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Conditions are effects that might be imposed during combat that work in your favor or against you. Some conditions are purely beneficial for you (such as Focused or Rallied),while others are solely detrimental to you (like Dazed or Frightened). Others can work for you or against you depending on how you utilize them (if you are Prone, you are harder to hit with ranged attacks but easier to hit with melee attacks).

Whenever an ability references a condition, you can check this page to see what that condition does.


When you have an Affinity with a type of damage, you take 1⁄2 of that type of damage, and deal +3 additional damage whenever you deal that type of damage.


A creature suffers Bleeding at the end of each of their turns, taking the amount of physical damage specified. This might be a set number or a die roll, such as Bleeding (1d4). The effect is ended by receiving any amount of magical healing, Catching your Breath, or by receiving a successful INT/Medicine check. The Difficulty of this check is the Bleeding damage + 10.


You cannot see or gain any benefits from any ability requiring sight. All creatures are Unseen.


You gain the Bloodied condition when you have equal to or less than 1⁄2 your maximum HP.


You are Frightened and Shaken. You must use all available movement to retreat from perceived danger.


A creature suffers Burning at the end of each of their turns, taking the amount of fire damage specified. This might be a set number or a die roll, such as Burning (1d4). The effect is ended by being doused in water or by rolling in dirt or mud by falling Prone and spending 3 AP.


You look upon the creature that Charmed you as a friendly acquaintance. You will not intentionally harm the creature that Charmed you. When that creature targets your ANT, LOG, or WILL, they get TA. When that creature makes an INT or CHA check to interact with you, they roll 2d20 and use the higher result. Unless stated otherwise, you know you were Charmed after this condition fades.


Moving and making weapon attacks cost 1 more AP than they would normally.


You are Concealed when you are not completely hidden, but Line of Sight is interrupted by fog, smoke, foliage, or other obscuring phenomena. Creatures are aware of exactly where you are but cannot see you clearly. While Concealed, you have TA on attacks provided that you can see your enemy clearly, and attacks against you have TD.


If at least 1⁄2 of your body is protected by an object that would block physical damage, then you have Partial Cover. Your AR and physical defenses gain between +1 and +3 against ranged attacks, determined by your MC and the amount of cover you have.

When you have Total Cover, you cannot be targeted by ranged attacks or any effect that requires Line of Sight to you.


Your current AP is reduced to 3, unless it was already 3 or lower. You gain no more than 3 AP at the start of your turns while Dazed and cannot use Reactive AP or carry over AP from previous rounds.


You cannot hear and are immune to effects that require hearing. You automatically fail any roll that requires you to be able to hear. Casting a spell that requires verbal input requires you roll 2d20 and take the lower result.


All attacks against a Demoralized creature gain TA.


A target that is Engaged provokes a 0 APC reactive attack when it leaves the reach of the creature that has Engaged it. If the attack hits, the creature takes damage as normal and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.


You are Charmed and lose your sense of self, following the instructions from the creature that Enthralled you even to the point of putting yourself in danger. You will not intentionally harm the creature that Enthralled you, but will not undertake actions that will obviously lead to your death. For example, you may attack your ally, but would not fall on your own sword. When the creature that Enthralled you attacks your ANT, LOG, or WILL, or makes a check against you using its INT or CHA, it rolls 2d20 and uses the higher.


Whenever you suffer Fatigue, immediately gain 1 Death Point and become Fatigued (you suffer 1 Death Point each time you suffer Fatigue, even if you were already Fatigued). While Fatigued, you do not remove your Death Points when you Recoup or Take a Rest. Instead, when you Take a Rest, you remove the Fatigued condition if you eat and drink the minimum amount needed to sustain you.


If you are Flanking, you gain +1 TA against the creature that you are Flanking.


You gain TA against a specific target. When you gain this condition, it will specify which target you gain TA against.


You have TD while the source of fear is in sight, and cannot willingly move closer to the source of your fear.

Grappled & Grappling

  • If a Grappled creature is the same or a smaller Size than the creature Grappling it, the Grappled creature’s speed becomes 0 ft and the Grappling creature’s speed is halved.
  • If a Grappled creature is two or more Sizes smaller than the Grappling creature, the Grappling creature’s speed is unaffected.
  • If a Grappled creature is one or two Sizes larger than the creature Grappling it, the Grappled creature’s speed is halved, and the Grappling Creature’s speed becomes 0 ft.
  • If a Grappled creature is three or more Sizes larger, the Grappled creature’s speed is unaffected, and the Grappling creature’s speed becomes 0.

On its turn, a Grappled creature can try to break out of a Grapple once per turn by spending 2 AP (or using one action, if it is an NPC) to make an STR attack against the FORT, or DEX attack against the REF, of the creature that is Grappling it. On a success, the creature frees itself.

A creature who is Grappling can let go at any time without spending AP. Forced movement does not end the Grappled condition. If the creature who is Grappling is subjected to forced movement, the Grappled creature is moved with it. If the Grappled creature is subjected to forced movement, the Grappling creature decides if the Grappled creature moves or not.

If you use magic to Grapple another creature, the creature may break the Grapple normally, making a STR or DEX attack against your FORT or REF.


You cannot teleport or move to a different plane, nor can an external effect impose teleportation or plane-shifting effects on you.


When you take melee damage, you lose all of your HP.


You are Helpless and your AP becomes 0. You gain 0 AP at the start of each of your turns while Paralyzed.


You are Paralyzed. Your body is physically transformed into stone or a similar material as specified by the source of the condition. The source of the condition will also specify how to end the condition, such as with the Greater Restoration divine ritual.


You are Frightened when you can see the subject of your phobia. This effect is permanent until removed.


You are Prone, Grappled, and gain an additional TD on attacks. Creatures making melee attacks against you gain TA, and creatures making ranged attacks against you gain TD.


You have TD on all attacks while Prone, and cannot make attacks with two-handed weapons. Additionally, melee attacks against you have TA, and ranged attacks against you have TD.


You gain +2 to your AR and physical defenses while Protected.


You cannot be Demoralized, Frightened, or Shaken. If you are already suffering from one of these conditions, the effects are suppressed while you are Rallied.


A creature is Grappled. When attacking a Restrained creature, roll 2d20 and use the higher roll. Unless otherwise stated, escaping the Restrained condition is the same as escaping the Grappled condition, but requires 3 AP (or two of an NPC’s actions).


You suffer a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls.


Whenever rolling a d20, roll 2d20 and take the lower result.


You cannot vocalize. You automatically fail any roll that requires the ability to speak or use verbal components.


Your speed is halved.


You gain half the AP than you normally would at the start of each of your turns.


Your current AP is reduced to 1, unless it was already 1 or lower. You gain only 1 AP at the start of your turns and your AP cannot be raised above 1 while Stunned. NPCs can only take one movement action on their turn.


After Suffocating for a number of rounds equal to your END +1, you gain a Death Point at the start of each of your turns.


You cannot use your AP to move.

Surprised (Complete)

Complete Surprise only occurs when a creature attacks an enemy under all of the following conditions:

• The target does not perceive the attacker and is unaware of their presence.

• The target is not in a heightened state of awareness or on alert. For example, an alarm being raised, or being actively in combat, even if it’s with a third party, disallows a full surprise round.

In this instance, the creature who begins combat is granted double their AP and takes a single turn.

If the defender survives this attack, that creature and its allies are Partially Surprised and combat begins. If the creature that is attacked is reduced to 0 HP or knocked Unconscious and the attacking creature is Unseen, the victim’s allies that are within 30 ft make an AWR/Perceiving check against the attacker’s DEX/Sneaking. If the attacker wins all skill contests, it remains Unseen and combat does not begin. Otherwise, roll Initiative and Partial Surprise rules apply to all Surprised creatures.

Surprised (Partial)

If creatures are Surprised, they don’t act on the first round of Initiative and have TD on the second round. They cannot use reactive actions until after their first turn in which they can take action, and do not carry over AP until after their first turn in which they can take action.

Creatures that are not Surprised have TA on the first two rounds of combat against creatures that were Surprised.


You have TA attacking the creature that Taunted you, and have TD attacking other creatures.


The creature must roll three dice and take the lowest result to perceive checks that rely on sound. They automatically fail checks that rely on vision. A creature can be shaken awake by another creature who expends 1 AP as long as they have at least 1 HP. Taking any damage automatically ends this effect. An Unconscious creature is Helpless.


An Unseen creature gains TA, and when it makes an attack, it rolls 2d20 and takes the higher result. It cannot be targeted by Line of Sight effects. Unseen creatures are also considered Concealed.

Unless the source of the Unseen condition states otherwise, you lose the Unseen condition when:

• You make an attack roll, cast a spell, or use an ability

• You are struck by an attack

• A creature would occupy the space that you are in as part of their movement

• You move into clear Line of Sight of a creature, such as into bright light, out of concealment, or the like

When trying to spot an Unseen creature, you can spend 1 AP (NPCs can trade one action) once on your turn to attack an Unseen target’s ANT with your AWR. If you win, you know what square it is occupying, but it remains Unseen. If it is more than 60 ft away from you, you automatically lose.

If you are the target of a ranged attack or effect, you know which direction the attack came from. If you are the target of a melee attack, you know which square you were attacked from.

When attacking an Unseen creature, indicate which square you are attacking, roll 2d20, and take the lower result. You know if the attack hits, but gain no information from missing.