Actions cost varying amounts of AP, referred to as Action Point Costs (APC). You can do any combination of things on your turn, in any order you wish, provided you have enough AP to spend, and you can spend AP on the same action multiple times in a turn.
All adventurers start with a base speed of 20 ft. You can spend 1 AP to move up to your speed. This movement ends when you spend your next AP.
If you have a climb, swim, fly, or burrow speed, that means that you can do those kinds of movements as well. If you combine movements (say you run, then fly over a trench, then keep running) - you use the largest movement number for your total movement (instead of adding them together), and cannot move more than your maximum speed in any specific type of movement. For example:
If you have Speed 20, Swim 20, and Fly 30, then for 1 AP:
- You can run 10 ft, swim 10 ft, and fly 10 ft
- You cannot swim 30 ft
If you do not have a climb speed or a swim speed, but wish to climb a surface or swim, it costs 2 ft of movement for every 1 ft that you actually move. If the surface might be challenging to climb, then your MC might also require you to make a STR check, and if you have the Athletics skill, you can add that bonus to checks of this nature.
Difficult Terrain costs 2 ft of movement for every 1 ft that you actually move.
Hazardous Terrain costs as much movement as Difficult Terrain, and will also specify an amount of damage that you take for every 5 ft actually moved.
While moving, you may need to jump. You cannot jump farther than you can move.
Your vertical jump distance is 3 ft + a number of ft equal to your STR.
Your horizontal jump distance is double your vertical jump distance.
Moving through creatures
You may move through an allied creature’s space, but this counts as Difficult Terrain. You may not end your turn in an allied creature’s space.
You may not move through a hostile creature’s space unless that creature is Paralyzed, Restrained, Unconscious, or at least 3 Sizes larger than you. In that case, moving through a hostile creature’s space counts as Difficult Terrain.
Drawing and Sheathing/Stowing weapons
Drawing and sheathing weapons cost 1 AP if the weapon has the Unwieldy tag. Otherwise, the cost is 0 AP.
Weapon Attacks
Each weapon specifies how many AP it takes to make an attack with it. Some have set numbers of AP, and others have high APCs that you can lower through training.
• A dagger always costs 2 AP
• A longsword costs 5-STR, min 2 AP; this means that it costs 5 AP to use a longsword, but you subtract your STR from that number, to a minimum of 2.
• A morningstar costs 5-STR min 3, but has the hand-and-a-half tag to reduce the APC by 1 (min 2); this means that if you are using the morningstar with 2 hands, you can attack more efficiently
Spells and Magic
Spells will specify how many AP you need to use them. Spells also require you to expend spell points, SP; if you are out of SP, you cannot cast a spell.
Cantrips, chants, and prayers specify how many AP you need to use them; they do not cost any SP, so they can be done as many times as you wish.
Rituals and invocations take a significantly longer time to cast; each ritual or invocation will specify how long it takes to cast it.
Ranged Attacks in Melee
If you make a ranged attack or thrown attack with a weapon, spell, or any other effect and a hostile creature is within 5 ft of you, you suffer 1 TD for each hostile creature within 5 ft of you.
Basic Maneuvers
Maneuvers are actions that you might take in combat to gain an edge in certain circumstances. Any creature can use any basic maneuver.
Dodge (2 AP). Gain +2 to your AR and Physical defenses until the start of your next turn.
Drop Prone (0 AP). You fall Prone.
Grapple (2 AP). You may attempt to Grapple a creature. Make a STR or DEX attack roll against the target creature’s REF or FORT (their choice). If you hit, they are Grappled.
Hide (1 AP). When you are Concealed, you may attempt to hide, rolling DEX/Sneaking against the AWR/Perceiving of creatures within 30 ft of you. On a success, you are Unseen.
Shove (2 AP). Make an attack against a creature, using your STR and targeting their FORT. If you hit, push the creature 5 ft in a direction of your choice. You cannot do this to a creature that is more than one Size larger than you.
Stand (1 AP). Stand from being Prone. You cannot do this if your speed is 0.
Trip (2 AP). Make an attack against a creature, using your STR and targeting their REF. If you hit, the creature falls Prone.
Advanced Maneuvers
Some creatures have the ability to use advanced maneuvers. You might gain this ability by taking talents or lineage abilities. If an ability does not specifically give you access to an advanced maneuver, then you cannot use that maneuver.
Disarm (3 AP). Make a STR attack against a creature’s REF or FORT (they choose). If you hit, choose an item that the creature is holding; they drop that item.
Exploit (X AP). When a creature within your melee weapon’s reach does one of the following actions, you may spend AP to make an attack against that creature immediately. The amount of AP that you must spend equals the normal AP you would spend to make an attack with that weapon on your turn.
You can Exploit when a creature:
• Moves out of your melee weapon’s reach
• Administers a potion (drinking it themselves or feeding it to another creature)
• Makes a ranged attack while within your melee weapon’s reach
The Flanking condition is achieved when two friendly targets threaten a border or corner opposite of one another. If a creature is larger than one square, or has a reach of more than 5 ft, it counts as the Flanking condition if it threatens a space on the opposite border or corner from an enemy creature.
You only threaten a square if you are able to melee attack that square. A Prone creature can flank, for example, but an Unconscious one cannot.
By hiding behind a barrier of some sort, you might gain Cover. This will enhance your AR and physical defenses, or might make it impossible to target you altogether. Cover is a physical barrier that can block attacks, while something that obscures you but does not physically block you from a source of danger might give you the Concealed condition. When you have Total Cover, you are also Concealed.
It is up to the MC to adjudicate how many AP it costs to perform actions not specifically covered in the rules. Generally, interacting with a simple object (opening a latched, unlocked door) costs 1 AP, and interacting with a complex object (using a key to open a latched and locked door) costs 2 or 3 AP. Interacting with a very simple object (opening an unlatched, unlocked door) might cost 0 AP.
Drinking a potion costs 1 AP. Feeding a potion to a willing and conscious adjacent creature costs 2 AP.