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NPC Names
Lineage | Names |
Bhrunai | Billy, Bubben, Catter, Digg, Dubben, Gamin, Gog, Gubbel, Ingrid, Habbed, Ladd, Lotter, Merri, Mugg, Pebbel, Rissel, Teasey, Tot |
Dragonfolk | Alatek, Berliss, Candace, Darg, Elorog, Finneas, Hazar, Izikreth, Jemmer, Kiefer, Mothka, Rasbar, Sadrat, Shanber, Tathra, Trevorr, Yagerro, Zukra |
Dwarf | Ardenn, Bob, Butch, Crumbel, Dungrel, Dworker, Fregen, Grenda, Grolard, Helga, Kribber, Lorhald, Otar, Picken, Strogar, Thorga, Urem, Weverd |
Elemental | Ash, Boulder, Brisk, Cley, Dribbel, Ember, Flame, Jet, Nami, Rainn, Rumbel, Smokey, Soot, Spark, Splash, Spout, Torrent, Zephyr |
Elf | Alanakalai, Daiserien, Denlagora, Elvarelva, Flerkoris, Heliokrysein, Ilistarith, Jolodormis, Luxueden, Nicsaelia, Oberotani, Raylastar, Selandaria, Sprailayre, Tenphoricon, Uvarethian, Wyllostor, Zeefaraine |
Fiendblood | Aevir, Antimesk, Belvoxel, Celek, Denrosk, Egonad, Furseus, Ligulan, Leitendrek, Morten, Nycrash, Onisk, Rakomos, Suteir, Tensdou, Tuldredge, Yogrother, Zentul |
Halfling | Adelaide, Bumbelo, Chaddy, Daftley, Dumpling, Farry, Harry, Juniper, Marmalade, Nelton, Noodel, Opine, Piper, Pookey, Roldo, Teddy, Wiz, Zappo |
Kettek | Allie, Antonio, Chessie, Emmy, Florence, Kitty, Lucky, Lyla, Mao, Minerva, Olivia, Pierre, Sandy, Salma, Strogann, Tabby, Tommy, Victoria |
Kleppin | Anya, Arnold, Beatrix, Binkie, Bronner, Charles, Chuckey, Dart, Flopper, Hanniah, Hartley, James, Kernel, Nimrod, Peter, Rascal, Timone, Zipper |
Raedeen, Remnant | Aromeil, Beltorel, Cique, Dekonest, Elasteris, Iskoral, Judestor, Kaleid, Karel, Lashreen, Moshkonon, Paragal, Purjoral, Rathatran, Rithemoras, Syenesk, Verstronel, Zecrebel |
Satyr | Dalenhill, Enamory, Flanagan, Flowerfall, Glibglammor, Harmony, Hilandael, Hollysong, Maztoven, Melody, Orchard, Peddler, Sommerset, Songendane, Tambourine, Tapper, Theranbach, Yetagan |
Trollkin | Alfonse, Ayarga, Blisk, Bruh, Cinatar, Grum, Hajar, Jojein, Lenny, Mestek, Nann, Paikei, Rezi, Riddalin, Tersker, Ulysses, Yetabe, Zultree |
Urkou | Belozog, Borsky, Cherzonog, Dostsky, Kraigory, Leoskor, Lodomir, Musgorgken, Rashkan, Remenesk, Selvig, Tashi, Vod, Wanda, Winnifred, Yelena, Yetrov, Zelen |
Values, Drives, Quirks
1d12 | Value |
1 | Cautious/Risky: The character is cautious. |
2 | Cautious/Risky: The character is risky. |
3 | Greater Good/Personal Gain: The character prioritizes the greater good. |
4 | Greater Good/Personal Gain: The character prioritizes personal gain. |
5 | Honor/Pragmatism: The character is honorable. |
6 | Honor/Pragmatism: The character is pragmatic. |
7 | Logical/Emotional: The character is logical. |
8 | Logical/Emotional: The character is emotional. |
9 | Loyal/Disloyal: The character is loyal. |
10 | Loyal/Disloyal: The character is disloyal. |
11 | Tradition/Change: The character holds to tradition. |
12 | Tradition/Change: The character is interested in change. |
1d20 | Drive |
1 | Ambition |
2 | Survival |
3 | Knowledge |
4 | Escape |
5 | Love |
6 | Conservation |
7 | Power |
8 | Revenge |
9 | Independence |
10 | Validation |
11 | Recognition |
12 | Conquest |
13 | Legacy |
14 | Exploration |
15 | Duty |
16 | Justice |
17 | Security |
18 | Prestige |
19 | Creativity |
20 | Protection |
1d20 | Quirk |
1 | Insists on being paid in small or valueless objects, such as acorns or pocket lint. |
2 | Always wears a fake mustache, even over a real one. |
3 | Constantly seems impatient and pulling out an hourglass during meetings |
4 | Looking for their pet rock |
5 | Claims they are from the future... or the past |
6 | Obsessively rearranges items on a table or furniture in a room. |
7 | Makes dramatic exits... then returns because they forgot something. |
8 | Believes the moon is haunted. |
9 | Often loudly talking to themselves, at times with their own reflection. |
10 | Brings their own cup and utensils with them everywhere. Will not eat or drink food anyone else has handled. Will not shake hands or touch people. |
11 | Swears they once dated a ghost. |
12 | Consults a rubber duck for advice. |
13 | Can’t turn left. |
14 | Extremely superstitious, knocking on wood, throwing salt over their shoulder, and some wildly outlandish practices. |
15 | Refuses to sit on anything other than the ground. |
16 | Always refers to themself in the third person. |
17 | Has an explosively negative reaction to a particular food group. |
18 | Physically incapable of making eye contact, instead looking slightly past someone. |
19 | Always eager to share their latest grand theory of the universe. |
20 | Believes themself to be a great inventor, but has never made a useful invention. |
Basic Personality
Aristocrats, Politicians
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Well-intentioned but naive figure who has overly simplistic solutions to complex problems. |
2 | Self-important figure who tries to sound more busy and impressive than they really are. |
3 | Overly empathetic politician who is easy to emotionally manipulate and feels terrible for everyone all the time. |
4 | A noble who is missing their hand and insists it was during an epic adventure (but has never left their hometown). |
5 | Charismatic but utterly corrupt politician who has no sense of loyalty and will do anything to anyone to maintain or expand their power. |
6 | Pragmatic noble who will do whatever it takes to widen their influence, believing that they do so in order to protect and serve their constituents. |
Clergy, Scholars
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Posh scholar that doesn’t have time for anyone unless they have interesting knowledge to divulge. |
2 | Blind mystic who claims that they can see how faithful someone is based on their aura. |
3 | Moralistic healer who says they can sense the values of a wounded patient’s soul and will deny healing to those with wicked hearts. |
4 | Brilliant theorist who often tries to explain how and why magic works but is incapable of explaining their ideas in layman’s terms. |
5 | Absentminded scholar with grand theories but little understanding of the real world. |
6 | Archivist or clergy with a moralistic story from history or religious texts for every occasion. |
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Fast-talking salesperson who tries to overwhelm potential marks with information and shiny trinkets, pickpocketing them all the while. |
2 | Earnest-presenting salesperson who explains that they just want their kids to have a better life. |
3 | A potions merchant whose potions look and taste like mineral water, perhaps dyed on occasion. |
4 | Parlor trick performer who picks the pockets of their audience during their tricks. |
5 | Craftsperson of mild skill who prices their product as though it is tremendously excellent. |
6 | Flamboyant performer who is obviously a scammer, but people fall for it anyway due to their ironic charm. |
Merchants, Traders
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Alchemist who constantly tries to get random people to try their experiments just to see what happens. |
2 | Merchant who refuses to haggle on the grounds that they know exactly how much each item is worth and price it accordingly. |
3 | Warfare profiteer selling to both sides of an armed conflict. |
4 | Merchant with a gambling addiction who will make wagers on any possible situation. |
5 | Spice merchant who collects flavorful blends from all around the world. |
6 | Information broker who sells rumors and secrets for the price of a few coins and a few more rumors. |
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Stern, duty-oriented soldier who seems to operate entirely based on who has authority over whom. |
2 | Stoic warrior who rarely talks and never drinks or engages in revelry. |
3 | Soldier who takes every command literally, to the most basic meaning of a given word. |
4 | Military recruiter that will say half-truths to meet their recruitment quota. |
5 | Soldier who is always late to assignments, keeps their equipment disheveled, and always performing odd jobs as punishment. |
6 | Hedonistic warrior who, when not creating carnage on the battlefield, engages in wildly over the top merriment. |
Thieves, Scoundrels
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Shadowy figure who keeps an ear to the ground and knows everyone’s comings and goings. |
2 | Burglar down on their luck who is just trying to make ends meet and doesn’t really want to steal. |
3 | Moralistic bandit who robs from the rich to give to the poor. |
4 | Religious zealot who is so convinced of their convictions that they use their muscle and force of personality to control a criminal organization into enacting the zealot’s wishes. |
5 | Jittery black market trader with a sugar addiction. |
6 | Revolutionary, charismatic leader who wants to lay the groundwork for a governmental coup. |
Wanderers, Performers
1d6 | Character Trope |
1 | Storyteller that tells grandiose stories of their deeds (but they have not really done any of these feats). |
2 | Off-putting and slightly creepy stranger who nonetheless knows the natural world in this region better than anyone else. |
3 | Chipper, glass-half-full bard who is always upbeat and kind, even in dire situations. |
4 | A wizened old person whose cloak has patches and heraldry from every known nation. |
5 | Well-traveled nomad whose wagon seems much larger on the inside. |
6 | Haggard ranger missing an eye who knows everything about monsters and always has a cautionary tale ready. |