Magic Items
One of the most rewarding treasures that heroes might find at the end of a quest is magic items. Flaming swords, armor that absorbs energy and converts it into power, rope that climbs walls by itself... any number of magic items might appeal to your adventurers for a variety of reasons. This page offers some guidance on creating your own magic items, then offers a codex of premade magic items ready to use in any game.
Equipping Magic Items
In Ancerra, some items are inherently magical and require some of the bearer’s Essence, or their life energy, to work. By default, an adventurer has 100 Essence Points. An adventurer cannot equip items whose sum Essence cost exceeds this limit.
Item Strength
Magic items range in power from convenient tools to artifacts that could rewrite world events. When designing your own magic items, as you try to determine your item’s Essence cost, use this table as a reference.
Rarity | Avg. Essence Point Cost | Material Cost (in sc) | Description |
Common | 10 | 200-500 | Items that hold minor powers, such as those you would find in a cantrip, chant, or prayer. |
Uncommon | 15 | 500-1500 | Items that begin to hold stronger powers. These rarely augment their user’s combat effectiveness in a major way, but would provide moderately more powerful exploration or utility abilities. |
Rare | 20 | 1,500-50,000 | Rare items offer strong utility or may improve a bearer’s combat effectiveness. |
Epic | 33 | 50,000-100,000 | Epic items are quite powerful, and may change their bearer’s entire combat style. |
Legendary | 50 | 100,000+ | Legendary Items are extremely powerful. The powers of a legendary item could shift the tides of an entire battle or conquer a city. |
Rarity Examples
Ring of Illumination (Common)
Common, Essence 10
While wearing this ring, you can tap it to shed bright light in a 20 ft radius, twice to shed dim light in a 20 ft radius, and again to turn it off.
Ring of Illumination (Uncommon)
Uncommon, Essence 15
While wearing this ring, you can spend 1 AP to specify an object or space within 60 ft of you that begins to shed bright light in a 30 ft radius. If you choose, it can warm creatures within 5 ft of it as a campfire would. This light remains active until you use it on a new space or object.
Ring of Illumination (Rare)
Ring, Rare, Essence 20
You gain a special attack that you can use by spending 1 AP: +AWR vs FORT of a creature within 60 ft of you. Hit: That creature is blinded until the end of your next turn. (1/ Recoup)
Ring of Illumination (Epic)
Ring, Epic, Essence 35
While wearing this ring, you can spend 1 AP as a part of an attack that has already hit to cause the creature to take 6d6 additional Fire damage. This damage is doubled if the creature is undead. (3/Rest)
Ring of Illumination (Legendary)
Ring, Legendary, Essence 50
You activate your ring and spend 2 AP to deal 10d6 Radiant damage to all enemy creatures, and restore 5d6 HP to all friendly creatures, in a 120 ft cone. Friendly creatures who see this light but are not struck are Rallied for 1 minute. Attacks against creatures damaged by this attack gain TA for the next 1 minute. (1/Rest)
Ring of Illumination (Artifact)
Ring, Artifact, Essence 100
You can turn on or off the sun. (1/Week)
What does it do?
If you don’t already have a clear idea of what you want an item to do, it can be hard to come up with inspiration. A few easy places to look are class talents, magic from any of the Five Sources, and monster abilities. Taking any of these and turning them into a magic item can give your players a fun and unique experience.
Magic Items
Weapon | Damage | Attr. | APC | Range | Rarity | Essence Cost | Tags |
Abyssal Blade | 2d8+2 sharp | STR | 5-STR, min 3 | Melee | Rare | 25 | Two-Handed, Unwieldy |
Basilisk's Fang | 1d4+2 sharp | DEX | 2 | Thrown 20 ft | Rare | 30 | Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Blade of the Rodir | 1d8+1 sharp | DEX | 5-DEX, min 3 | Melee | Uncommon | 25 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d10) magical |
Bloody Blade | 1d8+4 sharp | DEX | 5-DEX, min 3 | Melee | Epic | 25 | Hand-and-a-Half, Magical |
Boom-erang | 1d6 blunt + 1d6 sonic | DEX | 2 | Thrown 60 ft | Rare | 20 | Magical, Light, One-Handed |
Bow of Storms | 1d10+2 sharp | DEX | 6-STR, min 2 | 600 ft | Rare | 20 | Magical, Two-handed, Amumunition |
Bow of Shooting Stars | 1d10+2 sharp | DEX | 6-Cha, min 2 | 600 ft | Rare | 15 | Magical, Two-Handed, Ammunition |
Cestus of Knocking | 1d4+1 blunt | STR | 2-STR, min 1 | Melee | Uncommon | 15 | One-Handed, Light, Magical, |
Colossus Greatslab | 2d10+2 sharp | STR | 8-STR, min 3 | Melee | Uncommon | 25 | Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Magical |
Commander's Lance | 1d12+1 sharp | STR | 6-STR, min 3 | Reach 10 ft | Rare | 25 | Unwieldy, Two-Handed (One-Handed if on a mount), Magical |
Dancing Scimitar | 1d6+2 sharp | DEX | 5-Dex, min 3 | Melee | Rare | 20 | One-Handed, Light, Magical |
Duelist's Delight | 1d4+1 sharp | Dex | 2 | 60 ft | Uncommon | 15 | Light, One-Handed, Ammunition, Magical |
Earthshaker | 1d10+2 blunt | STR | 6-STR, min 3 | Melee | Rare | 25 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d12) Magical, Unwieldy |
Fate Cutter | 1d8+4 sharp | STR | 5-STR, min 3 | Melee | Legendary | 60 | Hand-and-a-Half, Magical |
Flail of the Elements | 1d4 fire + 1d4 cold + 1d4 lightning | STR | 6-STR, min 3 | Reach 10 ft | Uncommon | 20 | Two-Handed, Magical |
Flametouched Longsword | 1d8 sharp + 1d4 fire | STR | 5-STR, min 3 | Melee | Rare | 20 | Hand-and-a-Half, Magical |
Fleshripper | 1d4+1 sharp | DEX | 2 | Thrown 20 ft | Uncommon | 15 | Magical, Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Frostrim Battleaxe | 1d8 sharp + 1d4 cold | STR | 5-STR | Melee | Rare | 20 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d10), Magical |
Glaive of the Tomb Guardian | 1d8+2 sharp | STR | 6-STR | Reach 10 ft | Rare | 30 | Two-Handed, Magical |
Hatchet of Returning | 1d4+1 sharp | STR | 2 | Thrown 30 ft | Uncommon | 15 | One-Handed |
Hero's Standard | 1d8+2 sharp | STR | 5-STR, min 3 | Reach 10 ft | Epic | 45 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d10), Magical |
Hunter's Bow | 1d4+1 sharp | DEX | 2 | 200 ft | Uncommon | 15 | Two-Handed, Ammunition |
Jailer's Branding Iron | 1d6+1 blunt | STR | 4-STR, min 2 | Melee | Uncommon | 35 | One-Handed, Magical |
Kraken's Woe | 1d6+2 sharp | STR | 2 | Thrown 60 ft | Rare | 30 | One-Handed, Light, Magical |
Lightning Bolt Spear | 1d8 sharp + 1d4 lightning | STR or DEX | 3 | Thrown 30 ft | Rare | 20 | Hand-and-a-Half (APC 2), Magical |
Lightning Lasher | 1d4+2 sharp | DEX | 5-DEX, min 2 | Reach 20 ft | Rare | 25 | One-Handed, Light, Magical |
Lute of Lost Tomes | 1d6+1 blunt | STR | 2 | Melee | Uncommon | 15 | One-Handed, Magical |
Mariner's Friend | 1d6 sharp | DEX | 2 | Melee | Common | 10 | Light, One-Handed |
Mul'ator Blade | 1d4+1 sharp | DEX | 2 | Thrown 20 ft | Rare | 20 | Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Realmstalker | 2d4+2 sharp | Dex | 4-DEX, min 2 | Melee | Rare | 35 | Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Magical |
Scorpion's Sting | 1d4 sharp | DEX | 2 | Thrown 20 ft | Uncommon | 15 | Magical, Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Sickle of Culling | 1d4+1 sharp | DEX | 2 | Melee | Uncommon | 10 | Magical, Light, One-Handed |
Soulbound Dagger | 1d4 sharp | DEX | 2 | Thrown 20 ft | Common | 10 | Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Spirit Bow | 1d10+2 psychic | Dex | 6-STR, min 2 | 600 ft | Rare | 20 | Light, One-Handed, Concealed |
Staff of Vipers | 1d4 blunt + 1d4 corrisive | DEX | 3 | Melee | Rare | 20 | Hand-and-a-Half (APC 2), Magical, |
Staff of Whirlwinds | 1d4+2 blunt | DEX | 3 | Melee | Rare | 20 | Hand-and-a-Half (APC 2), Magical |
Taste of Nobility | 1d8+2 sharp | DEX | 5-DEX, min 2 | Melee | Rare | 20 | One-Handed, Magical |
Ursine Mace | 1d6+1 Blunt | STR | 4-STR min 2 | Melee | Uncommon | 15 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d8), Magical |
Vampire's Bane | 1d8+1 sharp | STR | 3 | Thrown 20 ft | Uncommon | 15 | Hand-and-a-Half (APC 2), Magical |
War Wizard's Wand | 1d8+2 fire, lightning, cold, or corrosive | CHA | 4-CHA, min 2 | 80 ft | Rare | 20 | One-Handed, Magical |
Wasp | 1d8+1 sharp | DEX | 5-DEX, min 2 | Melee | Uncommon | 10 | One-Handed, Magical |
Woodcutter's Axe | 1d8 sharp | STR | 5-STR, min 3 | Melee | Common | 10 | Hand-and-a-Half (1d10) |
Name | Base | Rarity | Essence | Tags |
Acidwalker's Armor | Scale Mail | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Chameleon Hide | Hide Armor | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Diving Suit | Banded Mail | Uncommon | 15 | Heavy Armor, Unwieldy, Magical |
Flamewalker's Armor | Scale Mail | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Guardian's Shield | Heater Shield | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Icewalker's Armor | Scale Mail | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Iron Maiden's Plate | Full Plate Mail | Epic | 30 | Heavy Armor, Unwieldy, Magical |
Leafdancer's Cuirass | Cuirass (Leather) | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Lucky Cutoff Vest | Gambeson | Common | 10 | Light Armor |
Mirror Shield | Heater Shield | Rare | 25 | Magical |
Phalanx Tower Shield | Tower Shield | Uncommon | 25 | Magical |
Robes of the Archmage | Robes (Elemental) | Epic | 35 | Magical |
Second Skin | Hide Armor | Rare | 20 | Magical |
Shield of Thorns | Buckler | Rare | 20 | Magical |
Sunburst Shield | Heater Shield | Uncommon | 15 | Magical |
Symbiotic Mimic | Leather Armor | Rare | 20 | Magical |
Volcanic Plate | Full Plate Mail | Rare | 30 | Heavy Armor, Unwieldy, Magical |
Name | Rarity | Essence | Tags |
Amulet of Thirst | Common | 10 | Necklace |
Book of Secrets | Rare | 35 | Book |
Boots of Swiftwind | Rare | 30 | Boots |
Bottomless Bag | Uncommon | 15 | Bag |
Beastheart Gauntlets | Rare | 20 | Gloves |
Bracers of Conduction | Rare | 20 | Gloves |
Brewer's Cask | Common | 10 | Small Barrel |
Carrion Cloak | Rare | 30 | Magical,Cloak |
Circlet of Mind Shielding | Rare | 30 | Helmet |
Circlet of Thought Detection | Rare | 20 | Helmet |
Climber's Gloves | Uncommon | 15 | Gloves |
Cloak of Shadows | Rare | 20 | Cloak |
Crane Paper | common | 10 | Paper |
Deployable Glider | Uncommon | 15 | Backpack |
Die of Beasts | Epic | 45 | Die |
Die of Self | Epic | 60 | Die |
Die of Time | Legendary | 65 | Die |
Endless Quiver | Rare | 25 | Quiver |
Flute of the Gravecaller | Epic | 35 | Instrument |
Frostwalker Boots | Rare | 20 | Boots |
Girdle of the Wolf | Rare | 20 | Belt |
Gloves of the Though Thief | Rare | 30 | Gloves |
Ivory Whistle | Rare | 20 | Instrument |
Mad Tinkerer's Toolbox | Rare | 20 | Chest |
Magnetic Gloves | Uncommon | 15 | Gloves |
Masquerade Mirror | Uncommon | 15 | Mirror |
Messenger Bracelet | Uncommon | 15 | Bracelet |
RIng of Protection | Rare | 20 | Ring |
Sea Legs | Uncommon | 15 | Boots |
Spell Thief's Scroll | Rare | 20 | Scroll |
Viperstrike Bracers | Epic | 35 | Bracers |
Visage of Fear | Rare | 20 | Helmet |
Wanderer's Doorknocker | Epic | 40 | Doorknocker |
All items in this section have the Potion tag.
Name | Rarity | Effect |
Clearblood Elixir | Legendary | This milky white potion has an acrid, burnt taste. After drinking this potion, you are immediately cured of all diseases and poisons. |
Drake's Breath Elixir | Uncommon | This orange potion swirls with trails of gold and white. After drinking this potion you may immediately make a special attack: END vs the REF of all creatures within a 30 ft cone. Hit: 2d12+END fire damage. Miss: ½ damage. |
Draught of Fortitude | Common | This dark green potion smells faintly of fresh earth. After drinking this potion, gain +4 to END skill checks and +4 FORT for 1 hour. |
Elixir of Life | Epic | This potion appears to be liquid silver. If administered to a creature that has died within the past 24 hours, that creature returns to life with 1 HP, 7 Death Points, and Fatigue. |
Hunter's Draught | Rare | This thin black liquid smells of blood. After drinking this potion you immediately take 1d6 corrosive damage. You gain +1 STR, +1 DEX, and Darkvision 60 ft for one hour. |
Mimic Mix | Rare | This thick golden paste can be applied to any medium or smaller nonmagical inanimate object by spending 2 AP. Five minutes after application, the target object becomes a mimic using a Mimic stat block of the appropriate size. It follows the simple mental commands of whomever applied the Mimic Mix. After 24 hours or after being reduced to 0 HP the object reverts to its mundane state. |
Potion of Haste | Rare | This potion is a shimmering yellow and smells like honey and lilacs. After drinking this potion you gain +2 AP at the start of each of your turns and +4 REF for 10 minutes. |
Potion of the Fundamental | Rare | This dark blue potion swirls with black smoke. After drinking this potion, regain 1d8+4 Spell Points. |