Primal Spells

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Primal Spells

The following spells have the "Primal Spell" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function APC SPC Range Requires Duration Sourcebook
Acid Pool Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 1 Evoking 6 4 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 10 minutes CRB
Animal Bond Intrinsic, Nature Enchanting 5 3 30 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 24 hours CRB
Animate Plants Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 1 Altering 8 18 30 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 10 minutes CRB
Avianism Intrinsic, Nature Altering 2 20 Touch Gesture, Verbal 10 minutes CRB
Billowing Fog Extrinsic, Weather, Conjuring 1 Summoning 6 4 120 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Up to 10 minutes CRB
Boarish Savagery Intrinsic, Nature Altering 1 18 Touch Gesture, Verbal 10 Minutes CRB
Bullish Strength Intrinsic, Nature Altering 2 14 Touch Gesture, Verbal 10 MInutes CRB
Carnage Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 3 30 20 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 minute CRB
Control Water Conjuring 2 Altering 10 20 300 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Sight 1 minute CRB
Cornered Frenzy Intrinsic, Nature Altering 4 4 Self ( 5 ft radius) Gesture Instantaneous CRB
Crawling Vine Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 1 Altering 4 3 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Sight 5 minutes (30 rounds) CRB
Creeping Fear Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 3 4 90 ft Verbal, Visual, Line of Sight Instantaneous CRB
Ecstasy Extrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 3 45 120 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Up to 10 minutes CRB
Feast for Crows Intrinsic, Nature Altering 4 14 Special Gesture, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB
Hailstorm Extrinsic, Weather, Conjuring 3 Alchemy 12 20 Sight Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 minute CRB
Hunter's Quarry Intrisic, Nature Divining 1 6 90 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 hour CRB
Lightning Bolt Extrinsic, Weather, Conjuring 1 Evoking 4 20 100 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB
Mists of the Everwilds Extrinsic, Weather, Conjuring 1 Illusory 6 12 300 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Up to 10 minutes CRB
Nature's Bounty Intrinsic, Nature Divining 5 8 Sight Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB
Nature's Remedies Intrinsic, Nature Altering 3 4 Touch Gesture Instantaneous CRB
Nighteye Intrinsic, Nature Divining 5 5 Self Gesture 1 hour CRB
Padfoot Intrinsic, Nature Altering 5 3 Touch Gesture 10 minutes CRB
Piscism Intrinsic, Nature Altering 7 6 Touch Gesture, Verbal 10 minutes CRB
Polymorph Intrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 5 Alchemy 20 20 Touch Gesture, Verbal Up to 1 hour CRB
Relaxing Presence Intrinsic, Emotion, Conjuring 3 Altering 12 12 30 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 hour CRB
Summon Beast Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 2 Summoning 6 15 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 10 minutes CRB
Summon Elemental Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 8 Summoning 24 40 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 10 minutes CRB
Summon Fae Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 5 Summoning 20 70 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 hour CRB
Summon Monster Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 3 Summoning 10 40 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 5 minutes CRB
Summon Swarms Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 2 Summoning 9 30 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 5 minutes CRB
Tangle of Brambles Extrinsic, Nature Alchemy 3 4 60 ft Gesture, Visual, Line of Sight 10 minutes CRB
Terror Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 5 25 60 Ft Gesture, Visual, Line of Sight 10 Minutes CRB
Wall of Briars Extrinsic, Nature, Conjuring 2 Alchemy 8 16 100 ft Gesture, Visual 10 minutes CRB

Primal Chant

The following chants all have the "Primal Chant" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function APC Range Requires Duration Sourcebook
Acid Stream Extrinsic, Nature Evoking 2 20 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB
Bloom Extrinsic, Nature Alchemy 3 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 minute CRB
Bountiful Joy Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 4 30 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 round CRB
Briar Whip Extrinsic, Nature Evoking 3 20 ft Gesture, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB
Catclaw Intrinsic, Nature Altering 3 Self Gesture, Verbal 1 minute CRB
Charm Creature Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 4 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 round CRB
Commune with Beast Intrinsic, Nature Enchanting 5 10 ft Visual 10 minutes CRB
Ensnaring Root Extrinsic, Nature Altering 3 60 ft Gesture, Visual Instataneous CRB
Fleetfoot Intrinsic, Nature Altering 1 Self Gesture 1 round CRB
Foreboding Menace Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting 3 40 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Sight 1 round CRB
Glimmer Extrinsic, Nature Illusory 2 Self (20 ft radius) Gesture Up to 1 minute CRB
Gust Extrinsic, Weather Warding 1 Reactive AP Self Gesture Instataneous CRB
Instinctive Attack Intrinsic, Nature Divining 1 Self Gesture 1 round CRB
Intuition Intrinsic, Nature Divining 1 normal or 1 Reactive AP Touch Gesture, Verbal 1 round CRB
Lightning Lash Extrinsic, Weather Evoking 2 40 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB
Mist Extrinsic, Weather Evoking 2 60 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 round CRB
Poison Spores Extrinsic, Nature Necromancy 3 40 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 round CRB
Slick Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy 2 60 ft Gesture, Visual 1 round CRB
Springstep Intrinsic, Nature Altering 1 Self Gesture 1 round CRB

Primal Invocations

The following invocations all have the "Primal Invocation" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function PreReq Casting Time Range Requires Duration Sourcebook
Blizzard Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy Primal Tier 4 1 hour Sight (max 100 miles) Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 + (Primal Power Tier) hours CRB
Control Weather Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy Primal Tier 2 15 minutes Sight Gesture, Verbal 1 hour CRB
Earthen Rupture Extrinsic, Nature Altering 10 minutes 2 miles Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB
Everfog Extrinsic, Weather Summoning 10 minutes Self Gesture, Verbal, Visual 30 minutes CRB
Firestorm Extrinsic, Weather Evoking Primal Tier 3 1 hour 2 miles Gesture, Visual Instantaneous CRB
Hurricane Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy Primal Tier 3 1 hour Sight Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 hour CRB
Photosynthesis Intrinsic, Nature Alchemy 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Self Instantaneous CRB
Predict Weather Intrinsic, Weather Divining 30 minutes Self Instantaneous CRB
Rapid Growth Extrinsic, Nature Alchemy 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Up to 1 mile Gesture Up to 24 hours CRB
Reorient Intrinsic, Emotion Enchanting Primal Tier 3 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup 30 ft Gesture Instantaneous CRB
Sandstorm Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy Primal Tier 2 1 hour Sight Gesture 1 hour CRB
Tornado Extrinsic, Weather Alchemy Primal Tier 4 1 hour 3 miles Gesture, Verbal 1 hour CRB
Warden's Navigation Intrinsic, Nature Divining 10 minutes Self 8 hours CRB
Warden's Trap Intrinsic, Nature Alchemy 10 minutes Touch Gesture, Visual Indefinite CRB