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Revision as of 11:50, 1 February 2025 by QuasiJake (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the MythCraft Tabletop Role Playing Game Wiki.
MythCraft is a new TTRPG Universe and System developed by QuasiReal Publishing in 2023

MythCraft offers an expansive and customizable system for the fantastical adventures at your table. There are 13 separate Classes, 14 unique Lineages, 23 individual Backgrounds and Occupations, and so, so many Talent Points and Spells. That means thousands of unique mechanical builds available in the base game! MythCraft is approachable for new players but is packed to the brim with the complexity that players crave.

Features include:

  • Reimagined combat with familiar d20 mechanics, but an intuitive and tactical Action Point system complete with ways to increase your maximum AP, holding over AP, and reactive AP.
  • Gain an Attribute and Talent Point every level. There are thousands of unique builds in the base game.
  • A fresh take on spellcasting with 5 unique and distinct sources of magic and hundreds of spells
  • A full BOP (Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professionals) system means ways to develop your character beyond just combat
  • Built from the ground up to be modular and iterated upon. MythCraft has plans to span four distinct supereons, from low-fantasy prehistorical dinosaur wars to post-apocalyptic to spacefaring space operas.
  • FREE - MythCraft rules are, and will forever be, all free right here on the MythCraft wiki, you can support us by buying a physical book or downloadable PDF

For Players

Learn the Game

Getting Started Combat
Guiding Principles Action Points
Character Creation Skills
FAQ & Quick Reference Attributes


Backgrounds, Occupations, and Professions



Batfolk - VotEN Human Born Warrior Archivist Nomad
Bhrunai Kettek Criminal Barrister Physician
Dragonfolk Kleppin Entrepreneur Charlatan Pioneer
Dwarf Raedeen Knave Clergy Sailor
Elemental Remnant Noble Title Entertainer Soldier
Elf Satyr Outlander Guard Trader
Fiendblood Trollkin Student Honorable Thief
Golem Undead True Believer Inquisitor Thug
Halfling Urkou Urchin Knight

Talents and Stacks



Berzerker Ranger Warrior Arcane Arcane Magic Weapons
Cleric Rogue Witch Divine Divine Magic Armor
Mage Tinkerer Zealot Occult Occult Magic Gear
Oracle Troubadour Specialization Talents Primal Primal Magic Goods & Services
Pugilist Vessel Magic Talents Psionic Psionic Magic Starting Equipment

Rules for Players

Encumberance Skills Action Points Dying Tactical Advantages Resting
Magic Items Combat Actions Knocking Unconcious Conditions Exploration
Guiding Principles Initiative Damage Mounted Combat Creature Sizes Goodwill

Information For Game Masters

Resources - Tips for new MCs

Crafting a Campaign Designing NPCs Designing a Campaign World
Themes, Plot, and Setting Values, Drives, & Quirks Designing the World Natural Environments, Weather, and Travel
Adventure Arcs and Sessions/One-Shots Heroes, Villains, and Supporting Cast Designing a Settled Area Encounter Balancing
Character Advancement Options NPC Roll Tables Designing Factions Languages
Exploring Ancerra
Timeline Deities Mercenary Organizations Scholarly Orders
Nations Crime Syndicates Mundane Guilds Witch Covens
Planes of Existence Magical Guilds Performing Troupes
Gameplay Reference

Creatures in MythCraft

Other Info

Creating Creatures Creature List Skill Challenges Poison
MythCrafter Monster Math Creature Actions Designing Combat Disease
Tags & Traits Creature Speed Combat Quick Reference Lingering Injures
Resist, Vulnerable, Immune, DR/DT Creature Senses Siege Equipment Insanity
Traps Fear and Sanity - VotEN
Magic Items Psyche Talents - VotEN

Additional Game Materials


Character Sheets Manor Uvior
Legends of MythCraft Veil of the Eternal Night Demo
Organized Play

Other Information

Wiki Information About Us Join the Team
Errata and Changelog About Us Creator Partner Program
Contributing to the MythCraft SRD MythCraft License Information Street Team Info
Kickstarter Information Affiliate Program
Privacy Policy Jobs & Open Positions
Press Kit