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Avery Gray, the "Little Shadow"

"Only four guards? I'm offended." - Avery Gray, the "Little Shadow"

You were dealt a difficult hand. You grew up in society’s unforgiving underbelly and from an early age you had to resort to thievery or deception to find food and lodging. Through trial and error, you learned what fools people and what does not. Living in the shadows on the fringes of society, you quietly observed as other, more skilled rogues earned their illicit livelihoods. Seeking to emulate the most successful thieves and con artists, you have learned how to stay one step ahead of the law.

The most successful rogues know the other players in their game: crime lords, skilled pickpockets, charlatans, corrupt nobles, bribed guards, aspiring politicians, and the pesky incorruptible altruists among such folk. You make it your business to stay informed on all such individuals. Are there any among these scoundrels whom you would trust? Would you ever try to form a family of sorts with any of these fellow rogues, or do you find that you only trust your own intuition? Even if you would never trust another rapscallion, what offer would convince you to work alongside another individual or group to complete a job? You should always ask yourself these questions, relying on both logic and gut instinct as your answers might change on a daily or even hourly basis.

Rogue Tracks/Talents

Con. You wear identities like clothes. Capable of impersonating nearly anyone, you can pull elaborate cons.

Guild Affiliate. You are a talented poisoner and use deadly reagents to enhance your weapon attacks.

Psyblade. You have an aptitude for psionic magic and use this to silence your footfalls and improve your thievery.

Stealth Archer. You are a master of raining death on your enemies from a hidden vantage.

Subtlety. Silent as a shadow, you infiltrate and exfiltrate even well-guarded buildings with meticulous skill.

Rogue Entry Talent

After gaining the Rogue Entry talent, you can take talents from any of the Rogue tracks.

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Rogue Entry Character Level 2 When you take this entry talent, you gain the following abilities..
  • Sneak Attack. Your Sneak Attack damage increases by +1d6 (if you had no Sneak Attack, it becomes 1d6). You can apply Sneak Attack damage to a creature that you hit with a melee attack with a light weapon if you had TA against the target and no TD. You may do this once per turn..
  • Skilled. Gain +6 Skill Points that you can spend on any skills with the acrobatics, influence, observation, or subterfuge tag.
  • Well Equipped. You gain hooded common clothes, a hooded lantern, two daggers, a skullduggery kit, and one disguise of your choice.
Rogue, Class Entry

Conman Track

Con Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Confidence Rogue Entry You gain 1 rank in the Charlatan profession. If you already have any ranks in the Charlatan profession, you gain +3 Skill Points in Savoir Faire, and +3 Skill Points that you can spend on Empathy, Gossiping, Intimidating, Leadership, or Persuading. Rogue, Con
Impersonate Confidence Your false identity now holds up to some scrutiny. After spending a day studying someone and at least a week in their area of residence, you can use the Impersonate ability
  • Impersonate: Roll an INT/Disguise check and an INT/Forging check and take the average of the two rolls. This becomes your Identity Score. People inspecting your credentials, paperwork, or claims may make an INT roll, and if they do not beat your Identity Score, they do not get suspicious unless you give them a clear reason to be suspicious. You may have one active identity. You can only repeat your Disguise and Forging check by spending another day with the person and another week in their area of residence

A creature inspecting you gains a bonus to their INT roll if circumstances allow. They use the highest bonus they qualify for.

Bonus Reason
+5 You have just done something very suspicious
+20 You are within 5 miles of the home of the person you are impersonating
+30 The person inspecting has heard of or knows about the person you are impersonating
+40 The person inspecting has been fooled by a different identity before
+50 The person inspecting has met the person you're impersonating before
+70 The person inspecting has met the person you're impersonating in the last year

The creature automatically beats your score if they have interacted with the person that you are impersonating in the last month, the person you are impersonating is a well known individual in the area you’re in, or the inspector knows the individual that you are impersonating personally

Rogue, Con
Master of Disguise Impersonate Repeatable. You gain +3 to Disguising and +3 to Forging checks Rogue, Con, Repeatable
Additional Identities Impersonate Repeatable. You may have an additional identity. It takes you one hour to switch between identities Rogue, Con, Repeatable
Better Identities Impersonate Repeatable. You gain +5 to your Identity Score. Rogue, Con, Repeatable
Sturdier Identities Impersonate Repeatable. You gain +10 to your Identity Score when the inspector has any number of circumstantial bonuses. Rogue, Con, Repeatable
Quicker Identites Impersonate You may shortcut the 1 week requirement for identities and take a -5 on your Forgery check per day skipped (Max -30). Rogue, Con
Betrayal Impersonate If you attack someone who is Completely Surprised and has been fooled by your identity, that attack is an automatic crit and deals maximum damage. Rogue, Con
Charming Identity Impersonate You may attempt to Charm someone who has been fooled by your Identity. Make a CHA roll vs LOG. If you hit, they treat you as a friendly acquaintance for 1 minute, and do not know they have been Charmed. This does not work if the creature is in combat. Rogue, Con
Leave it to Luck Con 5 Gain the Coin Toss ability.
  • Coin Toss. (½ LUCK/Rest) Your next d20 roll becomes a 50/50 chance. If you roll an odd number, treat it as a 1. If you roll an even number, treat it as a 20.
Rogue, Con
Fool's Strike Leave it to Luck Repeatable. You gain an additional Sneak Attack die against creatures while you are disguised and your target does not know your true identity.

You can take this talent up to six times.

Rogue, Con, Repeatable
How Dare You Leave it to Luck People inspecting your identity must subtract your Savoir Faire from their INT roll. Rogue, Con
Leave it to Luck II Leave it to Luck Your Coin Toss ability becomes LUCK/Rest. Rogue, Con
Jammy Leave it to Luck Your total number of Luck Points per day is equal to your LUCK. Rogue, Con
Slippery Leave it to Luck You can now spend 2 Luck Points to force a creature that you can see within 30 ft of you to reroll a d20 after they make an attack roll or after they inspect your identity Rogue, Con
Catch Me if You Can Leave it to Luck If you have at least 1 Luck Point when you are reduced to 0 HP, you can regain 1 HP and immediately move 40 ft without provoking reactive actions. Doing so costs all of your remaining Luck Points. Rogue, Con
Play Dead Leave it to Luck If you have at least 1 Luck Point when you hit 0 HP you can regain 1 HP and pretend to be dead. You begin Catching your Breath when you do this. Additionally, make a CHA/ Performance roll vs the LOG of each creature that can see you.

If you hit more than half the witnesses, then you are believed to be dead (or the identity that you are currently using is believed to be dead).

Rogue, Con
Master of Disguise II Leave it to Luck, Master of Disguise You gain +3 In Savoir Faire and +3 Skill Points that you can spend on any skill with the influence tag. Rogue, Con
Check it Again Leave it to Luck You may now spend 1 Luck Point to force a creature to reroll their INT check made to overcome your Identity Score. Rogue, Con
Frame Leave it to Luck You can now abandon an identity after you attempt a Rug Pull using the rank 5 Charlatan ability. There is a 50% chance that the blame will fall on the person you were impersonating instead of you. Rogue, Con
Conman Extraordinaire Con 14 Who exactly are you? No one knows. Your original identity has been completely erased from all records and only the people closest to you might know your real name.

You may now attempt a grand impersonation. When someone inspects you, they gain no bonus from having heard of the person that you are impersonating or from having met them before. People who personally know the creature you are impersonating will only find you out if they can see you and are within 30 ft of you. Your Grand Impersonation only lasts for 24 hours, and you may only attempt a Grand Impersonation once a week. After 24 hours, future inspections gain a +40 bonus to their roll.

  • Level 30: The final cap for your CHA increases from 12 to 14.
Rogue, Con, Capstone

Guild Affiliate Track

Guild Affiliate Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Guild Member Rogue Entry

Incompatible: Disciple of the Divine, Initiate of the Occult, Warden of the Primal

You join Harlan’s Guild (or another guild, as specified by your MC.) You may only gain the benefits of this talent after Taking a Rest in an area of civilization such as a town or village. You swear off all deific influence. You gain access to three poisons, and can keep one vial of each on your person. A vial is enough for three doses of each poison. You may only refill these by Taking a Rest in a populated area. You learn how to identify fellow members of the guild who can provide this service to you, as well as clue you in to potential contracts. If you break your oath, you may no longer refill your poisons until reparations have been made.

You can spend 1 AP to coat a weapon that has the Light property. The first vials are free, but new vials cost 20 sc each

  • Drake’s Breath: Your attacks have a 50% chance to deal an extra 1d6 fire damage for 1 minute. The extra damage occurs on odd-numbered attack rolls.
  • Ice Blood: The first target struck with a weapon coated in this poison must make an END check with a DC of 10 at the start of their turns for the next 1 minute. On any turn where they fail, they gain the Chilled condition. A creature with a ML instead loses one of the actions on their actions list.
  • Harlan’s Breach: Your attacks ignore all Resist properties, as well as Immune Blunt, Immune Sharp, and Immune Physical for 1 minute.
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Find a Weak Spot Guild Member Once per turn, you may target a creature’s FORT instead of their AR. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Find a Weak Spot II Find Weak Spot Repeatable (even levels only). You gain an additional Sneak Attack die whenever you use Sneak Attack and Weak Spot together. Rogue, Guild Affiliate, Repeatable (even levels only)
Find a Weak Spot III Find Weak Spot II Repeatable (odd levels only). (1/Catch Breath) If your Weak Spot attack hits, you may move 5 ft for free. This movement does not provoke reactive attacks.

Each time you take this talent again, gain +2 uses /Catch Breath

Rogue, Guild Affiliate, Repeatable (odd levels only)
Find a Weak Spot IV Find Weak Spot III Weak Spot attacks that exceed the target’s FORT by 5 or more cause Bleeding 1d4 for 1d6 rounds. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Find a Weak Spot V Find Weak Spot IV Your Weak Spot attacks gain +1 crit range. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Garrote Guild Member Gain the Garrote ability.
  • Garrote. (1/Rest) By spending 3 AP, you may make a DEX vs ANT attack against a creature who cannot see you and is in melee distance. On a hit, you begin a special grapple that requires both of your hands. You can take no actions other than movement. Otherwise this follows the normal Grappled rules. If their ML is less than half your character level, they are rendered Helpless and begin Suffocating while Grappled in this way. Otherwise, the creature is Silenced and Staggered while Grappled in this way.
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Rogue Maneuvers Guild Member Your range for thrown weapons is doubled and thrown weapons can now trigger Sneak Attack. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Hamstring Rogue Maneuvers, Guild Affiliate 5 Gain the Hamstring Ability.
  • Hamstring. When a creature leaves your melee reach, you can attack with a melee weapon by spending 2 Reactive AP. On a hit, that target’s movement is halved until the end of their turn.
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Quick Strike Rogue Maneuvers, Guild Affiliate 5 Gain the Quick Strike ability.
  • Quick Strike. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you may spend 2 AP to teleport to another unoccupied space within 5 ft of the creature you attacked.
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Prepatory Strike Rogue Maneuvers, Guild Affiliate 5 Gain the Preparatory Strike ability.
  • Preparatory Strike. Make a weapon attack against a creature and then end your turn immediately. You add a bonus to your physical defenses until the beginning of your next turn. The bonus equals the number of AP you have remaining to use reactively
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Evasive Throw Rogue Maneuvers, Guild Affiliate 5 Gain Evasive Throw ability.
  • Evasive Throw. Spend 1 additional AP as a part of a thrown weapon attack. If it hits, you gain +2 to your mental defenses against that creature and take no damage when the creature misses you if you would otherwise take half damage
Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Quick Throw Rogue Maneuvers, Guild Affiliate 5 You can now make a ranged thrown attack as a part of drawing a concealed weapon. If the creature is Partially Surprised it automatically hits. If the creature is Completely Surprised it automatically hits and crits. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Aimed Strike Guild Member Spend 1 additional AP on an attack to gain TA on that attack. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Aimed Strike II Aimed Strike When using Aimed Strike, roll 2d20 and keep the higher result. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Tactical Superiority Aimed Strike Your Aimed Strikes deal +1 damage. Additionally, when you have one source of TA, you can ignore two sources of TD, potentially allowing you to use Sneak Attack. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Tactical Superiority II Tactical Superiority Your Aimed Strikes deal +1 damage. Additionally, when you have one source of TA, you can ignore three sources of TD. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Tactical Superiority III Tactical Superiority II Your Aimed Strikes deal +1 damage. Additionally, when you have one source of TA, you can ignore all sources of TD. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Poisoner Guild Member You may now apply poison to ammunition. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Drake's Breath Preference Poisoner You may replace Ice Blood or Harlan’s Breach with extra vials of Drake’s Breath when you refill your poisons. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Drake's Breath Efficiency Poisoner You can get four doses from a vial of Drake’s Breath. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Drake's Breath Efficacy Poisoner Drake’s Breath becomes 2d6 fire damage. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Lingering Drake's Breath Poisoner Drake’s Breath lasts for 2 minutes. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Drake's Breath Ammunition Poisoner You can apply Drake’s Breath to a quiver of up to 20 arrows or a case of up to 20 bolts, but the duration remains unchanged. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Drake's Breath Expertise Poisoner You can now add your INT to Drake’s Breath damage. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Ice Blood Preference Poisoner You may replace Drake’s Breath or Harlan’s Breach with extra vials of Ice Blood when you refill your poisons. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Ice Blood Efficiency Poisoner You can get four doses from a vial of Ice Blood. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Ice Blood Efficacy Poisoner Ice Blood’s DC becomes your INT+10. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Lingering Ice Blood Poisoner Ice Blood lasts for 2 minutes. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Ice Blood Ammunition Poisoner You can now apply Ice Blood to a quiver of up to 20 arrows or a case of up to 20 bolts, but the duration remains unchanged. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Harlan's Breach Preference Poisoner You may replace Drake’s Breath or Ice Blood with extra vials of Harlan’s Breach when you refill your poisons. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Harlan's Breach Efficiency Poisoner You can get five doses from a vial of Harlan’s Breach. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Harlan's Breach Efficacy Poisoner Any creature struck with Harlan’s Breach loses its Resist properties until the beginning of its next turn. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Lingering Harlan's Breach Poisoner Harlan’s Breach lasts for 2 minutes. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Harlan's Breach Ammunition Poisoner You can apply Harlan’s Breach to a quiver of up to 20 arrows or a case of up to 20 bolts, but the duration remains unchanged. Rogue, Guild Affiliate
Guildmaster Guild Affiliate 14 You are an individual of great renown among the shadowy underbelly of Ancerra. Commanding entire operations for your guild, approving new members, and handling the most sensitive of issues.

You gain two vials of each of the three poisons when you Take a Rest in a populated area, and refilling them is free. Once per week, you can have a guild representative meet you where you are camping for refills, assuming your location is accessible without major magic or combat. The representative will not partake in combat or favors for you, but may take messages back to the nearest town if you request it.

  • Level 30: You gain one additional vial of each of the three poisons from this track each time you restock.
Rogue, Guild Affiliate, Capstone

Psyblade Track

Psyblade Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Psyblade Focus Rogue Entry You gain the Adept of the Psionic talent if you do not already have it. INT is your magic attribute. Each time you level up and spend your Talent Point on a talent in the Psyblade track, you gain +5 SP and +1 Psionic Power Rogue, Psyblade
Soul Knife Psyblade Focus Regardless of your Aptitude, Create Weapon costs you 0 SP to cast, and 0 AP to resummon a Light weapon. Rogue, Psyblade
Soul Rend Psyblade Focus Gain the Soul Rend ability.
  • Soul Rend. (INT/Rest) When you deal psychic damage to a creature, it can no longer regain HP until the beginning of its next turn.
Rogue, Psyblade
Psychic Bond Psyblade Focus Gain the Psychic Bond ability.
  • Psychic Bond. (INT/Rest) Choose an ally within 30 ft of you and spend 2 AP. Gain TA on enemies that take damage from that ally during the duration. This ability lasts for 1 minute.
Rogue, Psyblade
Psychic Strike Psyblade Focus (INT/Rest) If you would miss an attack roll, you may spend SP to add to your attack roll total at a rate of 1 SP per +2. Rogue, Psyblade
Mind Spike Psyblade Focus Your attacks and spells that deal psychic damage may now deal Sneak Attack damage. Rogue, Psyblade
Improved Mind Spike Mind Spike You gain +1 Sneak Attack die when dealing psychic damage. Rogue, Psyblade
Space Bend Psyblade Focus (½ INT/Rest) When you would be the victim of damage that affects more than one creature, you may teleport to an unoccupied space up to 15 ft away, but you start your next turn with 3 fewer AP. Rogue, Psyblade
Psyblade Focus II Psyblade 5 You can now choose if the weapons created by your Create Weapon are visible, invisible, or shed bright light in a 15 ft radius and dim light for an additional 15 ft. Rogue, Psyblade
Soul Knife II Psyblade Focus II, Soul Knife (INT/Recoup) You may now spend 1 AP to teleport to a thrown weapon from Create Weapon once per turn. Rogue, Psyblade
Soul Rend II Psyblade Focus II, Soul Rend Soul Rend now lasts until the end of the creature’s turn Rogue, Psyblade
Psychic Bond II Psyblade Focus II, Psychic Bond Psychic Bond now grants TA to your ally against creatures that you have damaged during the duration. Additionally, you can communicate telepathically with your Psychic Bond. Rogue, Psyblade
Psychic Bond III Psyblade Bond II While the TA benefit only extends to one ally, you can include up to eight willing creatures that you can see when communicating telepathically. One of these creatures must be the ally that you chose to gain TA. Rogue, Psyblade
Enlightened Mind Psyblade Focus II (½ INT/Rest) Spells with a range of self or touch cost you fewer AP: subtract your INT from the APC (min 1 APC). Rogue, Psyblade
Piercing Strike Psyblade Focus II Your attacks ignore Resist Psychic. Rogue, Psyblade
Psychic Scream Psyblade Focus II Gain the Psychic Scream ability.
  • Psychic Scream. (3/Rest) Spend 3 AP to make an INT vs LOG attack against all creatures within 5 ft of you. On a hit, deal 1d4+INT psychic damage and the creature cannot take reactive actions until after their next turn.
Rogue, Psyblade
Psionic Armor Psyblade Focus II (INT/Rest) You may use your LOG in place of your ANT or WILL when a creature attacks your ANT or WILL. Rogue, Psyblade
Master Psyblade Psyblade 14 Your hardened capacity to manipulate the world around you with a mere thought is something of an urban legend among cons and crooks. Even some circles of spellcasters whisper your name with wonder.

If you have zero uses of Soul Rend or Psychic Scream and a creature attacks but misses your LOG, you regain one use of Soul Rend or Psychic Scream. If you have zero uses of both, you can choose which one.

  • Level 30: You now also regain uses of Soul Rend or Psychic Scream if you’re using your LOG against a WILL or ANT attack using Psionic Armor.
Rogue, Psyblade, Capstone

Subtlety Track

Subtlety Track Progression
Talent PreReq Description Tags
Vanish Rogue Entry You may roll 2d20 and take the higher result when attempting to hide. Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Hop Vanish You may now move between sources of Cover and concealment, and do not lose the Unseen condition from moving into line of sight in Dim Light unless you end your movement out of Cover or concealment. Rogue, Subtlety
Scale the Balcony Vanish You gain +3 Athletics when climbing, which increases to a +6 while you have a Climber Kit. Additionally, once per turn when you spend AP to move in combat, you gain a climb speed equal to your speed. Rogue, Subtlety
Keep Quiet Vanish Being struck by a melee attack no longer causes you to lose the Unseen condition. While you are Unseen, ranged attackers do not know if they hit you with a ranged attack or spell. Rogue, Subtlety
Sidestep Vanish If you are Unseen and a creature who is hostile to you or neutral to you would walk through your space, you may move 5 ft to get out of their way. If you have the Scale the Balcony talent, this movement may include climbing. Rogue, Subtlety
Blink of an Eye Vanish On any turn where you take the Move action two times, your attempts to take the Hide action while in Total Cover automatically succeed. Rogue, Subtlety
BlackJack Vanish Gain the Blackjack ability.
  • Blackjack. By spending 5 AP, deal 20 nonlethal blunt damage to a creature who is Completely Surprised. If a single instance of this ability renders the creature Unconscious, you do not need to roll to retain the Complete Surprise condition.
Rogue, Subtlety
Sprint Vanish When you gain the Unseen condition, you may immediately take the move action for 0 AP. Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Assault Vanish You gain an additional Sneak Attack die while you are Unseen. Rogue, Subtlety
In the Dark Subtlety 5 When you are in Darkness, you are Unseen to creatures who are relying on Darkvision to see you. Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Hop II In the Dark, Shadow Hop The first attack you make on your turn does not cause you to lose the Unseen condition. Rogue, Subtlety
Born in Darkness In the Dark Gain the Born of Darkness ability.
  • Born of Darkness. By spending 4 AP, suppress all conditions of your choice for 1 minute and move up to your speed. If you end this movement in Cover or being Concealed, gain the Unseen condition. If you end one of your next six turns without the Unseen condition, all of your suppressed conditions return.
Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Mastery In the Dark When you are in dim light you do not lose the Unseen condition by entering Line of Sight for creatures who do not have Darkvision. Rogue, Subtlety
Fellow Inhabitant In the Dark If you spend 30 seconds in combat observing a creature, you learn if they have Darkvision and if they have any other remarkable source of non-magical perception. Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Trick In the Dark If a creature you can see attempts to target a square they think you are in, and you are within 5 ft of that square, you may spend 1 AP reactively to make them believe they hit you, and then take a 5 ft step.

This trick lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Each time they target that space they must beat your LOG with their INT to know you are not in that space.

Rogue, Subtlety
Shadow Assault II In the Dark, Shadow Assault Repeatable. You gain an additional Sneak Attack die while you are Unseen.

You may take this talent up to five times.

Rogue, Subtlety, Repeatable
Vanish II In the Dark, Vanish (INT/Rest) You automatically succeed your Hide roll while you are in Darkness or Total Cover. Rogue, Subtlety
Shadowstep In the Dark You can now pass through 5 ft of bright light without losing the Unseen condition. Rogue, Subtlety
Quiet One In the Dark You gain +10 to Eavesdropping while you are Unseen. This can exceed the normal cap of 20 for a skill, but cannot exceed 25. Rogue, Subtlety
Master of Shadow In the Dark, Subtlety 14 Your true identity is a mystery, and only the most powerful and knowledgeable of Ancerra know of your existence at all. You are a creature of shadow, coming and going as you please.

You are now considered Unseen by creatures without Darkvision, and Concealed by creatures with Darkvision, whenever you are not in bright light, unless you chose to be seen.

  • Level 30: You have learned how to simulate your own shadows by placing yourself where bright light will assail the eyes of any who look for you. When you are in bright light, you are considered Concealed, unless you choose to be seen.
Rogue, Subtlety, Capstone

Stealth Archer Talents

Talent PreReq Description Tags
Aimed Shot Rogue Entry You can spend 1 additional AP to give yourself TA on a target that is Flanked Rogue, Stealth Archer
Shadow Shot Rogue Entry If your target is at least 45 ft away, firing a silent ranged weapon does not cause you to lose the Unseen condition. This does not work with ranged weapons that produce concussive noise. Rogue, Stealth Archer
Shadow Shot Range Shadow Shot Shadow Shot becomes: If your target is at least 35 ft away Rogue, Stealth Archer
Silent Shot Rogue Entry Your ranged weapon attacks can now apply Sneak Attack damage if your target is within 30 ft of you and you have TA. Rogue, Stealth Archer
Silent Shot Range Silent Shot Repeatable. Your ranged weapon attacks can apply Sneak Attack damage 10 ft further than they previously could. Rogue, Stealth Archer, Repeatable
Improved Silent Shot Silent Shot Repeatable. You gain an additional Sneak Attack die when making a ranged weapon attack.

You can take this talent up to five times.

Rogue, Stealth Archer, Repeatable