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Flanagan Meadowbrook, renowned lorist

"Tales reveal truth obscured by reality. I only seek for my tales to ignite dreams and to inspire hope. I carry the stories of the world, spreading inspiration and enchantment wherever I roam." - Flanagan Meadowbrook, renowned lorist

As far back as you can remember, you have always had a deep love for music, storytelling, poetry, and mythology. You had an equally strong desire to connect with others through the bonds of music and artistic expression. Even as a youngster, you were able to captivate audiences of all ages with your colorful and flamboyant performances. Through diligent practice, you have now mastered one or more methods of performance, be it song or dance or poem. Urged by intense wanderlust and the desire to see the world in all its splendor, you travel far and wide, seeking to collect more and grander stories wherever the path takes you.

What is your standard performance routine? Do you typically sing, play an instrument, dance, or do all three at once? Maybe you prefer to recite or improvise poetry for your audience, or maybe you perform parlor tricks designed to delight and instill a sense of wonder. Are you inspired by whimsical stories with happy endings, by heart-wrenching tragedies, or by tomes of history? How do these inspirations appear in your performances?

Troubadour Stacks/Talents

Encore. Your energetic music or inspirational words rally your allies and help your entire team move with enhanced tactical coordination.

Jester. Your double-edged comments and savage quips make you equally loved and hated among the common folk and high nobility.

Legend Keeper. You maintain a powerful book of legends and can summon creatures, heroes, and villains forth from the pages of this book.

Lorist. Stories and research into myths have led you to uncover the secrets of arcane or psionic magic, enhancing your capacity to influence the world around you.

Lyricist. By improving your repertoire of music, poetry, or stories, you can achieve a variety of effects in combat to enhance your allies or unnerve your foes.

Troubadour Entry Talent

After gaining the Troubadour Entry talent, you can take talents from any of the Troubadour tracks.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Troubadour Entry Character Level 2 When you take this talent, you gain the following abilities.
  • Stanzas. Learn three Stanzas of your choice.
  • Setup. (1/Round) During an allied creature’s turn, if they are within 40 ft of you, you may spend 1 Reactive AP that you have. That ally gains that AP.
  • Battle Song. When you roll Initiative, roll 1d4. Add it to the Initiative of any creature of your choice.
  • Skilled. Gain +4 Skill Points to spend on any skills of your choice. You also gain one inexpensive instrument or prop to enhance your performances (such as a flute, mask, or colorful silk handkerchiefs).
Troubadour, Class Entry

Encore Track

Encore Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Troubadour’s Support Troubadour Entry When you end your turn with 0 AP, gain 1 special Support AP that acts as Reactive AP. You lose this AP at the start of your next turn. You can only have one source of Support AP.

If you gain a second source of special AP, choose whether you keep this source or your new source.

Troubadour, Encore
Battle Drum Troubadour’s Support When you roll Initiative, you may swap your Initiative roll with one of your allies. Troubadour, Encore
Smooth Tongue Motley Wardrobe or Battle Drum Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance or observation tag.

You can always find food and lodging for free in exchange for performances.

Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Setup II Smooth Tongue You may now use Setup once on each ally’s turn provided you have the Reactive AP needed. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Troubadour’s Support II Setup II Troubadour’s Support gives you 2 Reactive AP. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Battle Drum II Troubadour’s Support II When you use Battle Drum, you may also swap two of your allies’ Initiative rolls. Choose one creature whose Initiative you changed; they get +your CHA to their Initiative. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Accelerando Battle Drum II Gain a special Stanza, Accelerando.
  • Accelerando. One ally within range gains +1 AP at the start of their turn and +5 ft speed when they spend AP to move.
Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Crescendo Battle Drum II Gain a special Stanza, Crescendo.
  • Crescendo. You or an ally within range deals +1d4 damage when they hit with weapon attacks.
Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Troubadour’s Support III Accelerando or Crescendo Troubadour’s Support gives you 3 Support AP. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Setup III Troubadour’s Support III You can expend X Reactive AP to give an ally X AP. The range of Setup increases to 80 ft. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Accelerando II Setup III, Accelerando (2/Recoup) Accelerando applies to two allies. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Crescendo II Setup III, Crescendo (2/Recoup) Crescendo applies to two allies. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Battle Stanza Accelerando II or Crescendo II Pick two Stanzas you know with the scorn tag.

Their rank 1 iterations combine and become your Battle Stanza. When you activate your Battle Stanza for 1 AP, make one scorn roll; if you hit, apply both effects..

Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Accelerando III Battle Stanza, Accelerando II Accelerando II becomes: Increase speed by 10 ft, and becomes 2/Catch Breath. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Crescendo III Battle Stanza, Crescendo II Crescendo II becomes: Increase damage by +1d6, and becomes 2/Catch Breath. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Battle Drum III Accelerando III or Crescendo III (2/Rest) When you use Battle Drum, you can pick a creature within 120 ft. Attack their ANT. If you hit, you can swap their Initiative with one of your allies. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Battle Stanza II Battle Drum III (2/Recoup) When you use your Battle Stanza, you can apply both effects as though they were Stanza rank 2. Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Anthem Battle Stanza II You are an unrivaled musician, orator, and performer. You are renowned as an expert commander on the field of battle, inspiring your comrades through song or word.

You gain the Courage Anthem and Battle Anthem abilities..

  • Courage Anthem. (1/Rest) When you roll Initiative, you and any allied creature whose Initiative you manipulated cannot be Charmed or Frightened unless the target is also Bloodied.
  • Battle Anthem. When reduced to 0 HP, you may start your Battle Anthem. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Troubadour level. When you start your turn, if you spent at least 1 AP on Stanzas on your last turn, you may use a Stanza’s rank 1 ability that you know for 0 AP. Furthermore, if you spend at least 2 AP on Stanzas on your current turn, you cannot receive healing until the end of your next turn, but also do not die until the end of your next turn, even if you reach 8 Death Points. If you reach 8 Death Points during your Battle Anthem, you cannot be healed and you die when your Battle Anthem ends, but you can be resurrected..
Troubadour, Encore, Capstone

Jester Track

Jester Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Mockery Troubadour Entry Gain the Mockery ability.
  • Mockery. By spending 3 AP, make a CHA attack vs the ANT of a target within 40 ft of you. If you hit, then all creatures that were Charmed by the target are no longer Charmed. Further, anyone who was not Charmed by the target looks upon the target with a mixture of embarrassment and disgust. If you miss a target, you can’t attack that target with this ability again until after 10 mins have passed.
Troubadour, Jester
Motley Wardrobe Mockery Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance or influence tag.

Gain a jester’s motley, along with two other disguises of your choice..

Troubadour, Jester
Smooth Tongue Motley Wardrobe or Battle Drum Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance or observation tags.

You can always find food and lodgings for free in exchange for performances.

Troubadour, Encore, Jester
Clown Smooth Tongue Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics or performance tag.

(1/Week) Gain +1 Goodwill with commoners.

Troubadour, Jester
Fool Smooth Tongue Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation and subterfuge tag.

(1/Week) Gain +1 Goodwill with nobles and elite society.

Troubadour, Jester
Obfuscate Clown or Fool Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge and knowledge tag.

(1/Rest) If you find physical evidence that might be incriminating, you can spend 30 minutes destroying it beyond any hope of being useful or viable.

Troubadour, Jester
Imitate Clown or Fool Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge and influence tag.

(1/Rest) Given 1 hour and 50 sp, you can make an excellent disguise that lasts for 4 hours before the makeup begins to run and the props begin to fray. Double Skill Points in Disguising, Evading, and Deceiving for the duration.

Troubadour, Jester
Jeer Obfuscate or Imitate When Mockery hits a target that is not Bloodied, deal 1d8 psychic damage. Creatures that witness this do not view this action as physically combative. Troubadour, Jester
Many Hats Jeer Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance and influence tag.

Given 1 week in a settled area, you can respec your talents within this track when you Take a Rest. Once you do, you cannot use this ability again until you are in a new settled area.

Troubadour, Jester
Clown II Many Hats, Clown Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics or performance tags.

(1/Week) Gain an additional +1 Goodwill with commoners.

Troubadour, Jester
Fool II Many Hats, Fool Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation and subterfuge tag.

(1/Week) Gain an additional +1 Goodwill with nobles and elites.

Troubadour, Jester
Obfuscate II Clown II or Fool II, Obfuscate Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge and knowledge tag.

You can spend 30 additional minutes to change the evidence slightly, causing it to incriminate someone else. This costs 100 sp and can be done 1/Week.

Troubadour, Jester
Imitate II Clown II or Fool II, Imitate Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge or influence tag.

(1/Week) Given 1 hour and 200 sp, you can make a supreme disguise that lasts for 4 hours. Double Skill Points in Disguising, Evading, and Deceiving for the duration and you do not need to roll if you do mundane activity befitting the costume (such as disguising yourself as a guard and walking into the city watch’s private lounge).

Troubadour, Jester
Mockery II Obfuscate II or Imitate II You only need to wait 1 minute, instead of 10 minutes, after missing with Mockery. Troubadour, Jester
Jeer II Mockery II If a target takes psychic damage from your Jeer and becomes Bloodied as a result, it loses 1 Goodwill and will attempt to completely withdraw from the social situation. (The target will not withdraw from active combat.) Troubadour, Jester
Clown III Jeer II, Clown II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics or performance tag.

You cannot have negative Goodwill with commoners.

Troubadour, Jester
Fool III Jeer II, Fool II Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the observation and subterfuge tag.

You cannot have negative Goodwill with noble society

Troubadour, Jester
Obfuscate III Clown III or Fool III, Obfuscate II Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge and knowledge tag.

You can destroy evidence 1/Recoup and change it 1/Rest

Troubadour, Jester
Imitate III Clown III or Fool III, Imitate II Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the subterfuge and influence tag.

You can use your disguise 1/Recoup and your supreme disguise 1/Rest.

Troubadour, Jester
Mockery III Obfuscate III or Imitate III When a creature loses Goodwill as a result of being Mocked, it can no longer Charm or Enthrall any new targets for 1 hour. You can use Mockery indefinitely with no cooldown, even if you miss a target. Troubadour, Jester
Cruel Jape Mockery III You wear disguises and identities fluidly, and you can ruthlessly use words as barbs.

Gain +8 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the influence, subterfuge, observation, or performance tags.

Gain the Cruel Jape ability.

  • Cruel Jape. (1/Rest) When you Bloody someone with Jeer, you can reduce them to 0 Goodwill. If they were at 0, reduce them to -5 instead.
    • Level 30: Cruel Jape becomes 1/Recoup, but can only target a specific creature 1/Rest.
Troubadour, Jester, Capstone

Legend Keeper Track

Legend Keeper Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Book Of Legends Troubadour Entry You have a special tome, your Book of Legends.

Your Book of Legends might be a faerie tale, a book of epic poetry from the distant past, or the scrawled and esoteric ramblings of a madman. Whatever the case, the tome is also magical and cannot be destroyed or damaged by mundane means.

Gain the Summon Character ability.

  • Summon Character (2/Rest). Spend 3 AP to magically call forth a spirit that takes the form of a character from this tome. This creature appears in an unoccupied space within 20 ft of you and has the stats of any ML 2 or lower creature with only the beast tag or is a NPC. A Summoned Character loses any magic from the Five Sources that its stat block would normally allow. It is a corporeal spirit and possesses any equipment that the stat block would normally have. This equipment is corporeal while the creature is holding it or using it in a thrown or ranged attack, but the equipment fades into nothingness if any other creature tries to use it. The character lasts for 10 minutes, until it is dismissed by spending 1 AP on your turn, or until it is reduced to 0 HP.

This talent gives you +5 SP and +1 Arcane or Psionic Power (your choice), but does not grant you spells.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Figure of Legend Book of Legends Gain the Summon Protagonist ability, which lets you summon more powerful creatures.
  • Summon Protagonist (1/Rest). You can spend 3 AP to summon a Figure of Legend to an unoccupied space within 20 ft of you, or other options granted by talents you take later in this track.
    • Figure of Legend. This is an NPC of a ML that you can summon, who also gains the full benefits of one level 1 lineage of your choice and one rank 1 profession of your choice. A Summoned Character loses any magic from the Five Sources that its stat block would normally allow. The character lasts for 10 minutes or until it is reduced to 0 HP.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Written Tradition 2 talents in one of the following tracks: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, or Tragedy Gain +4 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag.

Gain the Written Tradition ability.

  • Written Tradition (1/Rest). Regain one use of your Summon Character when you Recoup.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Written Tradition II 3 talents in one of the following tracks: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, or Tragedy Summon Character becomes 1⁄2 INT/Rest. Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Written Tradition III Written Tradition II You now regain two uses of your Summon Characters with Written Tradition.

Figure of Legend becomes 2/Rest.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Plot Twist 6 talents in one of the following tracks: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, or Tragedy Choose one of the six books that you do not have access to. Gain that book’s first talent. Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Story For Every Occasion 7 talents in one of the following tracks: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, or Tragedy Gain +8 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag.

When you roll Initiative and have no uses of Summon Character left, you gain one special use of it, which you can use to summon a single ML 1 NPC or creature with only the beast tag.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper
Library Of Legends Story for Every Occasion You are heralded the world over as a legendary and captivating storyteller.

Gain +8 Skill Points that you can spend on any skill.

Your Summon Character ability can summon creatures of 1 ML higher than you previously could.

Gain the Rewrite ability.

  • Rewrite (1/Month). Reassign your Legend Keeper talents by swapping out which book you can magically draw creatures from.
  • Level 30: Your Summon Character ability can summon creatures of 2 MLs higher than you previously could.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Capstone

Figure of Legend Tracks

Legend Keeper: Book of the Damned

Your Mythic Tome is more religious in nature and sings the cautionary tale of the exiles. You can summon fiends and celestials.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Book of the Damned Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, Tragedy

Gain the Song of the Irreconciled ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Song of the Irreconciled. You may summon a creature with the fiend or celestial tag of ML 4 or lower.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned II Book of the Damned

Incompatible: Book of Souls II, Comedy II, Creature Compendium II, Faerie Tale II, Necronomicon II, Tragedy II

You can summon creatures with the fiend or celestial tag with your Summon Character ability. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned III Book of the Damned II, Written Tradition Your Song of the Irreconciled ability can summon creatures with the fiend or celestial tag of ML 6 or lower. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned IV Book of the Damned III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag.

Gain the Graceful Poise and Sacred Flare prayers. They can count as arcane or psionic for you.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned V Book of the Damned IV Gain +2 Skill Points in Religion.

Your Summon Character ability can summon creatures with the fiend or celestial tag of ML 3 or lower.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned VI Book of the Damned V Gain the Unholy Bargain ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Unholy Bargain (1/Rest). Summon a creature with the fiend tag of ML 12 or lower. When you do, make a CHA/Persuading check against a DC 15 + the creature’s ML. On a hit, it is friendly towards your allies. On a miss, it is hostile towards both your allies and your enemies. If hostile towards your allies, it cannot be dispelled early and if it survives for the whole 10 minutes, it becomes fully embodied and sets out on its own.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned
Book of the Damned VII Book of the Damned VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. It can only be used with the Song of the Irreconciled. When you use Song of the Irreconciled, the summoned creature gains two divine prayers of your choice and one divine spell that costs 6 or fewer SP, which it can cast innately one time. It may use one creature action to cast these prayers or spell. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of the Damned

Legend Keeper: Book of Souls

Your Mythic Tome is historical in nature, holding long lists of the deceased. You can summon undead and their ilk.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Book of Souls Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, Tragedy

You can summon a creature with the undead tag with your Summon Character ability.

Gain the Armies of Old ability.

  • Armies of Old (1/Rest). When you summon a creature with the undead tag of ML 1 or lower, summon +1d4 undead of the same type.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls II Book of Souls

Incompatibile: Book of the Damned II, Comedy II, Creature Compendium II, Faerie Tale II, Necronomicon II, Tragedy II

Gain the Chronicle of Souls ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Chronicle of Souls. You may summon a creature with the undead tag of ML 4 or lower. Such a creature also gains +6 Skill Points divided among any skills of your choice.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls III Book of Souls II, Written Tradition Armies of Old becomes +1d6 undead and 2/Rest. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls IV Book of Souls III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag.

Gain the Stoll Primal Aspect.

Gain the Grave Whisper arcane cantrip. It counts as arcane or psionic for you.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls V Book of Souls IV Chronicle of Souls becomes ML 6 or lower and the creature appears equipped with any mundane gear of your choice. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls VI Book of Souls V Your attunement to death and legacy makes it harder to kill you. When you are reduced to 0 HP, if a creature with the undead tag that you have summoned is within 40 ft of you, you may spend 1 Reactive AP to cause that undead to immediately disintegrate. If you do, regain 1d4 HP.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls
Book of Souls VII Book of Souls VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. It can only be used with the Chronicle of Souls. When you use Chronicle of Souls, in addition to giving the creature any mundane gear, it gains one specialization talent or magic entry talent of your choice. If you pick a magic entry talent, it can only learn cantrips, chants, prayers, or manifestations. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Book of Souls

Legend Keeper: Comedy

This defines your Mythic Tome as a Comedy, full of epic heroes and happy endings.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Comedy Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, Tragedy

When using Figure of Legend, you can summon NPCs of ML 3 or lower. When you do, give them +1 to any physical or mental attribute and they magically gain any mundane equipment of your choice. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy II Comedy

Incompatible: Book of the Damned II, Book of Souls II, Creature Compendium II, Faerie Tale II, Necronomicon II, Tragedy II

When using Summon Character, you can use Summon Entourage.
  • Summon Entourage. Summon 3 NPCs that are all ML 1 or lower. They can have the same or different stat blocks.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy III Comedy II, Written Tradition When you use Figure of Legend, you may summon NPCs of ML 5 or lower. They gain the benefits of their lineage as if they were a level 5 hero, providing them one additional lineage option and one rank 2 profession. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy IV Comedy III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance tag.

When you use Figure of Legend, they get 4 total Attribute Points that you can use to enhance their attributes. Youcannot put more than 2 into a single attribute.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy V Comedy IV When you use Figure of Legend, your summon also gains one talent of your choice. This cannot be a magic entry talent. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy VI Comedy V Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the performance tag.

When you use Summon Entourage, they can be ML 2 or lower.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy
Comedy VII Comedy VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. When you use Figure of Legend, your summon gains an additional lineage option (as though hero level 10) and a rank 3 profession. They also gain one cantrip, chant, or prayer of your choice. It may use one creature action to cast this magical ability. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Comedy

Legend Keeper: Creature Compendium

This defines your Mythic Tome as a Bestiary with carefully diagrammed and researched monsters.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Creature Compendium Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon, Tragedy

Gain the Bestiary ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Bestiary. You may summon a creature with the beast or monstrosity tag of ML 4 or lower.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium II Creature Compendium

Incompatible: Book of the Damned II, Book of Souls II, Comedy II, Faerie Tale II, Necronomicon II, Tragedy II

You can summon creatures with the monstrosity tag with your Summon Character ability.

Gain the Packmaster ability.

  • Packmaster (1/Rest). When you summon a creature with the beast or monstrosity tag that is ML 1 or lower, summon +2 creatures of that same type.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium III Creature Compendium II, Written Tradition Your Bestiary ability can summon creatures with the beast or monstrosity tag of ML 6 or lower. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium IV Creature Compendium III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the survival tag.

Learn the Charm Creature and Commune with Beast chants. They count as arcane or psionic for you.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium V Creature Compendium IV Packmaster becomes 2/Rest and you now summon +4 creatures. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium VI Creature Compendium V Gain the Monster of Legend ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Monster of Legend (1/Rest). Summon a creature with the beast or monstrosity tag of ML 12 or lower. When you do, make an AWR/Animal Handling check against a DC 15 + the creature’s ML. On a hit, it is friendly towards you and your allies. On a miss, it is hostile towards you and your allies, and your enemies. If hostile towards you and your allies, it cannot be dispelled early and if it survives for the whole 10 minutes, it becomes fully embodied and sets out on its own.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium
Creature Compendium VII Creature Compendium VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. It can only be used with Bestiary.

Your Bestiary ability can summon creatures with the beast or monstrosity tag of ML 8 or lower.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Creature Compendium

Legend Keeper: Faerie Tale

This defines your Mythic Tome as a Faerie Tale, with a lot of whimsy fae and plants.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Faerie Tale Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Necronomicon, Tragedy

Gain the Faerie Tale ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Faerie Tale. You may summon a creature with the fae or plant tag of ML 4 or lower.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale II Faerie Tale

Incompatible: Book of the Damned II, Book of Souls II, Comedy II, Creature Compendium II, Necronomicon II, Tragedy II

You can summon creatures with the fae or plant tag with your Summon Character ability.

Your Summon Character ability allows you to summon creatures of ML 2 or lower.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale III Faerie Tale II, Written Tradition Your Faerie Tale ability can summon creatures with the fae or plant tag of ML 6 or lower. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale IV Faerie Tale III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the survival tag.

Gain the Leshy Primal Aspect.

Learn the Glimmer chant. It counts as arcane or psionic for you.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale V Faerie Tale IV You can summon creatures with the monstrosity or fiend tag with your Summon Character ability. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale VI Faerie Tale V Gain the Archfae of Legend ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Archfae of Legend (1/Rest). Summon a creature with the fae tag of ML 12 or lower. When you do, make an INT/ Arcana check against a DC 15 + the creature’s ML. On a hit, it is friendly towards you and your allies. On a miss, it is hostile towards you, your allies, and your enemies. If hostile towards your allies, it cannot be dispelled early and if it survives for the whole 10 minutes, it becomes fully embodied and sets out on its own.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale
Faerie Tale VII Faerie Tale VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. It can only be used with Faerie Tale.

When you use Faerie Tale, if you summon a creature with the fae tag, it gains two primal chants of your choice and one primal spell that costs 6 or fewer SP, which it can cast innately one time. It may use one creature action to cast these chants or spell.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Faerie Tale

Legend Keeper: Necronomicon

Your Mythic Tome is modeled after the dread Necronomicon. You can summon eldritch creatures.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Necronomicon Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Tragedy

Gain the Unnamable Horror ability, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Unnamable Horror. You may summon a creature with the eldritch tag of ML 4 or lower.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon II Necronomicon

Incompatible: Book of the Damned II, Book of Souls II, Comedy II, Creature Compendium II, Faerie Tale II, Tragedy II

Gain the Eldritch Bargain ability.
  • Eldritch Bargain. When you summon a creature with the eldritch tag with Unnamable Horror, you can make yourself Sickened for the duration to give it +1 TA and +2 damage for the duration.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon III Necronomicon II, Written Tradition Your Unnamable Horror ability can summon creatures with the eldritch tag of ML 6 or lower. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon IV Necronomicon III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the knowledge tag.

Gain the Tamat Primal Aspect.

Learn the Acid Stream chant. It counts as an arcane or psionic for you.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon V Necronomicon IV Your NPC and creatures with the beast tag that you summon gain tentacles that replicate their previous melee weapons but have +5 ft reach. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon VI Necronomicon V Gain Aberrant Bargain, which you can use when you Summon Protagonist.
  • Aberrant Bargain (1/Rest). Summon a creature with the eldritch tag of ML 12 or lower. When you do, make an INT/Arcana check against a DC 15 + the creature’s ML. On a hit, it is friendly towards you and your allies. On a miss, it is hostile towards you and your allies as well as your enemies. If hostile towards your allies, you become Sickened for the next 1 hour and gain Fatigue. Also, it cannot be dispelled early and if it survives for the whole 10 minutes, it becomes fully embodied and sets out on its own.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon
Necronomicon VII Necronomicon VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. It can only be used with Unnamable Horror.

Your Unnamable Horror ability can summon creatures with the eldritch tag of ML 8 or lower.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Necronomicon

Legend Keeper: Tragedy

This defines your Mythic Tome as a Tragedy, full of flawed heroes, ruthless villains, and heart-wrenching loss.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Tragedy Figure of Legend

Incompatible: Book of the Damned, Book of Souls, Comedy, Creature Compendium, Faerie Tale, Necronomicon

When using Figure of Legend, you can summon a villain, which is an NPC of ML 3 or lower. When you do, give them +1 to any physical or mental attribute and +6 Skill Points that they can spend on any skills with the influence, observation, subterfuge, or survival tag. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy II Tragedy

Incompatible: Book of the Damned II, Book of Souls II, Comedy II, Creature Compendium II, Faerie Tale II, Necronomicon II

When using Summon Character, you can use Summon Underlings.
  • Summon Underlings. Summon 3 NPCs that are all ML 1 or lower. They can have the same or different stat blocks.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy III Tragedy II, Written Tradition When you use Figure of Legend, you may summon NPCs of ML 5 or lower. They gain the benefits of their lineage as if they were a level 5 hero, providing them one additional lineage option and one rank 2 profession. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy IV Tragedy III, Written Tradition III Gain +2 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the influence tag.

When you use Figure of Legend, your summon also gains one talent of your choice. This cannot be a magic entry talent.

Gain +5 SP and +1 Arcane Power or +1 Psionic Power.

Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy V Tragedy IV Gain the Bodyguards ability.
  • Bodyguards (1/Rest). When you use Figure of Legend, you can also summon two underlings that the villain controls. These underlings must be NPCs or creatures with the beast tag of ML 1 or lower.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy VI Tragedy V Gain the Diabolical Scheme ability, which you can use when you use Figure of Legend.
  • Diabolical Scheme. The villain you summon can be an NPC of ML 10 or lower and gains three specialization talents of your choice. It is fully autonomous and can choose whether to work with or against you. At the end of the 10 minutes, if the NPC is not dead, then the NPC becomes permanently corporeal and can pursue its own agenda.
Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy
Tragedy VII Tragedy VI, Plot Twist Gain one additional use of Summon Protagonist. When you summon a Figure of Legend, they can be an NPC of ML 7 or lower; they gain an additional lineage option (as though hero level 10) and a rank 3 profession; they also gain one cantrip, chant, or prayer of your choice. It may use one creature action to cast this magical ability. Troubadour, Legend Keeper, Tragedy

Lorist Track

Lorist Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Lorist Troubadour Entry Choose one: Arcane or Psionic.

If you choose Arcane, gain Student of the Arcane unless you already have it. If you already have it, gain +1 Arcane Power and +5 SP instead.

If you choose Psionic, gain Adept of the Psionic unless you already have it. If you already have it, gain +1 Psionic Power and +5 SP instead.

Whichever you choose, CHA is your magic attribute.

Each time you level up and spend your Talent Point on a talent in the Lorist track, you gain +5 SP and +1 Power in the source you chose.

Your ability to cast magic is contained in your Lorebook, which might be a tome of poetry, stories, or music penned by you or by the greats whose work you idolize.

Troubadour, Lorist
Multitalented Lorist Repeatable. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills. You cannot spend more than +4 points on a single skill. Troubadour, Lorist, Repeatable
Record Magic Multitalented Gain the Replicate Spell ability.
  • Replicate Spell. When someone within 60 ft of you casts a spell, you may spend 2 Reactive AP to magically replicate that spell, inscribing it into your Lorebook. You can cast spells that are in your Lorebook by spending the appropriate AP and SP. Once you cast a spell from your Lorebook, it fades and you lose access to it from this ability. Inscribed spells last for up to 2 days, until you use it, or until you dismiss it from your Lorebook for 1 AP. You can only have two spells inscribed in your Lorebook at a time.
Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist II Record Magic Gain one cantrip, chant, or prayer from any source. It counts as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Your selection from this feature does not gain power as you level up. Troubadour, Lorist
Disciplined Study Lorist II (1/Month) When you would Take a Rest, you may forego all benefits of Taking a Rest and instead redistribute all of your Skill Points as you intensively study and train Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist III Disciplined Study Gain one ritual or invocation with no prerequisites from any Source. It counts as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Troubadour, Lorist
Photographic Memory Lorist III You are immune to magical effects that would alter your memory, and can recall events up to 1 month prior with perfect accuracy. Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist IV Photographic Memory Gain one spell from any Source. It counts as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Troubadour, Lorist
Record Magic II Lorist IV Spells in your Lorebook last for up to 1 week, and you can have a number of recorded spells equal to ½ INT. Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist V Record Magic II Gain two cantrips, chants, or prayers from any Source. They count as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Your selections from this feature do not gain power as you level up. Troubadour, Lorist
Disciplined Study II Lorist V You can use Disciplined Study 1/Week, and gain the benefits of Taking a Rest when you do. Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist VI Disciplined Study II Gain one ritual or invocation from any Source with no prerequisites or with Prerequisites that are no higher than “Tier 2” or Source Power 7. This choice counts as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Troubadour, Lorist
Record Magic III Lorist VI (1/Rest) Spells you learn with Record Magic remain in your Lorebook for up to 1 month. When you cast a spell from your Lorebook, you can immediately put it back into your book for 0 AP. Troubadour, Lorist
Lorist VII Record Magic III Gain two spells from any Source. They count as Arcane or Psionic for you, based on your selection in Lorist. Troubadour, Lorist
Student of the Fundamental Lorist VII You have tremendous renown as a versatile academic scholar. Those in the academic world hold your opinions in very high regard.

You are capable of using Fundamental Source to replicate any spell. Pick one spell from any source that costs 75 SP or less. You know that Spell and it counts as Arcane or Psionic for you. You can reselect your spell 1/Month.

  • Level 30: You can reselect your spell 1/Week, and can choose a spell from any source that costs 100 SP or less.
Troubadour, Lorist, Capstone

Lyricist Talents

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Stanza Repertoire Troubadour 1 Repeatable. Learn two Stanzas of your choice. Troubadour, Lyricist, Repeatable
Performer's Props Troubadour 1 Gain one Stanza of your choice.

Each time you Take a Rest, you may choose whether your Stanzas are Auditory or Visual

Troubadour, Lyricist
Great Stanza Troubadour 3 Repeatable. Pick two Stanzas that you know. You gain access to their rank 2 abilities. Troubadour, Lyricist, Repeatable
Artistic Signature Great Stanza Choose one Great Stanza you know. You can use that Stanza CHA/Recoup Troubadour, Lyricist
Diverse Repertoire Troubadour 8 (1/Month) You can reselect the Stanzas that you know. Troubadour, Lyricist
Grand Stanza Troubadour 8 Repeatable. Pick two Stanzas that you know and have used Great Stanza on. Gain their rank 3 abilities. Troubadour, Lyricist, Repeatable
Artistic Signature II Grand Stanza, Artistic Signature Choose one Great Stanza and one Grand Stanza that you know. You can use each of them CHA/Recoup. Troubadour, Lyricist


  • When you gain the ability to use Stanzas, choose Auditory or Visual. If Auditory, creatures must hear you to be affected; if Visual, they must see you.
  • Stanzas cost 1 AP. Stanzas last until the end of your next turn unless otherwise noted.
  • A Stanza’s base range is 40 ft.
  • You can use the same Stanza multiple times in one turn, and can use different Stanzas on the same turn.
  • A creature can only be affected by one Stanza at a time. If you use a Stanza on a creature already under the effects of one of your Stanzas, your old Stanza ends. If they are under the effects of a Stanza from another Troubadour, roll CHA vs the other Troubadour’s Will. On a hit, your Stanza takes effect. On a miss, you lose your 1 AP and there is no effect.
  • If you use a Stanza with the scorn tag, make a CHA attack vs the creature’s WILL. If you hit, the Stanza takes effect.
Stanza Rank 1 Rank 2 (2/Recoup) Rank 3 (2/Recoup) Tags
Antagonism Scorn: Creature is Taunted by you. Range is 120 ft. Range is 120 ft, target two creatures. Scorn
Clarity You or an ally is Focused against a creature of your choice within 40 ft of you. This affects two allies or you and one ally. This affects three allies or you and two allies.
Dazzling You or an ally becomes Blinded, or use Scorn to Blind an enemy. Requires that your Stanzas are Visual. Target two creatures. Target three creatures. Scorn
Deafening You or an ally becomes Deafened, or use Scorn to Deafen an enemy. Requires that your Stanzas are Auditory. Target two creatures. Target three creatures.
Disdain Costs 1 Extra AP (2 total)

Scorn: Creature takes 1d4 Psychic damage.

Scorn: Creature takes 1d8 Psychic damage. Scorn: Creature takes 1d12 Psychic damage. Scorn
Dread Scorn: Creature is Frightened of you. Range is 120 ft. Range is 120 ft, target two creatures. Scorn
Glumness Scorn: Creature gains Demoralized. Target two creatures. Target three creatures. Scorn
Grace Scorn: Creature is Charmed by you. Target two creatures. Target three creatures. Scorn
Mettle You or an ally is Protected. Range is 120 ft. Range is 120 ft, targets two allies or you and one ally.
Quivering Scorn: Creature gains Shaken. Range is 120 ft. Range is 120 ft, target two creatures. Scorn
Silencing Scorn: Creature becomes Silenced. Target two creatures. Target three creatures. Scorn
Valor You or an ally is Rallied. This affects two allies or you and one ally. This affects three allies or you and two allies.
Vigor You or an ally gains 1d4 Shield HP. (Because Stanzas end at the end of your next turn, this Shield HP goes away at that point) This affects two allies or you and one ally. This affects two allies or you and one ally. It bestows 1d8 Shield HP.