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Dungrel Razevow, magic thief

"The gods themselves handle their power irresponsibly. Why any would put their faith in such fickle beings is utterly beyond me. If you want something done right, do it yourself." - Dungrel Razevow, magic thief

You have always known that something is not right with the world. Deity and demon alike seem utterly concerned with their own plans and care not for the mortal world. In response, you have grown increasingly bitter and have finally taken it upon yourself to rewrite the world as you see fit. By siphoning power from gods and planar entities, you will become a god in your own right, and will act with more justice and care than any before you.

Being a vessel is a dangerous affair. You are constantly stealing traces of power from tremendous, unfathomable planar entities. In so doing, you run the risk of their retaliation. How do you recognize your own role in the grand scheme of the cosmos? Do you steal power with a sense of resignation that one day you will be caught and punished, or do you boldly believe that eventually you might become as powerful as a demigod yourself? Do you steal from many different gods to hide your tracks, or do you find yourself returning to the same deity over and over? Would you ever enter into some form of mutual agreement with a deity in exchange for a reliable stream of power, or is this too limiting for your aspirations?

What exactly do you hope to achieve from taking godly power into your own hands? If you pursue some kind of abstract moral goal, how will you know when you have achieved it? How much power do you need from the gods in order to achieve this goal, and is there truly no safer way to do so?

Or, maybe you steal from the gods just because you like it.

Vessel Tracks/Talents

Antiessence. You channel your corrupted Essence into a scouring aura that damages and weakens your foes.

Divine Icons. Through thievery or trickery, you gain access to one or more divine icons, siphoning power from the gods.

Planar Thievery. By stealing energy from spells and planar creatures around you, you can enhance your own powers.

Soul Graft. You use the external energy that you have attached to your soul to enhance your physical stamina far beyond what you could naturally achieve.

Vessel Entry Talent

After gaining the Vessel Entry talent, you can take talents from any of the Vessel stacks.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Vessel Entry Character Level 2 When you take this entry talent, you gain the following abilities.
  • Divine Icon. Choose one Divine Icon from the Cleric stack. Gain one of that Icon’s abilities.
  • Surge of Vitality. (2/Rest) If Bloodied, you may spend 2 AP to regain 1d4+CHA HP.
  • Initiate. Gain the Initiate of the Occult talent if you did not already have it. If you already have it, gain +5 SP and +1 Occult Power instead. CHA is your magic attribute
  • Occult Power. Each time you level up and spend your Talent Point on a vessel talent, you gain +5 SP and +1 Occult Power.
  • Soul Sacrifice. Some talents in the Vessel stack have the soul sacrifice tag. When you take a talent with this tag, you lose the ability to ever be resurrected by any means, as your soul has suffered too much alteration to function as a normal soul would.
Vessel, Class Entry

Antiessence Track

Antiessence Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Antiessence Aura Vessel Entry (END/Rest) By unleashing your strange and corrupt Essence in a torrent around you, you scour the nearby world. You may activate your Antiessence Aura by spending 3 AP on your turn. The Aura lasts for 1 minute or until you choose to end it early (costing 0 AP). Your Aura’s radius is 10 ft.

Your Antiessence Aura imposes TD on hostile creatures within it

Vessel, Antiessence
Vulnerability Antiessence Aura Choose one type of elemental or energy damage (this choice is permanent): cold, corrosive, fire, lightning, or toxic; necrotic, psychic, radiant, or sonic.

When you activate your Aura, you may use your Aura of Vulnerability power.

  • Aura of Vulnerability. Take 1d6 damage of the type you chose. Your Antiessence Aura imposes Vulnerable 1 on the type of damage that you chose from taking this talent. Creatures that are Immune to a type of damage do not gain Vulnerable from this ability
Vessel, Antiessence
Vitriol Vulnerability When a hostile creature starts its turn in your Antiessence Aura, it must make an Aura Avoidance roll. If it makes the same roll from other abilities, it rolls once against all abilities.
  • Aura Avoidance. END roll against your magic attribute+10. If a creature fails the roll, it takes 1d4 damage of the type you chose in Vulnerability.
Vessel, Antiessence
Prolong Vitriol or Trepidation Your Aura lasts for 2 minutes. Vessel, Antiessence
Terror Antiessence Aura When a hostile creature starts its turn in your Antiessence Aura, it must make an Aura Avoidance roll. If it makes the same roll from other abilities, it rolls once against all abilities.
  • Aura Avoidance. END roll against your magic attribute+10. If a creature fails the roll, it is Shaken until the start of its next turn.
Vessel, Antiessence
Trepidation Vulnerability or Terror Hostile creatures in your Aura suffer -1 to all of their defenses. Vessel, Antiessence
Extend Vitriol or Trepidation Your Aura’s radius extends by +5 ft. Vessel, Antiessence
Antiessence Aura II Antiessence 4 When Recouping, you may take 1d10 damage to regain one use of your Aura. Vessel, Antiessence
Vulnerability II Antiessence Aura II, Vulnerability Repeatable. Choose another type of elemental or energy damage (this choice is permanent).

Your Antiessence Aura imposes Vulnerable 1 all types of damage that you chose from taking the Vulnerability or Vulnerability II talents.

Vessel, Antiessence, Repeatable
Vitriol II Vulnerability II or Terror II; Vitriol Vitriol damage becomes 1d6, and creatures that succeed the Aura Avoidance check still take ½ damage. Vessel, Antiessence
Prolong II Vitriol II or Trepidation II; Prolong Your Aura lasts for 3 minutes. Vessel, Antiessence
Terror II Antiessence Aura II, Terror Gain the Terrorize ability.
  • Terrorize: (2/Recoup) You may spend 2 AP to cause a creature that is Shaken from your Aura to become Frightened of you until the end of their next turn.
Vessel, Antiessence
Trepidation II Vulnerability II or Terror II; Trepidation Hostile creatures in your Aura suffer an additional -1 to all of their defenses. Vessel, Antiessence
Extend II Vitriol II or Trepidation II; Extend Your Aura’s radius extends by +5 ft. Vessel, Antiessence
Antiessence Aura III Antiessence 8 When you become Bloodied, you may reactively activate your Aura for 0 AP. If the creature that Bloodied you is in the radius of the aura, then they take 1d12 damage of a type that you chose with a Vulnerability talent. If you have no Vulnerability talents, then the damage is necrotic. Vessel, Antiessence, Soul Sacrifice
Vulnerability III Antiessence Aura III, Vulnerability II You may choose not to take damage when you activate Aura of Vulnerability, but if you do take damage, a creature of your choice in your Aura takes the same damage. Vessel, Antiessence
Vitriol III Vulnerability III or Terror III; Vitriol II Your Aura exudes destructive, reddish mist that imposes the Concealed condition on all creatures in the aura. However, you ignore Concealed when it is caused by this ability. Vessel, Antiessence
Prolong III Vitriol III or Trepidation III; Prolong II Repeatable. Your Aura lasts for +1 minute. Vessel, Antiessence, Repeatable
Vulnerability IV Prolong III or Extend III; Vulnerability III If you take damage when you use Aura of Vulnerability, a number of creatures within the aura equal to or less than ½ your END take the damage too. Vessel, Antiessence
Vitriol IV Vulnerability IV or Terror IV; Vitriol III Your Vitriol damage also deals 1d4 damage of a different type. Choose any elemental or energy type each time you cast the aura Vessel, Antiessence
Terror III Antiessence Aura III, Terror II Terrorize is END/Recoup. Vessel, Antiessence
Trepidation III Vulnerability III or Terror III; Trepidation II Hostile creatures in your Aura suffer an additional -1 to all of their defenses. Vessel, Antiessence
Extend III Vitriol III or Trepidation III; Extend II Repeatable. Your aura’s radius expands by +5 ft. Vessel, Antiessence, Repeatable
Terror IV Prolong III or Extend III; Terror III Gain the Break Will ability.
  • Break Will. (1/Rest) You may spend 3 AP to make a magic attack vs the WILL of a creature Frightened by your Terrorize. On a hit, they are Broken and Helpless until the end of your next turn.
Vessel, Antiessence
Trepidation IV Vulnerability IV or Terror IV; Trepidation III Hostile creatures in your Aura suffer an additional -1 to all of their defenses. Vessel, Antiessence
Antiessence Rupture Vitriol IV or Trepidation IV; Antiessence 14 When you activate your Aura, you may cause it to tear a rupture in reality, using Antiessence Rupture.
  • Antiessence Rupture. (1/Rest) The area currently in the Aura is Hazardous Terrain (1d4 necrotic, 1d4 fire) and hostile creatures in the aura are Sickened. Any area that was in the aura at any point during its duration remains Difficult Terrain even after the aura moves on or fades. Any area that was in the aura at any point is also corrupted: Plant life withers, and vegetation cannot grow normally there for a year.
    • Level 30: Your Antiessence Aura becomes an at will ability with no recharge.
Vessel, Antiessence, Capstone

Planar Thievery Track

Planar Thievery Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Cancel Spell Vessel Entry (2/Rest) You can use the Cancel Spell ability. This ability counts as an Occult spell for the purpose of any abilities that interact with or reference spells.
Cancel Spell

Tags: Occult, Spell, Warding

APC: 2 Reactive AP, which you spend when another creature within range casts a spell

Range: 60 ft

Requires: Visual, Line of Effect

Duration: Instantaneous

Make a magic attack roll; the caster who triggered this spell does the same. If they are Divine or Arcane, you add +2. If they are Primal or Psionic, they add +2. If you roll higher, the triggering caster’s spell fails, they do not spend SP, and you regain 2d6 SP.

If you roll lower, then their spell succeeds and you lose 2d6 SP

Vessel, Planar Thievery
Energy Theft Cancel Spell Gain the Energy Theft ability.
  • Energy Theft. After you use Cancel Spell, you deal +1d4 psychic damage on your first spell or chant attack each turn, if that spell or chant already deals damage and only targets one creature. This lasts for 1 minute.
Vessel, Planar Thievery
Energy Theft II Energy Theft Energy Theft works on all Spell/Chant attacks that deal damage and only target one creature. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Cancel Spell II Energy Theft II Cancel Spell recharges ½ INT/Rest.

When you cancel a spell, you can then cast that spell 1 time before the next time you use Cancel Spell, spending the spell’s normal SP

Vessel, Planar Thievery
Stamina Theft Cancel Spell II The next time you use magic or make a weapon attack after using Cancel Spell, it costs 1 fewer AP. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Stamina Theft II Stamina Theft When you use Cancel Spell, you may use Stamina Theft.
  • Stamina Theft. (2/Rest) The target creature loses 1 AP or 1 Monster Action. Gain +2 additional AP at the start of your next turn.
Vessel, Planar Thievery
Cancel Spell III Stamina Theft II Cancel Spell recharges INT/Rest.

When you use Cancel Spell, you have +4 against Arcane and Divine. You can use the spell that you canceled any number of times, spending normal SP each time, until you Take a Rest or use Cancel Spell again.

Vessel, Planar Thievery, Soul Sacrifice
Essence Siphon Cancel Spell III

Incompatible: Crackling Field

You can drain the Essence from a magical item, using the Siphon ability.
  • Siphon. (1/Rest) Touch a magic item that has 10 or fewer Essence and make an INT/Arcana check. The DC = the item’s Essence +1d6. If you hit, it loses all magical properties. Gain SP equal to ½ the item’s Essence and gain the item’s properties until you Take a Rest.
Vessel, Planar Thievery
Crackling Field Cancel Spell III

Incompatible: Essence Siphon

You can mix your multiple sources of power together to great effect. On your turn, you may use the Crackling Field ability.
  • Crackling Field. (½ INT/Rest). Once on your turn, for each of the following abilities that you have used this turn, your mental defenses increase by +1 until the end of your next turn (this costs 0 AP):
    • Occult Magic
    • Divine Magic
    • Primal Magic
    • Psionic Magic
    • Arcane Magic
    • “Surge of Magic” Ability
    • “Surge of Energy” Ability
    • “Surge of Vitality” Ability
    • Divine Icon
    • Aura

You regain all expended uses when you Take a Rest.

Vessel, Planar Thievery
Energy Theft III Planar Thievery 8 If you used Cancel Spell on a spell that would deal damage, your Energy Theft ability also deals +1d4 damage of that type. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Stamina Theft III Energy Theft III Stamina Theft recharges ½ INT/Rest. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Essence Siphon II Stamina Theft III, Essence Siphon Siphon becomes a max of 15 Essence, and you regain SP equal to the Essence instead of ½ the Essence. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Crackling Field II Stamina Theft III, Crackling Field Regain one use of your Crackling Field each time you Recoup. Your Crackling Field also increases your physical defenses. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Cancel Spell IV Planar Thievery 11 If you fail the contested roll from this spell, you do not lose SP. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Cancel Spell V Cancel Spell IV (1/Rest) When making a contested roll from this spell, you can force the other creature to roll 2d20 and use the lower. Vessel, Planar Thievery
Essence Siphon III Cancel Spell V, Essence Siphon II You can use Siphon multiple times: ½ INT/Rest.

(1/Rest) When you use Siphon, you may increase the maximum Essence to 25.

Vessel, Planar Thievery
Essence Hoard Essence Siphon III You are unparalleled in the art of drawing arcane energy out of objects and into yourself.

(1/Rest) Siphon becomes a max of 35 Essence.

(1/Month) You can make an effect from an item with 15 or fewer Essence permanent on you after siphoning it.

When you die, your soul becomes a set of physical, embodied crystalline shards that have magical properties of the MC’s choosing. (This will reflect the abilities you gathered over your lifetime.)

  • Level 30: While you are still living, a portion of your soul fractures out of your body as a physical magical item with 25 Essence. Its particular abilities are up to your MC, and its unique appearance is up to you.
Vessel, Planar Thievery, Capstone
Crackling Field III Cancel Spell V, Crackling Field II Crackling Field recharges ½ INT/Recoup.

Crackling Field also increases your AR.

Vessel, Planar Thievery
Crackling Miasma Crackling Field III Your capacity to blend the Essence of many different powers and magical sources make you a terrifying, but highly sought after, instructor in the ways of magic.

Crackling Field recharges INT/Recoup.

(1/Rest) You may double the bonus that Crackling Field provides you (+2 per ability used).

When you die, your crackling field explodes. All allies within 40 ft of you regain 4d10 HP, all enemies within 20 ft take 4d10 psychic damage.

  • Level 30: The final cap for your INT increases from 12 to 14.
Vessel, Planar Thievery, Capstone

Soul Graft Track

Soul Graft Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Surge of Vitality II Vessel Entry Regain one use of your Surge of Vitality when you Recoup. Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Energy Surge of Vitality II Gain the Surge of Energy ability.
  • Surge of Energy. (2/Rest) When you start your turn, gain +2 additional AP.
Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Magic Surge of Energy Gain the Surge of Magic ability.
  • Surge of Magic. (2/Rest) When Bloodied, you may spend 3 AP to regain 1d4 SP.
Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Vitality III Surge of Magic Surge of Vitality becomes 1d6+CHA HP, and recharges on CHA/Rest. Vessel, Soul Graft
Energy Conversion Surge of Vitality III Gain the Energy Conversion ability.
  • Energy Conversion. (CHA/Rest) When you take energy damage, regain 1d4 SP.
Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Energy II Energy Conversion Surge of Energy becomes +4 AP. Vessel, Soul Graft
Cracked Soul Surge of Energy II When you start your turn in combat and are Bloodied, gain SP equal to your current Death Points. Vessel, Soul Graft, Soul Sacrifice
Surge of Magic II Cracked Soul Surge of Magic becomes 1d6.

(1/Rest) When you start your turn with any Death Points, you can do this without expending a use of Surge of Magic.

Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Vitality IV Surge of Magic II Surge of Vitality becomes 1d8+CHA HP. (2/Rest) It can also remove 1 Death Point. Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Energy III Surge of Vitality IV When you roll Initiative, gain 1 extra AP on your first turn. Vessel, Soul Graft
Occult Vitality Surge of Energy III Gain the Occult Vitality ability.
  • Occult Vitality. (2/Rest) 2 AP: spend X SP to gain X HP
Vessel, Soul Graft
Surge of Magic III Occult Vitality Surge of Magic becomes CHA/Rest. Vessel, Soul Graft
Energy Conversion II Surge of Magic III Energy Conversion becomes 1d6 SP and can be triggered by elemental damage. Vessel, Soul Graft
Occult Vitality II Energy Conversion II Occult Vitality becomes CHA/Rest.

(1/Rest) You may add your Occult level to the HP regained.

Vessel, Soul Graft
Immortal Surge Occult Vitality II Your Essence is made of sterner stuff than most, and you can push yourself beyond the limits of your mortal body.

When you are reduced to 0 HP, you may trigger your Immortal Surge.

  • Immortal Surge. Regain all your HP, regain 4d10+CHA SP, and remove all conditions that you wish to remove, gain Damage Resist 4, and gain +4 to all d20 rolls for the next 10 mins. At the end of this time, you immediately return to 0 HP and gain 4 Death Points (killing you if this would put you over the number you need to die). You also gain the Sickened condition for the next 24 hours after you use this ability
    • Level 30: Immortal Surge only gives you 2 Death Points and no longer gives you the Sickened condition.
Vessel, Soul Graft. Capstone

Divine Icon Talents

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Icons Vessel Entry Repeatable. Gain two additional Divine Icon abilities of your choice, provided that you can access that Icon. Vessel, Divine Icon, Repeatable
Siphon Divinity Vessel Entry Repeatable. Choose one new Divine Icon from the Cleric stack. Gain access to that Icon and get one of its abilities that has no other Prerequisites. Vessel, Divine Icon, Repeatable