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Lyla Greoghal, potions brewer

"Secrets wait to be embraced in the whispers of primeval spirits. Curiosity never hurt anyone brave enough to go looking. So long as I draw breath and have strength to explore, I will ever look to deepen my understanding of things within our world and things beyond." - Lyla Greoghal, potions brewer

Signs that you were somehow different began at an early age. Animals and plants might behave strangely around you, either shying away or seeking to embrace you. Odd weather phenomena seem to follow you about, though perhaps this is coincidence. Whatever the case, the adults in your community noticed these strange behaviors. In your adolescence you felt a growing connection with the dark and strange side of nature, leading you to look for answers on your own. When a coven of witches found you and invited you into their ranks, you began to truly master your powers.

Witches often have many hobbies and one or two crafts that they pursue to perfection. What are you most interested in, and what do you fiddle with in your spare time? Does the ephemeral quality of music fascinate you, or are you more inclined to get your hands dirty making pottery or whittling toys? Are you more interested in brewing potions or training your familiar to achieve its maximum potential?

Witch Class Tracks

Dark Hex. Curate a collection of poppets and cast sympathetic magic on them to extend your range of knowledge and power.

Fae. By communing with the six conclaves of the Everwilds, you gain the power of the fae.

Familiar. Enhance your familiar, or summon a pack or flock of familiars.

Pagan Attunement. You are one with the natural world and can draw power from the soil itself through ritual and meditation.

Witch’s Brew. By mixing strange ingredients, you can create a variety of unique potions for your allies.

Witch Entry Talent

After gaining the Witch Entry talent, you can take talents from any of the Witch tracks.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Witch Entry Character Level 2 When you take this entry talent, you gain the following abilities.
  • Dark Presence. On your turn, you may take 1d4 damage to regain 1 spell point. This costs 0 AP and you may use this feature as many times as you want on your turn.
  • Familiar. You have a familiar. Your familiar has separate stats from you and acts on your turn, taking one action. You can spend some of your AP, make your familiar take its action, and then complete your own AP expenditure; or you could simply have your familiar go before or after you. Familiars are corporeal fae spirits that cannot be attacked or damaged. You can make your familiar take more actions by spending 1 AP per additional action your familiar takes. Familiars are widely varied among witches, and your familiar might have a single form or it might have several different forms that it changes between. You can change your familiar’s form during a Rest. Regardless of its form, you always use one of the three stat blocks: Flying Familiar, Crawling Familiar, or Hunting Familiar.
  • Witch Magic. Choose one: Occult or Primal. If you choose Occult, gain Initiate of the Occult unless you already have it. If you already have it, gain +1 Occult Power and +5 SP instead. If you choose Primal, gain Warden of the Primal unless you already have it. If you already have it, gain +1 Primal Power and +5 SP instead. Whichever you choose, END is your magic attribute.
  • Witch Power. Each time you level up and spend your Talent Point on a witch talent, you gain +5 SP and +1 Power in the source you chose.
Witch, Class Entry


Crawling Familiar

Tiny. Beast (Occult or Primal)
-2 3 0 1 -3 -2
Ref: 13 Fort: 10 Ant: 11 Log: 7 Will: 8
Speed 20 ft, Climb 20 ft Senses Darkvision 30 ft
Frightening. When your familiar is within 5 ft of you, you gain Intimidating +4
Spy. You can magically see through your familiar’s eyes for a brief moment, provided that your familiar is within 500 ft of you.
Ward. If your familiar is within 5 ft of you, it protectively crouches nearby. The next time you take damage from another creature before the start of your next turn (provided that you are still within 5 ft of your familiar), reduce the damage equal to your amount of Witch talents + 1d4.

Flying Familiar

Tiny. Beast (Occult or Primal)
-2 2 0 2 -3 -2
Ref: 12 Fort: 10 Ant: 12 Log: 7 Will: 8
Speed 10 ft, Fly 30 ft Senses Darkvision 30 ft
Skills (AWR) Perceiving +3, Tracking +3
Spy. You can magically see through your familiar’s eyes for a brief moment, provided that your familiar is within 500 ft of you.
Help. The familiar picks a creature within 10 ft of it and distracts that creature. You and your allies have TA on attacks against that creature until the start of your next turn
Spook. (1/Catch Breath) Your familiar spooks a creature within 30 ft of it. Make a magic attack (using your END) against that creature’s WILL. If you hit, the creature is Frightened of your familiar for 30 seconds.

Hunting Familiar

Tiny. Beast (Occult or Primal)
-1 2 0 1 -3 -2
Ref: 12 Fort: 10 Ant: 11 Log: 7 Will: 8
Speed 20 ft Senses Darkvision 30 ft
Skills (DEX)Sneaking +3; (AWR)Tracking +3
Spy. You can magically see through your familiar’s eyes for a brief moment, provided that your familiar is within 500 ft of you.
Help. The familiar picks a creature within 10 ft of it and distracts that creature. You and your allies have TA on attacks against that creature until the start of your next turn.
Pounce. (1/Turn) Reach 5 ft Natural Weapon. +2 vs AR. Hit: 1d4+2 sharp.

Dark Hex Track

Dark Hex Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Dark Magic Witch Entry Repeatable. Each time you take this talent, choose two spells, invocations, or rituals from the Hex list. Note that you must meet certain prerequisite Witch levels in order to gain some spells.

For you, these spells count as the Source that you chose from your Witch Magic feature (either Primal or Occult) and you may cast these spells as Witch spells

If there is a spell on the Hex list that you already know or learn through other means, you may still consider it a hex spell but do not have to. When casting hex spells, spend the normal amount of SP. You cannot upcharge hex spells without additional talents.

Hex List
Witch Level Hex Spells
Witch, Dark Hex, Repeatable
Greater Hex Dark Magic Gain the Greater Hex ability.
  • Greater Hex. (2/Rest) You may cast a hex as though you upcharge it one time, without spending additional SP.
Witch, Dark Hex
Innate Hex Greater Hex Gain the Innate Hex ability.
  • Innate Hex. (2/Rest) You may cast a hex spell without meeting Verbal, Visual, or Gesture requirements. You must still meet Line of Sight or Line of Effect requirements.
Witch, Dark Hex
Greater Hex II Innate Hex Greater Hex becomes AWR/Rest. Witch, Dark Hex
Innate Hex II Greater Hex II Innate Hex becomes 2/Recoup. Witch, Dark Hex
Innate Hex III Innate Hex II Innate Hex becomes AWR/Recoup. Witch, Dark Hex
Dark Enchantment Dark Magic Gain the Dark Enchantment ability.
  • Dark Enchantment. (1/Rest) By spending 2 AP, designate a target that you can see. For the next 1 minute, gain +2 TA on rolls made with hex spells against that target.
Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic Dark Enchantment Choose one creature with whom you are familiar (having spent at least 10 mins in conversation).

By expending 10 sc worth of materials, you can create a poppet in the likeness of that creature if its ML is equal to or less than your Witch level. You may only make one doll. If you make a second one, the first one unravels immediately.

Gain the Sense Likeness ability.

  • Sense Likeness. By spending 1 minute touching the doll and completely focused on it, you may sense exactly how far away the creature is and in which direction, unless they are on a different plane of existence. This information is only fleeting.
Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic II Sympathetic Magic When you use your Sense Likeness ability, you may choose for the effect to last for 10 minutes. Furthermore, you may see and hear through your doll’s likeness’s senses for the duration. If you do, make a magic attack against their ANT. If you hit, they are unaware that you are doing this; if you miss, they are aware. Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic III Sympathetic Magic II When you use your Dark Enchantment ability, you do not expend your usage of the ability if you have a poppet of the target creature. Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic IV Sympathetic Magic III Gain the Sympathetic Link ability.
  • Sympathetic Link. (AWR/Rest) You may cast hex spells with your sympathetic magic creature as the target even if you cannot see them, provided they are within 1 mile of you. The target is aware that you cast such a spell, regardless of whether the spell is successful.
Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic V Sympathetic Magic IV When you use your Sympathetic Link ability, you may also impose Dark Enchantment on your target. Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic VI Sympathetic Magic V Gain the Puppetmaster ability.
  • Puppetmaster. When using your Sense Likeness ability, you may make a magic attack vs the target’s WILL. If you hit, impose Charmed or Shaken (your choice) on the creature (if Charmed, it is Charmed by you). The condition lasts for 1 minute and the target is aware that you are the caster.
Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic VII Sympathetic Magic VI When you use your Sympathetic Link ability and cast a hex spell that has an SPC of 10 or less, you do not expend a use of your Sympathetic Link.

Sympathetic Link’s range increases to 5 miles.

Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic VIII Sympathetic Magic VII You can create two poppets and can use Sense Likeness, Dark Enchantment, Sympathetic Link, and/or Puppetmaster on either one. If you make a third poppet, choose which of your previous dolls unravels. Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic IX Sympathetic Magic VIII You are always aware of the surface-level emotional state of the creatures whose likeness your poppets represent while within range of Sympathetic Link.

Sympathetic Link’s range increases to 10 miles.

Witch, Dark Hex
Sympathetic Magic X Sympathetic Magic IX When you use your Sympathetic Link or Puppetmaster ability, you may also make a magic attack against the creature’s ANT. If you hit, they are not magically aware that you caused the effect.

Sympathetic Link’s range increases to 20 miles.

Witch, Dark Hex
Bond Soul Sympathetic Magic X

Incompatible: Collector

Choose one doll to be your primary doll. If you have a physical piece of the likeness that the primary doll represents, such as hair or nail clippings, teeth, saliva, blood, etc., then using Sympathetic Link against this creature does not expend a use of your Sympathetic Link. Witch, Dark Hex
Bond Soul II Bond Soul (1/Recoup) When using Sympathetic Link to cast a hex spell against your Bound Soul, you may spend only ½ the SP.

Sympathetic Link’s range increases to 100 miles for your primary doll.

Witch, Dark Hex
Grand Puppetmaster Bond Soul II You always know the surface level thoughts and deeper emotions/desires of your primary doll. Additionally, you may cast the Possession spell 1/Rest as a hex without spending SP. You cannot upcharge the spell when casting it in this way and can cast this spell regardless of distance provided that you are on the same plane of existence.

When you use this ability, you may use your Sympathetic Magic X ability to attempt to hide your magical presence.

  • Level 30: You may permanently possess the subject of your primary doll provided they are ML 15 or lower. When you end the possession, you may choose if they are catatonic, as if sleeping, or regain control when you’re not actively possessing them.
Witch, Dark Hex, Capstone
Collector Sympathetic Magic X

Incompatible: Bond Soul

You can have a number of poppets equal to ½ your AWR.

Gain the Mass Hex ability.

  • Mass Hex. (1/Recoup) When you cast a hex that has an SPC of 10 or fewer, you may target 2 creatures if you have poppets of both of them.
Witch, Dark Hex
Collector II Collector You can have a number of poppets equal to your AWR. Mass Hex works on hexes with an SPC of 20 or lower Witch, Dark Hex
Soul Collector Collector II You always know the surface level thoughts and surface desires of your poppets. Additionally, when the bonded creature of one of your dolls dies, you can retire the doll. Doing so does not destroy the doll and allows you to make a new doll.

Retired dolls look frayed and corrupted, and they contain the soul of the doll’s likeness.

As part of a Recoup, you may commune with one retired doll. The retired doll retains all of its bonded creature’s formative memories and basic information that the creature would have known. The doll’s disposition towards you will range from sullen to hostile as determined by your MC, and so gleaning information from a retired doll might take multiple conversations or coercion

If a retired doll is destroyed, its soul departs.

  • Level 30: Now, if you destroy a retired doll, the bonded creature’s soul is dispersed and it can never be resurrected. Casting Lesser Restoration or similar magic on a retired doll will harmlessly detach the creature’s soul from the doll, allowing it to pass on peacefully or to be resurrected.
Witch, Dark Hex, Capstone

Fae Track

Fae Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Fae Magic Witch Entry, Warden of the Primal (1/Recoup) You can cast Warp Step without spending SP, you cannot upcharge it. If you do not know this spell, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it Witch, Fae
Boon of Etalun Fae Magic Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation or survival tags. Witch, Fae
Wylla’s Stride Boon of Etalun or Caliban’s Cackle Gain the Wylla’s Stride ability.
  • Wylla’s Stride. (CHA/Rest) Ignore Difficult Terrain imposed by foliage or loose sand, rocks, and similar natural phenomena for 1 hour.
Witch, Fae
Gaard’s Resistance Wylla’s Stride or Prowess of Sekh Repeatable. Gain Resist 2 to one elemental damage type of your choice (cold, corrosive, fire, lightning, or toxic). If you take this talent multiple times, choose a new elemental type. Witch, Fae, Repeatable
Caliban’s Cackle Fae Magic Gain the Caliban’s Cackle ability.
  • Caliban’s Cackle. (CHA/Rest) When you make a magic attack against a single creature, if you hit it, you can also make the creature Shaken for 1 min.
Witch, Fae
Prowess of Sekh Boon of Etalun or Caliban’s Cackle Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the athleticism, acrobatics, or endurance tags. Witch, Fae
Rosen’s Blessing Wylla’s Stride or Prowess of Sekh Gain Resist 2 against Charmed. Witch, Fae
Fae Magic II Gaard’s Resistance or Rosen’s Blessing (1/Rest) You can cast Mists of the Everwilds without spending SP, you cannot upcharge it. If you do not know this spell, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it Witch, Fae
Latisk’s Keen Eyes Fae Magic II Gain +30 ft Darkvision. Witch, Fae
Okart's Skin Latisk’s Keen Eyes or Puck’s Pernicious Pleasure When you are not wearing Armor, your AR cannot be less than 13 Witch, Fae
Wrath of Aeshir Okart’s Skin or Claws of Kleppar Gain the Wrath of Aeshir ability.
  • Wrath of Aeshir. (CHA/Recoup) When you deal elemental damage, add your CHA to the damage..
Witch, Fae
Pucks Pernicious Pleasure Fae Magic II Gain the Puck’s Pernicious Pleasure ability.
  • Puck’s Pernicious Pleasure. (CHA/Rest) When you make a magic attack against a single creature, if you hit it, you can also make it Charmed for 1 min or until you or one of your allies damage it.
Witch, Fae
Claws of Kleppar Latisk’s Keen Eyes or Puck’s Pernicious Pleasure Gain the Claws of Kleppar ability.
  • Claws of Kleppar. (CHA/Rest) Gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour.
Witch, Fae
Strack’s Stoicism Okart’s Skin or Claws of Kleppar Whenever making checks to resist the natural effects of cold, roll 2d20 and take the higher. Witch, Fae
Fae Magic III Wrath of Aeshir or Strack’s Stoicism (1/Rest) You can cast Polymorph without spending SP. If you do not know this spell, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it. Witch, Fae
Boon of Daropmet Fae Magic III You can never be Partially Surprised. Witch, Fae
Cedrian’s Communion Boon of Daropmet or Edmari’s Emotional Emancipation Gain the Cedrian’s Communion ability.
  • Cedrian’s Communion. When you Recoup and are in direct sunlight or touching a coniferous tree that is, then you gain Shield HP equal to your CHA.
Witch, Fae
Yasheri’s Explosion Cedrian’s Communion or Gift of Gusper (CHA/Rest) When you cast a Primal spell that deals damage to multiple creatures and deals elemental damage, increase its cone or line by 10 ft or its radius by 5 ft. Witch, Fae
Edmari’s Emotional Emancipation Magic III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the influence tag.

Gain the Edmari’s Emotional Emancipation ability.

  • Edmari’s Emotional Emancipation. (1/Rest) You can cast Relaxing Presence without spending SP. If you do not know this spell, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it.
Witch, Fae
Gift of Gusper Boon of Daropmet or Edmari’s Emotional Emancipation Gain the Gift of Gusper ability.
  • Gift of Gusper. (CHA/Rest) Gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour.
Witch, Fae
Wythen’s Protection Cedrian’s Communion or Gift of Gusper Gain Resist Necrotic 2. Witch, Fae
Fae Magic IV Yasheri’s Explosion or Wythen’s Protection (1/Rest) You can cast Summon Monster without spending SP, you cannot upcharge it. If you do not know this spell, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it. Witch, Fae
Petsina Conclave’s Perception Fae Magic IV You ignore the Concealed condition on other creatures when it is caused by natural phenomena such as fog and heavy underbrush. Witch, Fae
Pashak Conclave’s Passage Petsina Conclave’s Perception or Stravon Conclave’s Serenity Gain the Pashak Conclave’s Passage ability.
  • Pashak Conclave’s Passage. (CHA/Rest) When you touch a tree, you can spend 2 AP to teleport to another tree of that same type within a 5 mile radius.
Witch, Fae
Ashyidir Conclave’s Affinity Pashak Conclave’s Passage or Shibmar Conclave’s Splendor Gain the Ashyidir Conclave’s Affinity ability.
  • Ashyidir Conclave’s Affinity. (CHA/Rest) Choose one elemental type. Gain Affinity to that type for 1 hour..
Witch, Fae
Stravon Conclave’s Serenit Fae Magic IV Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the influence tag.

Gain the Stravon Conclave’s Serenity ability.

  • Stravon Conclave’s Serenity. (1/Rest) You can cast Reorient without it counting against the number of invocations you can cast in a day. If you do not know this invocation, this is the only way you can cast it until you learn it.
Witch, Fae
Shibmar Conclave's Splendor Petsina Conclave’s Perception or Stravon Conclave’s Serenity Gain the Shibmar Conclave’s Splendor ability.
  • Shibmar Conclave’s Splendor. (CHA/Rest) Sprout eagle wings and gain fly speed equal to your walking speed for 1 min.
Witch, Fae
Vertumna Conclave’s Veneration Pashak Conclave’s Passage or Shibmar Conclave’s Splendor Gain Resist 3 Frightened. Witch, Fae
Friend of the Fae Ashyidir Conclave’s Affinity or Vertumna Conclave’s Veneration The fae sing your praises. Fae creatures tend to view you favorably and will generally look for nonviolent solutions to conflicts with you.

You learn the Summon Fae spell if you did not already know it. It costs you 20 fewer SP to cast.

Gain the Faefriend ability.

  • Faefriend. (1/Rest) When you cast Summon Fae, you may ignore rolling to determine the fae’s behavior and assume that it is friendly to you as though you succeeded on the roll and it failed.
    • Level 30: Your Summon Fae spell costs you no SP the first time you cast it after Taking a Rest if you use it to summon a fae of ML10 or lower.
Witch, Fae, Capstone

Familiar Track

Familiar Track Progression
Talents PreReq Description Tags
Adaptive Witch Entry You can change your familiar’s form each time you Recoup. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars Adaptive

Incompatible: Evolution

Gain the Flock of Familiars ability.
  • Flock of Familiars. (2/Rest) You may summon a second familiar identical to your primary familiar for 10 minutes. Both familiars share a turn. On their turn, they can both take the move action or one of them can take a different action
Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars II Flock of Familiars The second familiar summoned from Flock of Familiars lasts for 30 minutes. Witch, Familiar
Evolution Adaptive

Incompatible: Flock of Familiars

When you could change your familiar’s form, you can evolve your familiar instead of, or in addition to, changing its form by using the Evolution ability.
  • Evolution. (2/Rest) When you evolve your familiar, you can choose Evolve 1. The evolution that you choose lasts until you use it again or change your familiar’s form.
  • Evolve 1: The familiar is one Size larger than it was previously. When larger, they gain a slight benefit:
    • Flying: +5 ft to Help range
    • Crawling: +1 to defending you with Ward
    • Hunting: +1 to attack and damage
Witch, Familiar
Evolution II Evolution When you use the Evolution ability, you can choose Evolve 2.
  • Evolve 2: The familiar is two sizes larger. Familiars that are two Sizes larger gain the benefits below:
    • Flying: +10 ft to Help range
    • Crawling: +2 to defending you with Ward
    • Hunting: +1 to attack and damage, and +1 damage die size (e.g., from 1d4 to 1d6)
Witch, Familiar
Familiar Enhancement Familiar 3 (2/Rest) Choose one Familiar Enhancement from the Familiar Enhancement table with the "Enhancement" prerequisite; you learn that selection. By spending 3 AP on your familiar as though summoning it, you may give it that enhancement for the next hour, provided it is the right kind of familiar. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars III Familiar Enhancement, Flock of Familiars II When you use Familiar Enhancement and have Flock of Familiars active, apply the bonus to all of your familiars of the same type as your primary familiar. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars IV Flock of Familiars III On your familiars’ turn, they can both take one action. This can be the same action or different actions. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars V Flock of Familiars IV Flock of Familiars becomes 2/Recoup. Witch, Familiar
Evolution III Familiar Enhancement, Evolution II When you use the Evolution ability, you can choose Evolve 3.
  • Evolve 3: The familiar is three Sizes larger. Familiars that are three Sizes larger gain Evolve 2 benefits, and can be used as Mounts with 1 MCAP
Witch, Familiar
Evolution IV Evolution III When your familiar is large enough to be a mount, it has 2 MCAP and grants you one MCAP option based on its type:
  • Flying: Clutch. (1/Round) 1 MCAP; Pick up a willing creature and carry them as the Flying Familiar moves up to 1⁄2 its speed.
  • Crawling: Fangs. (1/Round) 1 MCAP; +DEX vs FORT. Hit: 1d6 toxic.
  • Hunting: Roar. (1/Round) 1 MCAP; Reach 5 ft Natural Weapon, +AWR vs WILL. Hit: Target is Shaken until the end of their next turn.
Witch, Familiar
Evolution V Evolution IV Evolution becomes 2/Recoup. Witch, Familiar
Familiar Enhancement II Familiar 7 Choose one Familiar Enhancement from the Familiar Enhancement table with the " Enhancement" or the “Enhancement II” prerequisite; you learn that selection. By spending 3 AP on your familiar as though summoning it, when using Enhance, you can apply one or both selections, provided it is the right kind of familiar.

Familiar Enhancements become 2/Recoup.

Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars VI Familiar Enhancement II, Flock of Familiars V When you summon a second familiar, it no longer needs to be the same kind as the first. It can be Crawling, Flying, or Hunting Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars VII Flock of Familiars VI When using Familiar Enhancement, you can apply any enhancements that you know to all familiars of the appropriate type that you control, even if they are not the same type of familiar as your primary familiar. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars VIII Flock of Familiars VII (2/Rest) When using Flock of Familiars, you may summon a third familiar identical to your primary one for 30 minutes. It shares a turn with your other familiars. While you have 3 familiars active, on their turns they may all move or two of them can take any action. Witch, Familiar
Evolution VI Familiar Enhancement II, Evolution V When you use the Evolution ability, you can choose Evolve 4.
  • Evolve 4: The familiar is four sizes larger (max Huge). Familiars that are four Sizes larger gain Evolve 3 benefits and have improved MCAP options:
    • Flying: The Clutch ability allows the Flying Familiar to move up to its speed.
    • Crawling: Fangs also make the target Sickened on the next d20 roll that it makes before the end of its next turn
    • Hunting: Roar causes the Frightened condition for the duration.
Witch, Familiar
Evolution VII Evolution VI Gain the Strengthen Familiar ability.
  • Strengthen Familiar. (2/Rest) When you evolve a creature, you can increase one of its attributes by 3, one by 2, and one by 1.
Witch, Familiar
Evolution VIII Evolution VII Gain an additional Familiar Enhancement option, choosing from any Enhancement. Witch, Familiar
Familiar Enhancement III Familiar 11 Choose one Familiar Enhancement from the Familiar Enhancement table with the " Enhancement" or the “Enhancement II” prerequisite; you learn that selection. By spending 3 AP on your familiar as though summoning it, when using Enhance, you can apply one or more selections, provided it’s the right kind of Familiar.

Enhancements become 2/Catch Breath.

Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars IX Familiar Enhancement III, Flock of Familiars VIII Your third familiar need not be the same type as primary anymore and can be Crawling, Flying, or Hunting. When your Familiars act, all three of them may take one action of their choice. Witch, Familiar
Flock of Familiars X Flock of Familiars IX Your familiars summoned with the Flock of Familiars ability last for 1 hour. Each time you use Flock of Familiars, you can summon a third familiar. Witch, Familiar
Flurry of Familiars Flock of Familiars X You gain renown as having lots of animal companions. In most settlements, children remember you and love you for having so many pets and being rather eclectic. Domestic animals tend to act strange around you, either acting nervous or seeming overly friendly

Gain the Flurry of Familiars ability.

  • Flurry of Familiars. (1/Recoup) When all three of your familiars are active and within 20 ft of one another, you may spend 3 AP to turn them into a Swarm with ML 6 or lower. The swarm lasts for 10 mins or until defeated. At the end of the swarm’s duration, the three familiars reappear. This counts towards the length of time they can remain active.
    • Level 30: All three of your familiars are now permanently summoned.
Witch, Familiar, Capstone
Evolution IX Familiar Enhancement III, Evolution VIII (2/Recoup) Strengthen Familiar becomes: Increase one Attribute by 4, one by 2, and two Attributes by 1 each. Witch, Familiar
Evolution X Evolution IX You can change your familiar’s form every time you Catch your Breath. Furthermore, your Familiar Enhancements have no recharge and you can use them indefinitely. Witch, Familiar
Apex Evolution Evolution X Your bond with your familiar transcends the normal bonds of magic. Your familiar is able to intuit what you want it to do, allowing it to change its form even in the middle of combat.

Gain two additional Familiar Enhancements from the Familiar Enhancements table. Once on each of your turns, you may spend 1 AP to change your Familiar’s Form and/or reassign Enhancements. You can Evolve your familiar any number of times and can Evolve your familiar each time you change its form using this feature.

  • Level 30: Your familiar gains independence from your magical energy and will live on for generations after you’re gone as a manifestation of raw magical energy. Bonding with this creature takes 30 Essence for another being as if it were a magical item, and the familiar only bonds with a new creature if it deems the creature worthy
Witch, Familiar, Capstone

Familiar Enhancements

Enhancement PreReq Description
Flighty Enhancement Repeatable. Your Flying Familiar gains +5 ft Speed.
Prowl Enhancement Repeatable. Your Hunting Familiar gains +5 ft Speed.
Scuttle Enhancement Repeatable. Your Crawling Familiar gains +5 ft Speed.
Great Pounce Enhancement As part of the Pounce action, your Hunting Familiar can move 5 ft immediately before making the attack.
Talons Enhancement Your Flying Familiar gains a Talon attack: (1/Turn) Reach 5 ft Natural Weapon +DEX vs AR. Hit: 1d4 sharp damage.
Underfoot Enhancement Your Crawling Familiar gains a Trip attack: Reach 5 ft Natural Weapon, +DEX vs REF. Hit: Knock a creature Prone. The creature is immune if more than 2 Sizes larger than the familiar..
Carapace Enhancement II Your Ward feature reduces damage by 2d4.
Eagle Eye Enhancement II Your familiar gains +5 to Perceiving and Tracking and has 60 ft of Darkvision.
Great Pounce II Enhancement II, Great Pounce If you hit with a Great Pounce, knock the target prone.

Pagan Attunement Track

Pagan Attunement Track Progression
Feature PreReq Discreption Tags
Pagan Attunement Witch Entry Pick one environment from the Environment List. You can Attune to that environment.

Gain the Pagan Attunement ability.

  • Pagan Attunement. When you finish Taking a Rest, Attune to one environment. When you Recoup in an environment to which you are Attuned, you gain its relevant benefit.
Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement II Pagan Attunement Pick a second environment from the Environment List. You can Attune to that environment. Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement III Pagan Attunement II Pick a third environment from the Environment List. You can Attune to that Environment.

Pagan Attunement becomes: When you complete Taking a Rest, Attune to two environments. Whenever you Recoup in either of those environments, gain its benefit. If you are in an environment that might activate multiple abilities (such as a coastal jungle or a snowy mountain), you nevertheless only get one benefit of your choosing.

Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement IV Pagan Attunement III Repeatable. Pick one additional environment from the Environment List. You can Attune to that environment. Witch, Pagan Attunement, Repeatable
Pagan Attunement V Pagan Attunement IV Gain the Hasty Communion ability.
  • Hasty Communion. (1/Rest) When you Catch your Breath, you may gain the benefit of one of your active environments.
Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement VI Pagan Attunement V When you Recoup in an environment that could be considered two or more environments, you gain the benefits of two relevant environments of your choice. Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement VII Pagan Attunement VI Pick one additional environment from the Environment List. You can Attune to that environment.

You no longer need to pick two environments at the end of Taking a Rest; you can benefit from any environment, but can still only gain a maximum of two environmental benefits at once.

Witch, Pagan Attunement
Pagan Attunement VIII Pagan Attunement VII Choose one environment for which you already have Attunement. This choice is permanent.

Gain the Ultimate Attunement ability for that environment.

  • Ultimate Attunement. (1/Rest) When you gain its Attunement benefit, double all numeric values in that ability.
Witch, Pagan Attunement

Environment List

Environment Benefit from Recouping
Aquatic You gain Shield HP equal to your Witch level x1.
Coastal You gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed for the next 2 hours.
Desert You become immune to Fatigue from heat exposure for the next 4 hours.
Forest Your ANT increases by +3 for 4 hours. This bonus does not transfer to other defenses that use your normal ANT defense in their place.
Grassland For the next 1 hour, your speed increases by 5 ft while in combat.
Jungle Your FORT increases by +3 for 4 hours. This bonus does not transfer to other defenses that use your normal FORT defense in their place.
Mountain For the next 4 hours, standing from Prone costs you 0 AP, and when you take falling damage, reduce that damage by 1d12.
Subterranean For the next 2 hours, gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed.
Swamp For the next 4 hours, gain Resist Toxic and Corrosive 5.
Tundra You become immune to Fatigue from cold exposure for the next 4 hours.
Volcanic For the next 1 hour, deal +2 fire damage on all of your weapon attacks and chants.

Witch's Brew Track

Witch's Brew Tack Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Witch’s Brew Witch Entry Each time you Take a Rest, you can use Witch’s Brew.
  • Witch’s Brew. Brew two potions of your own making. Pick two spells (or pick the same spell twice) from the Primal Source that have both the altering and the intrinsic tags. These spells cannot be higher than 15 SP and you cannot upcharge them when using this feature.

These spells are synthesized into potions and do not cost SP for you to create. When a creature drinks the potion, that creature gains the effects of the spell for the duration, considering the spell’s range to be “Self.”

These potions become impotent after 24 hours.

Witch, Witch’s Brew
Reagent Witch’s Brew Gain the Reagent ability.
  • Reagent. (1/Week) When you make a potion, you may count it as being upcharged one time. This potion is especially potent and only becomes impotent after 7 days.
Witch, Witch’s Brew
Witch’s Brew II Reagent The number of potions you can create is equal to ½ your INT (min 2). Witch, Witch’s Brew
Potion Witch’s Brew II You can create potions that replicate occult chants or spells with the charm tag as witch’s brews, following standard Witch’s Brew rules Witch, Witch’s Brew
Vitality Potion When you make Witch’s Brews, you may choose one brew. That brew also grants 1d8 Shield HP in addition to its normal effects. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Poison Witch’s Brew II You can create poisons that replicate occult chants or spells with the curse tag and that cost 12 SP or fewer. These follow standard Witch’s Brew rules Witch, Witch’s Brew
Antidote Poison You may designate one of your Witch’s Brews as an antidote. Consuming that brew immediately ends the effects of one of your other Witch’s Brews and has no other effects. It is potent for 24 hours. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Witch’s Brew III Vitality or Antidote The number of potions you can create is equal to your INT (min 2). Witch, Witch’s Brew
Reagent II Witch’s Brew III Your Reagent ability allows you to make one additional reagent. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Witch’s Brew IV Reagent II Your Witch’s Brews now become impotent after 48 hours. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Potion II Witch’s Brew IV, Potion When you make a potion, count it as being upcharged one time if a spell, or cast at Occult 7 if a chant. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Vitality II Potion II This replaces Vitality.

When you make Witch’s Brews, you may choose one brew. That brew also grants 2d8 Shield HP in addition to its normal effects.

Witch, Witch’s Brew
Poison II Witch’s Brew IV, Poison When a creature drinks a poison, the creature becomes Sickened for 1 hour as well (unless it takes Antidote). Witch, Witch’s Brew
Antidote II Poison II Each time you create Witch’s Brews, make one antidote for free. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Witch’s Brew V Vitality II or Antidote II Gain the Overflowing Cauldron ability.
  • Overflowing Cauldron. (1/Week) You can make a number of Witch’s Brews equal to your Witch level.
Witch, Witch’s Brew
Signature Brew Witch’s Brew V

Incompatible: Improvised Brew

Choose one primal or occult spell or chant that you can turn into a Witch’s Brew. Each time you use Witch’s Brew, produce two additional unmodified brews of that choice. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Signature Brew II Signature Brew Your Signature Brews are each upcharged 1 time if spells, or cast at Occult 7 if chants. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Improvised Brew Witch’s Brew V

Incompatible: Signature Brew

(1/Rest) When you Recoup, you may change one Witch’s Brew into another Witch’s Brew that you know. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Improvised Brew II Improvised Brew You can use Improvised Brew whenever you Recoup. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Reagent III Witch’s Brew 13 Your Reagent ability allows you to make a number of reagents equal to ½ your INT. Witch, Witch’s Brew
Deadly Poison Reagent III You are known far and wide as a skilled poisoner and unscrupulous nobles and politicians would pay top coin for your services.

(1/week) You can make a deadly poison that models the effects of an Occult ritual with the Curse tag or a Disease that is common, uncommon, or rare. This takes 12 hours, whereupon you have to make a Brewing check: if you roll less than 30, then the poison fails. If you succeed, then the poison is potent for 48 hours.

  • Level 30: (1/week) You create one dose of the Perfect Poison. This Perfect Poison does not expire, and imbibing this poison kills a creature that has under 100 HP. If a creature has more than 100 HP, it becomes Helpless for 24 hours.
Witch, Witch’s Brew, Capstone
Font of Potions Reagent III You are known far and wide as a prolific brewer of myriad potions.

All of your brews now have a 1 month potency.

  • Level 30: Your brews no longer expire.
Witch, Witch’s Brew, Capstone
Miracle Brew Reagent III You are known far and wide as a brewer of miraculous cures. Politicians, kings, and scholars would pay top coin for your services.

(1/Week) You can make a miracle brew that has the effects of up to three of your Witch’s Brew options, one of which can be considered upcharged one time. It also cures nonmagical poisons and diseases that are common, uncommon, or rare. This takes 12 hours, whereupon you have to make a Brewing check: if you roll less than 30 then the spell fails. If you succeed, then the potion is potent for 48 hours.

  • Level 30: Your Miracle Brew no longer expires.
Witch, Witch’s Brew, Capstone