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NPC Names

Lineage Names
Bhrunai Billy, Bubben, Catter, Digg, Dubben, Gamin, Gog, Gubbel, Ingrid, Habbed, Ladd, Lotter, Merri, Mugg, Pebbel, Rissel, Teasey, Tot
Dragonfolk Alatek, Berliss, Candace, Darg, Elorog, Finneas, Hazar, Izikreth, Jemmer, Kiefer, Mothka, Rasbar, Sadrat, Shanber, Tathra, Trevorr, Yagerro, Zukra
Dwarf Ardenn, Bob, Butch, Crumbel, Dungrel, Dworker, Fregen, Grenda, Grolard, Helga, Kribber, Lorhald, Otar, Picken, Strogar, Thorga, Urem, Weverd
Elemental Ash, Boulder, Brisk, Cley, Dribbel, Ember, Flame, Jet, Nami, Rainn, Rumbel, Smokey, Soot, Spark, Splash, Spout, Torrent, Zephyr
Elf Alanakalai, Daiserien, Denlagora, Elvarelva, Flerkoris, Heliokrysein, Ilistarith, Jolodormis, Luxueden, Nicsaelia, Oberotani, Raylastar, Selandaria, Sprailayre, Tenphoricon, Uvarethian, Wyllostor, Zeefaraine
Fiendblood Aevir, Antimesk, Belvoxel, Celek, Denrosk, Egonad, Furseus, Ligulan, Leitendrek, Morten, Nycrash, Onisk, Rakomos, Suteir, Tensdou, Tuldredge, Yogrother, Zentul
Halfling Adelaide, Bumbelo, Chaddy, Daftley, Dumpling, Farry, Harry, Juniper, Marmalade, Nelton, Noodel, Opine, Piper, Pookey, Roldo, Teddy, Wiz, Zappo
Kettek Allie, Antonio, Chessie, Emmy, Florence, Kitty, Lucky, Lyla, Mao, Minerva, Olivia, Pierre, Sandy, Salma, Strogann, Tabby, Tommy, Victoria
Kleppin Anya, Arnold, Beatrix, Binkie, Bronner, Charles, Chuckey, Dart, Flopper, Hanniah, Hartley, James, Kernel, Nimrod, Peter, Rascal, Timone, Zipper
Raedeen, Remnant Aromeil, Beltorel, Cique, Dekonest, Elasteris, Iskoral, Judestor, Kaleid, Karel, Lashreen, Moshkonon, Paragal, Purjoral, Rathatran, Rithemoras, Syenesk, Verstronel, Zecrebel
Satyr Dalenhill, Enamory, Flanagan, Flowerfall, Glibglammor, Harmony, Hilandael, Hollysong, Maztoven, Melody, Orchard, Peddler, Sommerset, Songendane, Tambourine, Tapper, Theranbach, Yetagan
Trollkin Alfonse, Ayarga, Blisk, Bruh, Cinatar, Grum, Hajar, Jojein, Lenny, Mestek, Nann, Paikei, Rezi, Riddalin, Tersker, Ulysses, Yetabe, Zultree
Urkou Belozog, Borsky, Cherzonog, Dostsky, Kraigory, Leoskor, Lodomir, Musgorgken, Rashkan, Remenesk, Selvig, Tashi, Vod, Wanda, Winnifred, Yelena, Yetrov, Zelen

Values, Drives, Quirks

1d12 Value
1 Cautious/Risky: The character is cautious.
2 Cautious/Risky: The character is risky.
3 Greater Good/Personal Gain: The character prioritizes the greater good.
4 Greater Good/Personal Gain: The character prioritizes personal gain.
5 Honor/Pragmatism: The character is honorable.
6 Honor/Pragmatism: The character is pragmatic.
7 Logical/Emotional: The character is logical.
8 Logical/Emotional: The character is emotional.
9 Loyal/Disloyal: The character is loyal.
10 Loyal/Disloyal: The character is disloyal.
11 Tradition/Change: The character holds to tradition.
12 Tradition/Change: The character is interested in change.
1d20 Drive
1 Ambition
2 Survival
3 Knowledge
4 Escape
5 Love
6 Conservation
7 Power
8 Revenge
9 Independence
10 Validation
11 Recognition
12 Conquest
13 Legacy
14 Exploration
15 Duty
16 Justice
17 Security
18 Prestige
19 Creativity
20 Protection
1d20 Quirk
1 Insists on being paid in small or valueless objects, such as acorns or pocket lint.
2 Always wears a fake mustache, even over a real one.
3 Constantly seems impatient and pulling out an hourglass during meetings
4 Looking for their pet rock
5 Claims they are from the future... or the past
6 Obsessively rearranges items on a table or furniture in a room.
7 Makes dramatic exits... then returns because they forgot something.
8 Believes the moon is haunted.
9 Often loudly talking to themselves, at times with their own reflection.
10 Brings their own cup and utensils with them everywhere. Will not eat or drink food anyone else has handled. Will not shake hands or touch people.
11 Swears they once dated a ghost.
12 Consults a rubber duck for advice.
13 Can’t turn left.
14 Extremely superstitious, knocking on wood, throwing salt over their shoulder, and some wildly outlandish practices.
15 Refuses to sit on anything other than the ground.
16 Always refers to themself in the third person.
17 Has an explosively negative reaction to a particular food group.
18 Physically incapable of making eye contact, instead looking slightly past someone.
19 Always eager to share their latest grand theory of the universe.
20 Believes themself to be a great inventor, but has never made a useful invention.

Basic Personality

Aristocrats, Politicians

1d6 Character Trope
1 Well-intentioned but naive figure who has overly simplistic solutions to complex problems.
2 Self-important figure who tries to sound more busy and impressive than they really are.
3 Overly empathetic politician who is easy to emotionally manipulate and feels terrible for everyone all the time.
4 A noble who is missing their hand and insists it was during an epic adventure (but has never left their hometown).
5 Charismatic but utterly corrupt politician who has no sense of loyalty and will do anything to anyone to maintain or expand their power.
6 Pragmatic noble who will do whatever it takes to widen their influence, believing that they do so in order to protect and serve their constituents.

Clergy, Scholars

1d6 Character Trope
1 Posh scholar that doesn’t have time for anyone unless they have interesting knowledge to divulge.
2 Blind mystic who claims that they can see how faithful someone is based on their aura.
3 Moralistic healer who says they can sense the values of a wounded patient’s soul and will deny healing to those with wicked hearts.
4 Brilliant theorist who often tries to explain how and why magic works but is incapable of explaining their ideas in layman’s terms.
5 Absentminded scholar with grand theories but little understanding of the real world.
6 Archivist or clergy with a moralistic story from history or religious texts for every occasion.


1d6 Character Trope
1 Fast-talking salesperson who tries to overwhelm potential marks with information and shiny trinkets, pickpocketing them all the while.
2 Earnest-presenting salesperson who explains that they just want their kids to have a better life.
3 A potions merchant whose potions look and taste like mineral water, perhaps dyed on occasion.
4 Parlor trick performer who picks the pockets of their audience during their tricks.
5 Craftsperson of mild skill who prices their product as though it is tremendously excellent.
6 Flamboyant performer who is obviously a scammer, but people fall for it anyway due to their ironic charm.

Merchants, Traders

1d6 Character Trope
1 Alchemist who constantly tries to get random people to try their experiments just to see what happens.
2 Merchant who refuses to haggle on the grounds that they know exactly how much each item is worth and price it accordingly.
3 Warfare profiteer selling to both sides of an armed conflict.
4 Merchant with a gambling addiction who will make wagers on any possible situation.
5 Spice merchant who collects flavorful blends from all around the world.
6 Information broker who sells rumors and secrets for the price of a few coins and a few more rumors.


1d6 Character Trope
1 Stern, duty-oriented soldier who seems to operate entirely based on who has authority over whom.
2 Stoic warrior who rarely talks and never drinks or engages in revelry.
3 Soldier who takes every command literally, to the most basic meaning of a given word.
4 Military recruiter that will say half-truths to meet their recruitment quota.
5 Soldier who is always late to assignments, keeps their equipment disheveled, and always performing odd jobs as punishment.
6 Hedonistic warrior who, when not creating carnage on the battlefield, engages in wildly over the top merriment.

Thieves, Scoundrels

1d6 Character Trope
1 Shadowy figure who keeps an ear to the ground and knows everyone’s comings and goings.
2 Burglar down on their luck who is just trying to make ends meet and doesn’t really want to steal.
3 Moralistic bandit who robs from the rich to give to the poor.
4 Religious zealot who is so convinced of their convictions that they use their muscle and force of personality to control a criminal organization into enacting the zealot’s wishes.
5 Jittery black market trader with a sugar addiction.
6 Revolutionary, charismatic leader who wants to lay the groundwork for a governmental coup.

Wanderers, Performers

1d6 Character Trope
1 Storyteller that tells grandiose stories of their deeds (but they have not really done any of these feats).
2 Off-putting and slightly creepy stranger who nonetheless knows the natural world in this region better than anyone else.
3 Chipper, glass-half-full bard who is always upbeat and kind, even in dire situations.
4 A wizened old person whose cloak has patches and heraldry from every known nation.
5 Well-traveled nomad whose wagon seems much larger on the inside.
6 Haggard ranger missing an eye who knows everything about monsters and always has a cautionary tale ready.