless hunter and might task you with felling great monsters for equally great rewards.

When you roll Initiative and you have no Target Prey, choose one enemy to be Target Prey.

Gain the Peerless Hunter ability.

  • Peerless Hunter. (1/Week) When you finish Taking a Rest, you can reassign all of your Talent Points spent in this track, taking new talents within this track. You lose this ability if you reassign your talents in such a way that you no longer have access to this talent.
    • Level 30: (1/Rest) You can reselect the creature tags that Target Prey features work on.
Ranger, Hunter, Capstone

Instinct Track

Instinct Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Survival Instinct Ranger Entry Gain the Preternatural Dodge ability.
  • Preternatural Dodge. (AWR/Rest) When a creature attacks one of your physical or mental defenses, you can use ANT in place of whatever was targeted.
Ranger, Instinct
Fighting Instinct II Survival Instinct Fighting Instinct lasts until the end of your next turn. Ranger, Instinct
Survival Instinct II Fighting Instinct II Gain the Size Up ability.
  • Size Up. You can spend 2 AP to study an enemy and learn which defense(s) its attacks target, besides AR.
Ranger, Instinct
Fighting Instinct III Survival Instinct II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the athleticism tag.

Your Fighting Instinct also grants you a +1 to all damage rolls.

Ranger, Instinct
Vigilant Fighting Instinct III Gain the Vigilant ability.
  • Vigilant. (AWR/Rest) If you roll lower than 10 on an AWR check, treat that roll as 10 instead.
Ranger, Instinct
Survival Instinct III Vigilant Your ANT increases by +1. Choose REF or FORT to also increase by +1. Ranger, Instinct
Vigilant II Survival Instinct III Vigilant becomes: If you roll lower than 10 on an AWR check, treat that roll as your ANT instead. Ranger, Instinct
Survival Instinct IV Vigilant II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation tag.

Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.

Ranger, Instinct
Fighting Instinct IV Survival Instinct IV Gain the Pounce ability.
  • Pounce. On your first turn in Initiative if no enemies have acted yet, gain 2 additional AP.
Ranger, Instinct
Vigilant III Fighting Instinct IV Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the survival Tag.

Vigilant is AWR/Recoup.

Ranger, Instinct
Survival Instinct V Vigilant III Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.

Preternatural Dodge is AWR/Recoup.

Ranger, Instinct
Vigilant IV Survival Instinct V Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation tag.

Vigilant is AWR/Catch Breath.

Ranger, Instinct
Fighting Instinct V Vigilant IV Pounce grants you 4 AP.

If you start Initiative with no Fighting Instinct, regain one Fighting Instinct.

Ranger, Instinct
Vigilant V Fighting Instinct V Vigilant is always active. Ranger, Instinct
Cornered Animal Vigilant V Your base animal instinct to fight and live is overwhelming.

Fighting Instinct becomes AWR/Catch Breath. Gain the Cornered Animal Ability.

  • Cornered Animal. (1/Rest) When you start your turn with 0 HP, you may gain 2 Death Points. If you do, then until the end of your next turn, your speed doubles, you gain TA on all attacks, creatures cannot make reactive attacks against you, and your first hit that was not a crit counts as a crit.
    • Level 30: Cornered Animal no longer costs 2 Death Points and is active whenever you are at 0 HP.
Ranger, Instinct, Capstone

Survivor Track

Survivor Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Natural Habitat Ranger Entry Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the survival or stamina tags.

Pick one of the 11 environments: Aquatic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Jungle, Mountain, Subterranean, Swamp, Tundra, or Volcanic. This is your Natural Habitat. While in that environment, you can always find enough food for a number of creatures equal to your AWR.

Ranger, Survivor
Primeval Senses Natural Habitat Gain the Primeval Sense ability.
  • Primeval Senses. (AWR/Rest) By focusing for 1 minute, you learn whether any creatures with the following tags are within 1 mile of you: arcane, divine, occult, primal, psionic, undead, monstrosity, fae, and eldritch. You do not learn their identities but learn their exact numbers and direction/ distance from you. This information is fleeting, but if you do no strenuous activity you can maintain it for up to 10 mins.
Ranger, Survivor
Natural Habitat II Primeval Senses Gain the Wilderness Mastery ability
  • Wilderness Mastery. (AWR/Rest) When in your favored environment, give yourself double your Skill Points before you make an AWR skill check.
Ranger, Survivor
Primeval Seneses II Natural Habitat II When you use Primeval Senses, you can use Primal Identification.
  • Primal Identification. Learn the identity of one creature that you sense.
Ranger, Survivor
Nature Stride Primeval Senses II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the acrobatics Tag.

Ignore Difficult Terrain while in a Natural Habitat.

Ranger, Survivor
Survivor Nature Stride Pick one: Natural Heat, Natural Cold, or Forced Marching. You can no longer gain Fatigue from that selection.

Gain a Primal Aspect from the Primal Aspects Table.

Ranger, Survivor
Primeval Senses III Survivor You cannot become lost, except through the use of magic.

Primeval Senses recharges AWR/Recoup.

Ranger, Survivor
Natural Habitat III Primeval Senses III Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics or athleticism tag.

Pick a second environment to be your Natural Habitat.

Ranger, Survivor
Survivor II Natural Habitat III You become Immune to common poisons and diseases. Ranger, Survivor
Nature Stride II Survivor II Ignore Hazardous Terrain that isn’t liquid while in your Natural Habitat. Ranger, Survivor
Primeval Senses IV Nature Stride II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the observation tag.

Primeval Identification can be used on a number of targets equal to 1⁄2 your AWR.

Ranger, Survivor
Natural Habitat IV Primeval Senses IV Pick a third environment to be your Natural Habitat, and Wilderness Mastery is AWR/Recoup. Ranger, Survivor
Nature Stride III Natural Habitat IV Always ignore Difficult Terrain. Ignore all Hazardous Terrain that is caused by natural phenomena unless it is liquid. Ranger, Survivor
Primeval Sense V Nature Stride III You have unlimited uses of your Primeval Senses ability. Ranger, Survivor
Unrivaled Explorer Primeval Sense V You are known as a person truly in tune with the untamed, uncharted wilderness in all its splendor, and are commonly sought out as a guide for high-profile travelers. You may embrace this or you may hide from civilization to avoid the recognition and to just spend time in the wild, where your heart truly lies.

You can never become lost, even by magical means.

You have TA when you are in one of your Natural Habitats.

(1/Week) When you Take a Rest in a type of environment that is not one of your Natural Habitats, you may replace one of your old Natural Habitats with this new environment

  • Level 30: The final cap for your AWR increases from 12 to 14.
Ranger, Survivor, Capstone

Wilderness Warden Track

Wilderness Warden Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Primal Warden Ranger Entry Gain the Warden of the Primal talent if you did not already have it. If you did already have it, gain a talent from the Primal Magic stack.

Each time you level up and spend your talent point on a talent in the Wilderness Warden track, you gain +5 SP and +1 Primal Power. AWR is your magic attribute.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Environmentalist Primal Warden Pick one of the 11 Environments: Aquatic, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Jungle, Mountain, Subterranean, Swamp, Tundra, or Volcanic. While you are in that environment and not within 1 mile of a settled area, you regain 1 SP when you Recoup. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Ranger's Invocation Environmentalist or Planar Protector Learn one invocation.

Pick an invocation that you know that has no Tier prerequisites. You can cast that invocation 1 time per day without expending your invocation slot.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Empower Chant Ranger’s Invocation or Intrinsic Boon Pick one chant that you know, that does not deal damage. While more than 1 mile from a settled area, you can cast that chant as if it were 1 Tier stronger (e.g., if you normally cast chants at Primal Tier 2, cast this chant at Primal Tier 3). Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Planar Protector Primal Warden Pick one creature tag: arcane, avadri, celestial, divine, eldritch, elemental, fae, fiend, giant, occult, primal, psionic, or undead. Your magic attack rolls against those creatures increases by +1. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Intrinsic Boon Environmentalist or Planar Protector Learn one chant, one invocation, and one spell that all have the intrinsic tag. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Ranger's Spells Ranger’s Invocation or Intrinsic Boon Pick two intrinsic spells that you know. They cost 1 fewer SP (min 1 SP). Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primal Warden II Empower Chant or Ranger’s Spells Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the observation or survival tags.

Gain a talent from the Primal Magic stack.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Environmentalist II Primal Warden II, Environmentalist The environment you picked now restores 2 SP per Recoup.

Gain a Primal Aspect from the Primal Aspects Table.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Wanderer's Invocation Environmentalist II or Planar Protector II Learn one invocation.

Pick an invocation that you know that has no tier prerequisites. You can cast that invocation one time per day without expending an invocation slot.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Furious Chant Wanderer’s Invocation or Intrinsic Boon II Pick one chant that you did not select with Empowered Chant. While more than 1 mile from a settled area, you can cast that chant as if it were 1 Tier stronger. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Planar Protector II Primal Warden II, Planar Protector Choose a new type of creature from your Planar Protector feature. Your Planar Protector bonus works on creatures with either tag. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Intrinsic Boon II Environmentalist II or Planar Protector II; Intrinsic Boon Learn one chant, one invocation, and one spell that all have the intrinsic tag. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Wanderer's Spells Wanderer’s Invocation or Intrinsic Boon II Pick two spells with the nature tag that you know and that you have not selected for your ranger’s spells feature. They cost 1 fewer SP (min 1 SP). Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primal Warden III Furious Chant or Wanderer’s Spells You cannot become lost except through the use of magic.

Gain a talent from the Primal Magic stack.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primal Warden IV Primal Warden III Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the observation or survival tag.

Gain a talent from the Primal Magic stack.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Environmentalist III Primal Warden IV, Environmentalist II The environment you picked now restores 3 SP per Recoup.

All environments now restore 1 SP per Recoup.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primeval Invocation Environmentalist III or Planar Protector III Learn one invocation.

Pick an invocation that you know that is Tier 2 or Tier 3. You can cast that invocation one time per day without expending an invocation slot.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Chant of the Wild Heart Primeval Invocation or Intrinsic Boon III When you reach Primal Tier 6, gain +12 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the athleticism, acrobatics, stamina, observation, or survival tags.

(1/Week) You can choose which intrinsic chants get your bonus from the “Chant” abilities in this track when you Take a Rest.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Planar Protector III Primal Warden IV, Planar Protector II Choose a creature tag you’ve already chosen with Planar Protector 1 or 2. Gain an additional +1 on magic attacks against creatures of that type. Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Intrinsic Boon III Environmentalist 3 or Planar Protector 3; Intrinsic Boon II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can assign to any skills with the survival tag.

Learn 1 chant, 1 invocation, and 1 spell that all have the intrinsic tag.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primeval Spells Primeval Invocation or Intrinsic Boon III Pick 3 intrinsic spells that you know and that have benefitted either from Ranger’s Spells or Wanderer’s Spells. They cost 1 fewer SP (min 1 SP). Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primal Warden V Chant of the Wild Heart or Primeval Spells Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation or survival tag.

Gain a talent from the Primal Magic stack.

Ranger, Wilderness Warden
Primal Exemplar Primal Warden V Your heart, soul, and body are intertwined with the wellbeing of the natural world. Fae generally see you as a great friend and will usually go out of their way to cooperate with you.

You can never become lost, even by magical means.

When you Take a Rest and you are not within 1 mile of a settled area, you may reassign all of your ranger Talent Points, assigning them to other ranger talents.

  • Level 30: Choose one intrinsic spell and one intrinsic invocation. Both must have the nature tag. You can cast each of those abilities indefinitely, without spending SP or invocation slots, you cannot upcharge them.
Ranger, Wilderness Warden, Capstone