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Arcane Spell, Evoking, Conjuring 1
APC: 4+
SPC: 15
Range: 200 ft
Requires: Gesture, Visual, Line of Effect
Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Description
When you complete the minimum time needed for conjuring the spell, you may choose to keep conjuring it for a longer time: for each additional 2 AP that you continue conjuring the spell, you increase the spell’s damage by +1d6. When you finish conjuring the spell, choose a point within range. A golden-hot fireball explodes outwards in a 20 ft radius from that point. Make a magic attack roll vs the FORT of each creature in the area. Deal 6d6 fire damage to creatures that you hit, and 1⁄2 as much to creatures that you miss. If you crit, creatures gain Burning (1d6). Each round you are conjuring on a surface that is in motion, such as the deck of a ship, or a wagon, roll a 1d10.

On a 1 or 2 you immediately cast the spell at a point in range. On a 1, that point is centered on you.

Upcharge: +5 ft radius per +4 SP

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