Divine Spells

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Divine Spells

All of the Spells in this section have the "Divine Spell" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function APC SPC Range Requires Duration Sourcebook
Angel Wings Sacrament Evoking 4 32 Touch Gesture Up to 10 minutes CRB p. 240
Armor of Starlight Warding 4 30 40 ft Verbal, Visual, Gesture Up to 10 minutes CRB p. 240
Banish Conjuring 4 Summoning 18 40 40 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB p. 240
Brooding Darkness Altering 3 8 120 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 minute CRB p. 241
Burst of Healing Sacrament Evoking 4 20 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB p. 241
Celestial Form Sacrament, Conjuring 3 Alchemy 8 50 Self Gesture, Verbal Up to 1 minute CRB p. 241
Censure Enchanting 2 2 60 ft Verbal, Visual 1 round CRB p. 241
Commandment Enchanting 2 4 40 ft Verbal, Visual 1 round CRB p. 241
Compel Truth Enchanting 5 15 40 ft Gesture, Verbal 1 hour CRB p. 242
Curative Word Evoking 1 3 40 ft Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 242
Daylight Altering 5 32 300 ft Verbal 10 minutes CRB p. 242
Decree Enchanting 4 24 80 ft Verbal, Visual Up to 30 seconds CRB p. 242
Demoralize Enchanting 5 16 30 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Up to 1 minute CRB p. 242
Detect Thoughts Divining 3 16 30 ft Visual 10 minutes CRB p. 242
Detect Threat Conjuring 5 Divining 30 8 15 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 hour CRB p. 243
Divine Challenge Enchanting 1 6 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 minute CRB p. 243
Healing Touch Evoking 3 4 Touch Gesture Instantaneous CRB p. 243
Heavenly Fire Sacrament, Conjuring 1 Evoking 5 20 100 ft Gesture, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 243
Heroism Sacrament Enchanting 3 6 Touch Gesture, Verbal Up to 1 minute CRB p. 243
Inspire Fervor Conjuring 1 Enchanting 8 15 20 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual 1 minute CRB p. 243
Intervene Warding 1 Reactive AP Special 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 243
Keep Standing Enchanting 1 Reactive AP 3 20 ft Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 244
Laurel of Stars Invocation 6 24 Self Gesture, Verbal Up to 10 minutes CRB p. 244
Levitation Altering 3 32 20 ft Gesture, Visual Up to 1 minute CRB p. 244
Light and Shadow Illusory 3 2 80 ft Gesture, Visual Up to 1 minute CRB p. 244
Minor Blessing Enchanting 4 4 40 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Up to 1 minute CRB p. 244
Miracle Conguring 10 Altering 30 150 Indefinite Gesture, Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 244
Miraculous Luck Altering 1 Reactive AP 20 80 ft Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 245
Miraculous Word Altering 6 60 Sight Gesture, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 245
Order Sacrament Enchanting 6 24 60 ft Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 245
Radiance of the Dawn Sacrament Evoking 6 20 60 ft cone Gesture, Line of Effect 1 round CRB p. 245
Radiant Word Evoking 4 30 120 ft Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 245
Refocus Warding 2 5 30 ft Gesture, Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 246
Revitalize Sacrament, Conjuring 3 Necromancy 15 5 Touch Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 246
Salvation Necromancy 1 80 300 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 246
Searing Radiance Conjuring 3 Evoking 15 20 Self Gesture, Verbal 1 to 5 minutes CRB p. 246
See Invisibility Conjuring 6 Divining 24 12 Touch Gesture 10 minutes CRB p. 246
Shield of Divinity Warding 1 Reactive AP 4 Self Gesture 1 round CRB p. 246
Shining Bolt Evoking 2 5 80 ft Gesture, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB p. 246
Starlight Nebula Evoking 4 12 80 ft Gesture, Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 246
Sympathy Divining 4 6 30 ft Visual 10 minutes CRB p. 247
Walk on Water Conjuring 2 Altering 12 30 15 ft Gesture, Verbal Up to 10 minutes CRB p. 247

Divine Prayers

All of the Spells in this section have the "Divine Prayer" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function APC Range Requires Duration Sourcebook
Amplify Altering 1 Touch Gesture, Verbal 10 minutes CRB p. 233
Candle of Faith Evoking 1 Touch Gesture Up to 1 minute CRB p. 233
Celestial Grace Enchanting 3 15 ft Verbal Up to 1 minute CRB p. 233
Gentle Whisper Divining 1 60 ft Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 233
Graceful Poise Enchanting 2 20 ft Verbal, Visual 1 round CRB p. 234
Guide Enchanting 1 Reactive AP Touch Verbal, Visual Instantaneous CRB p. 234
Light Burst Evoking 3 Self (5 ft radius) Gesture Instantaneous CRB p. 234
Sacred Flare Evoking 2 60 ft Gesture, Verbal, Visual, Line of Effect Instantaneous CRB p. 234
Stabilizing Touch Necromancy 2 Touch Gesture, Verbal Instantaneous CRB p. 234
Twinkling Lights Altering 3 60 ft Gesture Up to 1 minute CRB p. 234

Divine Rituals

All of the Spells in this section have the "Divine Ritual" Tag.

Spell Name Tags Function PreReq Liturgy APC Liturgy SPC Casting Time Range Recharge Duration Sourcebook
Altar Altering Divine Power 12 1 hour Touch Take a Rest 24 hours CRB p. 235
Calming Presence Liturgy Enchanting 5 20 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup 30 ft Take a Rest Instantaneous CRB p. 235
Commune Divining Divine Power 7 2 hours, which can be part of a Recoup Self 1 week 1d20 + (Magic Attribute) minutes CRB p. 235
Create Undead Necromancy Divine Power 7 10 minutes per corpse, up to 30 minutes 15 ft Take a Rest Instantaneous CRB p. 235
Empathy Liturgy Warding 3 12 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup 30 ft Catch Breath Up to 8 hours CRB p. 235
Epistle Liturgy Divining 2 10 10 minutes Indefinite Recoup Instantaneous CRB p. 235
Exorcism Warding 30 minutes Touch Take a Rest Instantaneous CRB p. 236
Greater Restoration Warding Divine Power 12 4 hours Touch 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 236
Hallow Warding Divine Power 12 24 hours Touch 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 236
Heaven-Touched Enchanting 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Touch Take a Rest 4 hours CRB p. 237
Holy Weapon Alchemy Divine Power 7 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Touch Take a Rest 8 hours CRB p. 237
Immunity Warding Divine Power 24 10 minutes, which can be part of a Recoup Touch Take a Rest 1 hour CRB p. 237
Lesser Restoration Liturgy Warding Divine Power 7 5 20 1 hour Touch 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 237
Merriment Alchemy 10 minutes, which can be part of a Recoup 30 ft Take a Rest Instantaneous CRB p. 237
Plague Evoking Divine Power 12 1 hour Sight 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 237
Portent Divining Divine Power 3 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Self 1 week 24 Hours CRB p. 237
Prayer of Healing Evoking Divine Power 3 30 minutes, which can be part of a Recoup 30 ft Take a Rest Instantaneous CRB p. 238
Precognition Divining 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Touch Recoup 1 hour CRB p. 238
Providence Divining Divine Power 12 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Self 1 week 24 hours CRB p. 238
Purify Liturgy Alchemy Divine Power 12 3 8 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup 10 ft 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 238
Regeneration Alchemy Divine Power 16 24 hours Touch 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 238
Reincarnation Necromancy Divine Power 24 12 hours Touch 1 year Instantaneous CRB p. 239
Resistance Liturgy Warding 5 6 1 hour, which can be part of a Recoup Self Recoup 2 hours CRB p. 239
Resurrection Necromancy Divine Power 24 24 hours Touch 1 year Instantaneous CRB p. 239
Revive Necromancy Divine Power 12 1 hour Touch 1 week Instantaneous CRB p. 240